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Hackers are increasingly targeting small businesses for attack. Here are a few fundamental steps you can take to protect yourself and their solutions by reading the valuable antivirus blogs of REASON SECURITY.https://blog.reasonsecurity.com/
POINTS OFDISCUSSION Introduction Why hackers love smallbusinesses Use strongpasswords Keep control ofaccess It’s time toown your privacy
Businessesmustsimultaneouslyattract,hire,andretainnewtalent, continuously grow and keep up with the demands of that growth, handle cash flow issues, follow complicated tax regulations, meet employee healthcare requirements, face the ups and downs of changingeconomicconditions,andstayasteporseveralaheadof thecompetition. INTRODUCTION
Hackers like small businesses because they typically have weak onlinesecurity.Businessesarebeingpushedonlineasconsumer shopping trends change. Many are doing more through cloud servicesthaneverbefore,whichmakesthemeasytargets. Since small businesses are valuable targets for many hackers, it's importantthatbusinessownersknowhowtoprotecttheircustomers and their business fromattacks. WHY HACKERS LOVE SMALL BUSINESSES
Oneofthetopvulnerabilitiescompanieshavethathackerscantake advantageofisweakorcommonpasswords.Theseallowhackersto work their way into a system relatively easily, without the need of more advancedtechnology. USE STRONGPASSWORDS
It'salsoagoodideatomakesurethatsoftwarecanonlybeinstalled with permission. Only trusted IT and other key employees should be allowedtoinstallsoftwareanddootheradministrativetasks. If your business has laptops that employees use, be sure they are locked up when not in use. Also, be sure that all account login informationfollowsthesamerulesasyouhaveforpasswords:They shouldbe unique and changed every three months. KEEP CONTROL OFACCESS
It’s time for small business to own their privacy. They must make cybersecurity a priority. Neither size nor industry is a deterrent to hackers. Owners of plumbing businesses and pet storesneedcybersecurityjustasmuchasbanksandinsurance providers. IT’S TIME TO OWN YOURPRIVACY
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