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This overview provides key information on workplace pensions reform and automatic enrolment, including assessing the workforce, earnings triggers, contributions phasing, giving information, opting out, pension schemes, declaration of compliance, and protecting individuals.
Workplace Pensions reform and automatic enrolment A brief overview Linden Stables GCVS Employers’ Advice Service November 2015
Just before we begin….. Please don’t shoot the messenger
Workplace Pensions ReformWhen?? Check your Staging date
Workplace Pensions ReformAssess the workforce • Each worker’s age • Where they are based – UK ? • How much they earn This will determine if they are an • Eligible Jobholder (must be auto enrolled) • Non-eligible Jobholder (can opt in) • Entitled Worker (can ask to join a pension)
Workplace Pensions ReformGiving information Personalised information must be given to all categories of worker • Eligible jobholders • Non eligible jobholders • Entitled workers Can be by letter or email, but must be personal to them, NOT signposting to general info.
Workplace Pensions ReformWhat if they are already in a pensionscheme? If a jobholder is already in a qualifying workplace pension scheme with the employer there are no duties to a/e them or provide information. Onus on employer to check it’s a qualifying scheme + certify contributions basis (+ certify on Declaration of Compliance how employer is meeting their duties)
Workplace Pensions ReformMonitoring for assessment Various dates that will trigger an assessment • Staging date • First day of employment • 22nd birthday (+ 16th birthdays) • Date of receipt of opt in or joining notice • End date of postponement period • First day of each pay reference period (for non eligible jobholders and entitled workers)
Workplace Pensions ReformPostponement • Employer can issue written notice to postpone automatic enrolment for up to 3 months • Can be used for one, some , or all workers • Gives flexibility • Useful for variable earnings • Useful for probation period ! Employee can opt in during postponement period
Workplace Pensions ReformOpting out • Employee CAN opt out if they choose • Opt out can only happen after they have become an active member / received the enrolment information • Opt out notice must be given within a set period of a month (to get full refund) • Employer must automatically re-enrol them every 3 years if still an eligible jobholder
Workplace Pensions ReformPension Schemes • Pension scheme must meet minimum requirements • NEST scheme is one option available for employers who do not already have a qualifying scheme in place or who wish to set up another. • Important to take Independent Financial Advice
Workplace Pensions ReformDeclaration of Compliance • ALL employers must register with the Pensions Regulator by making a Declaration of Compliance (DoC) • Within 5 months of (after) your staging date • DoC is done online • You can start the process early • Checklist is available on TPR site to help you prepare
Workplace Pensions Reform Protecting individuals Unlawful for employer to • induce a person to opt out/treat less fairly because of membership or potential membership • make recruitment decisions dependent on the person opting out of pension NB Safeguards apply from 1st July 2012, regardless of staging date
Case Studies Case study 1; Leon (age 20, earns £17k) • Non-eligible jobholder as under 22 • Provide information • Enrol him if he asks to opt in + make employer contributions • Auto enrol him when he reaches 22 if not already in scheme
Case Studies Case study 2: Lee (age 27, earns £4,550) • Entitled Worker - earns less than £5,824 • Provide information • Enrol her in a scheme if she gives Joining Notice (no employer ££ required) • Assess earnings in each pay reference period : may become Non- Eligible or Eligible Jobholder if earnings increase.
Workplace Pensions ReformWhat must employers do? - Overview • Assess your workforce • Choose a pension scheme • Nominate a contact • Auto enrol eligible staff • Make a Declaration of Compliance • Make pension contributions (eventually 3%) • Process any opt-outs/opt ins and joining requests • Avoid inducement and prohibited activity • Keep accurate records • Provide workers with information • Re-enrolment every 3 years
What to do now • Check your staging date • Assess your workforce/ raise awareness • Review your pension arrangements • Find a pension provider if required • Think about the administrative+payroll arrangements that will be needed. • Nominate a contact for the Pensions Regulator Make sure that you are ready to comply with the law by the time it reaches you!
Sources of help and info • www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk Staging dates/ Guidance notes / details / updates Interactive Auto enrolment PLANNER Webinars Guide to choosing a scheme HELPLINE 0845 600 1011 • Independent Financial Advisers/ Employee Benefits Consultants
Some auto enrolment schemes for smaller employers National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) www.nestpensions.org.uk The Peoples’ Pension www.thepeoplespension.co.uk NOW:Pensions www.nowpensions.com GenLife www.genlifeuk.com Take advice !!