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64 Relationships. 64 Vectors. 1.5 STANDSTILL Hold steady and patiently as bridges are built. 1.1 CREATION Strive and persist until you have reached a breakthrough. 1.3 PARTNERSHIP Share the vision and organise the team around its strengths.
64 Relationships 64 Vectors
1.5 STANDSTILLHold steady and patiently as bridges are built 1.1 CREATIONStrive and persist until you have reached a breakthrough 1.3 PARTNERSHIPShare the vision and organise the team around its strengths 1.2 INNOCENCELet go of your ideas. Be open to entirely new possibilities 1.8 RETREATRemain reserved and prepare for the next step 1.6 COLLABORATIONConnect and move forward in the face of distractions 1.7 CONFLICTClarify and agree on detail to avoid conflict 1.4 CAUTIONTread wisely and wait for the best time to act ACTION: Hold your position and patiently wait on the action of others. AVOID: Forcing an outcome or changing your mind. ACTION: Persist and don’t quit. Invest time until creation complete AVOID: Being half-hearted or distracted. Letting ego get in the way. ACTION: Learn and follow without letting your own ego get in the way. AVOID: Competing for attention. Needing to get your way. Holding on. ACTION: Retreat strategically to contemplate and re-energise AVOID: Being overbearing or impatient. Forcing progress. Anxiety. ACTION: Share the vision and enjoy a spirit of common support. AVOID: Keeping the vision, the idea, the plan or the work to yourself. ACTION: Be careful to slow down. Heighten awareness before action AVOID: Acting impulsively or too quickly. Rushing into things. ACTION: Spread passion and drive to connect and influence. AVOID: Being distracted or tempted by easy or quick gain. ACTION: Clarify from a neutral position, in detail. Be precise. AVOID: Carelessness. Dismissing the need to be clear and concise. 1. CREATOR TO OTHER PROFILES 1.CREATORHead in the clouds. Great at beginning the journey Proven Concept A product or service in demand by the market at a specific price
2.1 POWERChannel new energy down established paths 2.2 ATTENTIONAttract attention in a unique and extraordinary way 2.8 WEAKNESSMaintain restraint and don’t rock the boat 2.5 PREPARATIONPlan the future and collect resources in preparation 2.4 RELATIONSHIPSecure a mutually beneficial relationship 2.6 ENDURANCEEnsure the greater intention remains within the details 2.3 ABUNDANCERecognise and celebrate collective action ACTION: Preserve the dream so it does not get lost in the actions. AVOID: Abdicating responsibility. Giving up or ignoring the details. ACTION: Enter a grounding partnership that serves all parties. AVOID: Trying to settle alone. Holding on or leading from the front. ACTION: Hold the space for success to prosper and shine. AVOID: Stealing the limelight. Allocating blame or being pushy. ACTION: Stay focused on turning power to force by reflecting it well. AVOID: Fighting power or egos. Trying to outshine or outsmart. ACTION: Seize the moment and hold the stage for others to shine. AVOID: Hesitating. Trying too hard or being too self-critical. ACTION: Tread lightly and lay out your plans with consideration. AVOID: Bulldozing or raising your expectations. Hurry impatiently. ACTION: Maintain economy in actions and minimise excesses. AVOID: Adding excess in actions or investment. Acting on impulse. 2. STAR TO OTHER PROFILES 2.STAR Expert at turning a spark into a sparkle. Shines on others. Brand attraction A brand promise that leads to repeat business 2.7 RELIEFRemain relaxed & unattached, enabling problems to be solved ACTION: Patiently await intricate solutions to address challenges. AVOID: Becoming agitated or impatient. Getting tangled in knots.
3.1 PROSPERITYBe present and enjoy the experience of creation 3.2 PRECISIONDirect energy down set rules and clear conduct 3.8 WANDERStay free of expectation and look out for opportunity 3.5 CHARGESeek rapid progress on all fronts 3.4 OPPOSITIONKeep your identity as relationships become merged 3.6 CONSOLIDATIONTake stock and take measures to consolidate your position 3.3 ILLUMINATIONSpread the word clearly, consistently and constantly ACTION: Consolidate a strong position, and be measured in action. AVOID: Getting carried away in the moment. Being casual or careless. ACTION: Remain true to your principles and clear about your path. AVOID: Yielding to other interests too easily or without opposition. ACTION: Keep to one consistent message and share it like crazy. AVOID: Mixed messages. Getting stuck in detail or in the background. ACTION: Commit to productive tasks to support the creative process. AVOID: Early judgement. Being too quick to advocate or celebrate. ACTION: Be forceful in setting the rules to direct energy into action. AVOID: Hesitating in being heard. Compromising or being overridden. ACTION: Take a swift collective action to move quickly and together. AVOID: Going separate ways. Being hesitant or waiting for others. ACTION: Move widely and freely in search of action. AVOID: Sticking to old norms or old habits. Looking backwards. 3. SUPPORTER TO OTHER PROFILES 3. SUPPORTER Ignites all around. Unites in a bonfire of enthusiasm. Operating team An operating team culture and vision that defines the enterprise 3.7 DISCONNECTCollect your thoughts and look inward for answers ACTION: Take the time to reflect and seek a deeper answer. AVOID: Being too talkative or frustrate others with your energy.
4.1 BREAKTHROUGHBe alert for most effective paths to direct flow 4.2 FLOWGo with the flow with effortless ease 4.8 COURTSHIPAttract opposites by valuing unity over differences 4.5 PLAYRemain flexible and free in changing times 4.4 ASSEMBLYEngage with those around as a meeting of equals 4.6 OVERLOADShed excess baggage and lighten up 4.3 REFORMTake constructive action and reshape to suit conditions ACTION: Re-evaluate limits and unload baggage while you can. AVOID: Holding on. Keeping the things that are hindering progress. ACTION: Raise the level of the conversation to achieve greater goals AVOID: Dividing interests or alliances. Thinking too small. ACTION: Realign and reform those around you to new conditions. AVOID: Leaving things as they are. Beginning from scratch. ACTION: Be quick to direct flow and make the most of breakthroughs. AVOID: Moving slowly or being caught unprepared or complacent. ACTION: Let others lead and be content with the light they shine. AVOID: Diffusing or defining the efforts of others. Judging the process. ACTION: Play within your comfort levels in unpredictable circumstances. AVOID: Risking too much or taking yourself too seriously. ACTION: Find common ground in preparation for a common path.. AVOID: Focusing on differences. Letting things go their separate ways. 4. DEAL MAKER TO OTHER PROFILES 4. DEAL MAKER The flexible and fun connector, bringing others together. Market Connections Connections and partnerships with major market players 4.7 ADVERSITYRemain flexible in the face of inflexibility ACTION: Be open and dynamic to handle potentially adverse conditions. AVOID: Being inflexible. Pushing against a difficult situation.
5.1 HARMONYSupport the space for success to flourish 5.2 RENEWALCompletely review and act from first principles 5.8 HUMILITYBe modest in your thoughts and actions 5.5 YIELDBe open and free to act with divine timing 5.4 APPROACHGain an objective view by looking at all sides 5.6 SPREADSeek steady progress and consult experience ACTION: Remain impartial and gain overview, ready to decide. AVOID: Making decisions or acting too quickly. Taking sides. ACTION: Slow and steady progress with the support of others. AVOID: Relying on yourself to act. Taking undue risk or holding back. ACTION: Seek feedback and advice from multiple sources. AVOID: Jumping to conclusion or judgment. Making assumptions. ACTION: Begin fresh and act without preconceptions. Reassess. AVOID: Sticking to old habits. Acting and reacting automatically.. ACTION: Take small actions to support and grow a space of trust. AVOID: Leaving actions to others. Underestimating your value now. ACTION: Be open and yielding to respond to changing circumstances. AVOID: Being impulsive or impatient. Being stressed or agitated. 5. TRADER TO OTHER PROFILES 5. TRADER Ear to the ground. Excellent sense of timing and environment. Tradable Entity Capital value recognised and tradable in the market 5.3 SETTLEStand firm on your principles while respecting the actions of others 5.7 SAFETYStand firm and bring gravity to potential dangers ACTION: Stay disciplined, focused and provide a sense of security. AVOID: Getting involved in conflict or taking unnecessary risks. ACTION: Keep grounded without dampening the enthusiasm of others. AVOID: Dampening the flame of others or losing your own voice.
6.1 ACCUMULATIONPatiently collect resources in anticipation of action 6.2 SUPPORTGive freely and generously to support others 6.8 DEVELOPMENTOrganise resources gradually for a new beginning 6.4 CONFIDENCEHold true to objectives to achieve mutual cooperation 6.3 FAMILYUphold the rules and culture between you and your team ACTION: Approach those around you as family, with an agreed code. AVOID: Leaving people to their own devices. Being detached. ACTION: Be committed to the well being and support of others. AVOID: Laying down conditions or keeping to yourself. Not sharing. ACTION: Be orderly and logical in the assembly of resources to begin. AVOID: Throwing out all of the old. Look backwards. Be too cautious. ACTION: Clarify intentions for partnerships to have unity in purpose. AVOID: Letting conversation or compromise confuse objectives. ACTION: Slowly accumulate a flow of resources one step at a time AVOID: Trying to hurry the process. Being careless in collection. 6. ACCUMMULATOR TO OTHER PROFILES 6. ACCUMULATOR Cautious and credible, collecting assets at the right time. Bankable Asset Attraction of finance and resources secured against appreciating asset 6.7 REVERSALPatiently introduce the possibility of positive change ACTION: Gently convince others towards of positive developments. AVOID: Getting stuck in a rut. Being over-cautious about the future. 6.6 COMPLIANCETake advantage of & capitalise on changes around you 6.5 OVERVIEWObserve things carefully, make plans without taking action ACTION: Be deliberate in action and adapt to changing circumstances. AVOID: Trying to manage or control the situation. Hold back. ACTION: Patiently analyse all that you encounter, selecting opportunity. AVOID: Taking action yet. Being impatient. Getting lost in the details.
7.1 PATIENCEProvide you experience as input but not direction 7.8 DISABILITYSeek assistance from others to proceed 7.6 SUSTAINABILITYApproach with a long-term view of ongoing benefit ACTION: Give your knowledge with no expectation of the outcome. AVOID: Trying to direct things. Being too quick to judge or comment. ACTION: Rely on the support and advice of others. Seek assistance. AVOID: Assuming you have the answers. Relying on experience. ACTION: Co-operate with a view to mutual and sustainable success. AVOID: Aggression or argument. Positioning for success above others. 7. LORD TO OTHER PROFILES 7.2 STRUGGLEFocus on specific areas of growth without a need to control all ACTION: Choose to continue in areas of detail during uncertainty. AVOID: Trying to slow down events or focus on the negatives. 7. LORD Careful and detailed, structured in approach. Cash Infrastructure Efficient cash generating system setting the market standard 7.3 REPRIEVERelax and leave activities to others, prepare to define the game 7.7 DOMINATIONConsolidate power and exert control to support all ACTION: Utilise detail to find efficiencies and bring all together. AVOID: Hesitating. Doubting your own power. Letting others control. ACTION: Remain detached and satisfied with the actions of others. AVOID: Trying to influence outcomes. Damping enthusiasm. 7.5 UNIONTake a position of co-operation, seeking common ground 7.4 LIMITATIONBe self-controlled and analytical in support of other’s excess ACTION: Collect information with a view towards mutual benefit. AVOID: Creating division. Seeking early opportunity or advantage. ACTION: Remain controlled and analytical to temper enthusiasm. AVOID: Being overbearing or over-pessimistic. Taking control.
8.1 COLLECTIONProvide structure and wisdom without being overbearing 8.3 BEAUTYDiligently clarify details in times of great excitement 8.5 EROSIONExercise extreme caution and protect all that is precious ACTION: Do not exert yourself but defer to the actions of the team. AVOID: Risking anything. Using apparent judgment to act upon. ACTION: Approach from a position of strength and humility. AVOID: Being presumptuous or judgmental of new ideas or energy. ACTION: Be disciplined in refining the rules as others play the game. AVOID: Getting swept up in the excitement. Becoming mesmerised. 8. MECHANIC TO OTHER PROFILES 8.8 RESOLUTIONMake your stand with certainty, be clear of your position 8.2 FULFILMENTDirect information and advice to feed new innovations ACTION: Be selective in adding appropriate details that serve others. AVOID: Overloading with details. Being too sparing in your contribution. ACTION: Define all aspects of the current conditions. Solidify position. AVOID: Questioning the situation. Being swayed or persuaded by others. 8.7 COUSELInvest your time in enquiry and research, seeking new knowledge 8. MECHANIC Creative and structured, completing with perfection Licensable System Enterprise system providing replicable value creation ACTION: Be open to new input and search for unexpected insights. AVOID: Jumping to conclusions. Expecting to validate expectations. 8.4 SACRIFICERelease some of your fixed ideas to move forward through others 8.6 EXTRACTIONBe pure in your intentions and remove what does not fit ACTION: Be discerning in what serves & be open on what doesn’t. AVOID: Being tolerant of unclear or confusing intentions or distractions.. ACTION: Let go of the past to venture down untested paths. AVOID: Holding on. Being overly cautious or dictatorial to others.