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Insights on Climate Change in West Africa

This conference paper presents a climate scientist's perspective on environmental trends in the Sahel region, examining past, present, and future climate conditions. Insights on oceanic influences, anthropogenic forcings, and uncertainties in climate projections are discussed. The study emphasizes the interconnectedness of African climate variability with global climate systems and the urgent need for collaboration in climate risk management.

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Insights on Climate Change in West Africa

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  1. UN ECA - CILSS – ACMAD - IRI Conference on Reduction of vulnerability of West Africa to climate change Ouagadougou, January 24-27 2007 A climate scientist's perspective on recent environmental trends in the Sahel: a model for future change? Alessandra Giannini IRI for Climate and Society (IRI) The Earth Institute at Columbia University

  2. Outline – past, present and future of climate in the Sahel 1. oceanic forcing dominant in late 20th century droughts - what role for land-atmosphere interaction? 2. late 20th century response to anthropogenic forcings - roles of GreenHouse Gases and (sulfate) aerosols 3. why the uncertainty in projections of future change? - mechanisms of monsoon change under climate change

  3. r = 0.60 A. Giannini, R. Saravanan and P. Chang, 2003. Science, 302, 1027-1030 Also see e.g. Bader and Latif, 2003 (GRL); Lu and Delworth, 2005 (GRL);Tippett, 2006 (GRL)

  4. land-atmosphere interaction: is it a positive feedback? (soil moisture, vegetation, dust..., evaporation, cloud cover...)

  5. NASA/GISS analysis of surface temp – linear trend 1950-2000 Hansen et al. 1999 (J. Geophys. Res.) regression of NASA/NSIPP1 Sahel PC and sfc temp Giannini et al. 2003, 2005 late 20th century surface temperature changes IPCC 4AR: end 20th century – PreIndustrial sfc temp difference Biasutti and Giannini 2006 (GRL)

  6. 19 Coupled GCMs XX-PI Changes IPCC 4AR simulations – late 20th century climate change Biasutti and Giannini, GRL 2006

  7. Sahel climate change 20th century 21st century Biasutti and Giannini, 2006 (GRL)

  8. 19 Coupled GCM (IPCC 4AR): recent and future temperature changes A1B (end 21st) - end 20th end 20th - PreInd

  9. CONCLUSIONS (climate science) • African climate variability and change are inextricably tied to variations and trends in the global climate system: -->> recent trends in the global oceans and in continental precipitation can in part be ascribed to anthropogenic forcings -->> drought in the Sahel was forced by a warming of the oceans, in no negligible part due to GHG and aerosol forcing “Farmers freed of blame for Sahel drought” in http://www.scidev.net/

  10. CONCLUSIONS (climate science informing policy) • Climate change is already here - the recent climate shift in the Sahel is a prime example of potential changes to come, as the global climate system responds to anthropogenic forcings -->> regional institutions/CILSS have an opportunity to take advantage of the lessons learned from managing the climate shift of the last ~30 years -->> harmonization of desertification and climate change issues is overdue!

  11. CONCLUSIONS (climate science informing practice - climate risk management) • collaborate on climate science • improve (two-way) communication -->> between climate scientists and policymakers -->> between climate scientists and stakeholders in sectors vulnerable to climate

  12. http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/index.html http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/ipcc/about_ipcc.php

  13. West Africa: 0-20N, 20W-20E Eastern eq Africa: 10S-10N, 20-50E Southern Africa: 25-10S, 20-40E

  14. West Africa: 0-20N, 20W-20E Eastern eq Africa: 10S-10N, 20-50E Southern Africa: 25-10S, 20-40E

  15. Courtesy of Todd Mitchell, UW/JISAO

  16. Giannini et al., 2005 (Clim. Dyn.)

  17. The relative roles of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific SSTs Lu and Delworth, 2005 (Geophys. Res. Lett.)

  18. GFDL CM2.0 GMAO(NSIPP1) NCAR CAM3 Held et al., PNAS 2005

  19. surface air temperature (minus global mean) precipitation 2050-2080 minus 1950-1980 Haarsma et al., GRL 2005

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