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CS248 Midterm Review: Transforms & Taxonomy - Oct. 27, 7-9 pm

Join Derek and Ethan for a comprehensive review session covering Perception, Color, Sampling, Rasterization, and more. Get prepared with this helpful midterm review.

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CS248 Midterm Review: Transforms & Taxonomy - Oct. 27, 7-9 pm

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  1. Derek Chan and Ethan Dreyfuss CS248 Midterm Review

  2. CS248 Midterm Mon, Oct 27, 7-9 pm, 370-370 Mostly multiple choice and short answer questions Keep your answers short and sweet! Covers lectures up to Tuesday, Oct 21(Transforms and Taxonomy of Mappings) Exam is closed book, closed notes Slides will be up tonight

  3. Administrivia Assignment 2 Late Grading If you have not received an email from staff, we have not arranged a late demo Derek extra office hours3-4pm Sat in Gates Basement

  4. Class Topics Approximate class coverage Perception, Color (2 Lectures) Sampling (2 Lectures) Rasterization (1 Lecture) Transformations (2 Lectures) Digital Compositing (1 Lecture)

  5. Raster Displays, Resolution, Perception CRTs 3 phosphors for “red”, “green”, and “blue” Triads and shadow mask Measures of spatial resolution physical vs. addressable resolution

  6. Human spatial frequency sensitivity Sensitivity highest in fovea Frequency sensitivity Phase sensitivity (Vernier acuity) Temporal sensitivity Flicker (50-70Hz) Perceived motion 12 Hz = cartoons, 24 Hz = film, 60 Hz = video

  7. Raster Displays, Resolution, Perception Human intensity sensitivity Response to intensity is nonlinear Gamma in cameras, CRTs Gamma correction

  8. Raster Displays, Resolution, Perception Sample (easy) question: A scene is photographed with a TV camera with gamma=0.5 and displayed on a CRT with gamma=2.4. If we want system gamma to be 1.0, we should do gamma correction with what exponent?

  9. Color Perception of color Humans are trichromat Three cones sensitive to “red”, “green”, and “blue” Overlapping response curves Know their general shapes! Color matching Color matching experiment

  10. Color spaces Linearcolorspaces , ,  space (perceptual stimulus) R, G, B space X, Y, Z space Non-linear colorspaces HSV Spectral locus Gamut of reproducible colors

  11. Color Sample questions: 1. If you had a special CRT that could produce pure spectral colors, how many spectral colors would you need to represent a normal RGB color gamut? How about the spectral locus?

  12. Sampling and Antialiasing The sampling and reconstruction pipeline: Prefiltering Sampling Resampling Reconstruction Aliasing in the frequency domain Filtering and convolution Duality: F(x)*G(x) <=> F(w)G(w)

  13. Sampling and Antialiasing Prefiltering vs. postfiltering Desirable filters for antialiasing Box, pyramid, gaussian, sinc Methods of antialiasing Supersampling: regular vs. stochastic Analytical antialiasing

  14. Sampling and Antialiasing Sample questions: What is the result of convolving a 1-D box filter with itself? Which of the following would affect your choice of a reconstruction filter? pixel shape choice of prefilter actual size of display

  15. Rasterization Rasterization of polygons Only pixels in the polygon Supersampling Patterns: understand its effect on the image

  16. Digital Compositing What is compositing? Method for combining 2+ images to approximate the intervisibility of the scenes that gave rise to those images Compositing Algebra Porter-Duff algebra vs Colors and Alphas

  17. Compositing algebra

  18. Transformations Homogeneous coordinates – why? Matrices rotation, translation, scale, shear in 2D, 3D Know the form of each kind Geometric properties preserved/changed by each kind Composing transformations

  19. Transformations Consider composing two 2D transformations from among the set consisting of translation (T), uniform scaling (S), and rotation (R). There are six unique pairs listed below. For which of these six pairs can the order of applying the two constituent transformations be switched without affecting the result? TT TS TR SS SR RR

  20. Transformations Sample questions What sequence of transforms would cause the triangle to change as shown below ?

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