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C hapter one “Uncovering the past”. Section 1 : The importance of History The importance of geography. Section 2 : How physical and human geography contribute to the study of history. Chapter 1: Section 1 The study of the past.
Chapter one“Uncovering the past” Section 1: The importance of History The importance of geography. Section 2: How physical and human geography contribute to the study of history.
Chapter 1: Section 1The study of the past Learning about the past helps us understand the present and predict the future.
Lesson objectives: • Knowing……. • What is history? • What is archaeology? • Who are historians and archaeologists and what is their job? • How is history related to archaeology?
Why do you think we should study History? Because:........ • Event in past can serve as warning, inspire others to fight for justice, cure a disease. • Understanding the past helps people of future avoid mistakes. • Learning about the past helps us understand the present and predict the future.
Who are Historians: • People who study History. what do they do?
Who are archaeologist? What do they do? • People who study artifacts or objects left from other people to learn about the past.
Class notes (reading pg. 6-7): • Historyis the study of the past. • Historians’ main concern is to understand people’s culture in the past. • Cultureis the knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people.
Class notes (reading pg. 6-7): • Archaeology is the study of the past based on what people left behind. • Archaeologists search for objects that people left behind which give them clues on how people lived. • They want to know where people lived, worked, or fought. They examine the things that people left in these places to learn what they can tell about the past.
List similarities and differences between History and Archaeology?
Vocabulary (reading pg. 6-7): • History ( is the study of the past) • Archaeology( is the study of the past based on what people left behind) • Historians:People who study History. • Archeologists: People who study artifacts or objects left from other people to learn about the past • Culture (the knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people)
Active practice:Draw conclusion about the lives of people who lived at that time?
Active practice:Imagine you are an archaeologist and Historian what questions do you think you would have when you find this?
The Great Sphinx of Giza • What is the name of the statue? • When it was built? • Where it is located? • What it is made of? • Who built it? And Why? • What is its description?
Facts about the Sphinx: • The Sphinx was carved from the bedrock of the Giza plateau, a single ridge of limestone that is 73 meters long and 20 meters high. • The Sphinx is considered to be one of the largest single-stone statues in the world. Researchers believe that blocks of stone weighing approximately 200 tons were quarried in the construction phase to build the adjoining Sphinx Temple. • It was only in 1905 when the sand was cleared away to expose the full body of the Sphinx, before that, the Sphinx was covered in sand. • It is believed that the Sphinx was constructed in the 4th Dynasty by Pharaoh Khafre, but archaeological and geological research suggests that the Sphinx is far older than the 4th Dynasty.
Time capsule activity • Time capsule is a historic collection of goods or information, usually intended as a method of communication with future people and to help future archaeologists or historians.
Lesson objectives: Understanding the importance of history to us • Identify how can history help us to know ourselves, others and the world. • Learn how Clues from various sources make us learn more about the past.
Class notes (reading pg. 8-9):How History can help you to know yourself? • History can even teach you about yourself. • What if you did not know about your own past? • You would not know what makes you proud about yourself. You would not know what mistakes you should not repeat.
Class notes (reading pg. 8-9):How History can help you to know others? • History is just as important for groups. • Whatwould happen if countries had no record of their • past? People would not remember their nation’s • great triumphs or tragedies. • History shapes our identity and teaches us the valuesthat we share. • Knowing the past can help build social harmony throughout the world today by knowing their different opinions and respecting them.
Class notes (reading pg. 8-9): How History can help you understand the world? • History also teaches about cultures that are unlike your own. • Learning other people’s stories can help you respect and understand different opinions. • You also learn to understand how today’s events are shaped by events of the past. • History encourages you to ask important questions.
Vocabulary (reading pg.8-9): • Values (principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life)
Active practice: • What kinds of things do historians try to discover about people who lived in the past? • Elaborate and explain the meaning of the phrase , “Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it.”
“Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it.” • Learning from the past can prevent future mistakes
Active practice: list things History can teach in the following table
Chapter 1: Section 1Using Clues Lesson 3 We learn about history from a variety of sources.
Lesson objectives: • knowing the importance of clues. • Knowing the types of clues to knowing the past (e.g: artifacts) • Understanding the different sources for historical information/writing ( the primary and secondary sources)
Class notes (reading pg. 10-11): • History can be taken from many sources where historians and archeologist depend on clues as sources to know more about the past
Vocabulary (reading pg.10-11): • Primary source :An account of an event created by someone who took part in or • witnessed the event Secondary source: Information gathered by someone who did not take part in or witness an event • Ex.( History textbooks, journal
Class notes (reading pg. 10-11): • Fossils and artifacts are considered very important cluesto know about lives of people in the past.
What is the difference between a fossil and an artifact?!?!
FOSSIL • Traces or remains of a plant, animal, or human • Used to be living ARTIFACT • A object, tool or item that was made by humans • Non living
Who studies these things? • Paleontologist: • Studies fossils • Archaeologist: • Studies artifacts
Chapter 1: Section 1Sources of Information Lesson 4 We learn about history from a variety of sources.