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Silvia Annen & Daniel Schreiber

The recognition of competences as an institutional economic problem – comparison of selected national approaches. Silvia Annen & Daniel Schreiber Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Bonn, Germany. Überblick. Complex of problems towards the recognition of informal learning

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Silvia Annen & Daniel Schreiber

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  1. The recognition of competences as an institutional economic problem – comparison of selected national approaches Silvia Annen & Daniel Schreiber Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Bonn, Germany

  2. Überblick • Complex of problems towards the recognition of informal learning • Theoretical approach • VAE in France • External exam („Externenprüfung“) in Germany • Comparison of VAE and external exam • Conclusion

  3. Informal learning Formal learning is an external organised form of learning. The main focus is on institutionalised learning pathways leading to a state recognised certificate. The certifications are resulting in certain entitlements within specific societal areas, such as the educational system itself (e.g. higher education) or the jobmarket. Non-formal learning is as well an external organised form of learning. Non-formal learning processes also lead to certificates, but they don´t lead to entitlements in the formal educational system. In contrast to the above, informal learning processes are organised by individuals themselves. Informallearningispursued outside institutionallyorganisedformsoflearningwiththeconsciousgoaloflearningsomething. This sort of learning does not usually lead to a certificate. Thereforetheselearningacivitiescanbedifferentiated  in „extentofeducational arrangement, certificationandapproved on publicregulations“(Straka 2004). Crucialquestion: Howcan informal learningberegognizedtoleedtocertificates and entitlements?

  4. Typology of Recognition Approaches Source: Own Illustration according to Schneeberger/Schlögl/Neubauer (2009)

  5. Principal-Agent-Relationships and Informal Learning Contract Area of conflict within principal agent relationship Principal Agent Information and target asymmetries Consequences of informal learning ► The growing importance of informal learning causes the necessity of new methods on the one hand and of new institutional arrangements on the other hand. ► The recognition of informal learning contains a problem of information asymmetries.

  6. Modelling information asymmetries and behavioral uncertainty Information asymmetries Uncertaintyofqualitywithreferencetotheagentbeforetheconclusionofthecontract Hidden characteristics Uncertaintyofactionwithreferencetotheagent after theconclusionofthecontract Hidden action Uncertaintyofintentionwithreferencetotheagent after theconclusionofthecontract Hidden intention Behavioraluncertainty Problem ofadverseselection Problem ofmoralhazard Problem of hold up

  7. Modelling Hidden Characteristics

  8. The interaction in theprocessofrecognition recognizing body individual methodsandcriteria competences informationalasymmetry II the individual is not properlyinformedaboutthe „methodsandcritieria“ oftherecognizingbody informationalasymmetry I The recognizingbodydoes not havethedirectaccesstothecompetancesofthe individual double informationalasymmetry

  9. Theoretical Model Information asymmetrytowardstherecognitionprocedure (individual=principal) Solutions: Information asymmetrytowardstheindividual‘scompetences (recognizingbody=principal) Solutions: • Signalingbyrecognizingbody via • qualityassurancesystem, accreditationprocedures, coordinationmechanisms • Signalingbythe individual via • writing a dossier, providingevidence (i.e. certificates) 2) Screening bythe individual via useofinformation intermediates andconsultants 2) Screening byrecognizingbody via doing an interview, observation, assessments

  10. VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Experience) • Three laws: 1985 university admission, 1992: credits, 2002 (all qualifications or degrees and certificates) • Since 2002: organizations are allowed to accredit qualifications • Applications to the body that assigns the qualification and afterwards preparation of a dossier • Evaluation of dossier through jury, additionally interview of candidate (especially in higher education) • Result: full recognition, partly recognition, denial • Recommendations for individual development (period five years) • On average 30.000 qualifications are granted yearly by VAE

  11. Problems of the VAE • Problem for individuals: each organization develops own approach -> High searching costs because of difficulty in finding the adequate organization and qualification according to own competences • Conviction of many teachers: learning only possible in formal context, teachers often don’t see the value of learning results if they were not acquired with them (conflict of interest) Source: ECOTEC (2007)

  12. Problems of the VAE • Recognizing body has to rely on work of jury members (no possibilities of control) • Individual does not know the interest of the educational institution: 1) Acquisition of more students (jury members from different universities) -> positive influence by trend on probability of success 2) avoidance of additional competition by awarding of certificates (jury members from companies in several regions and branches) -> negative influence by trend on probability of success • Empirical investigations show that VAE candidates without former formal qualification are rarely successful compared to formally qualified persons. Source: ECOTEC (2007)

  13. Present Solution Approaches • Information policy was improved in recent years (internet, counseling hotline and communication campaign) • Establishment of special organizations: Points RelaisConseil, Conseilsregionaux and ComitéInterministériel en faveur de développement de la VAE (CI-VAE) • measures so far: creation of competence focused reference frameworks as well as requirement of evaluation scheme • Registration in RNCP as a signal of quality of qualifications -> createstrust • Positive that qualifications granted by VAE are not distinguishable from “normal” qualifications

  14. Perspectives and Future Challenges • Lacking quality assurance of jury evaluations • Competence based frameworks of reference for several qualifications and an applicable formation/instruction of jury members are missing • Demand for more standardization of VAE as well as adequate availability of resources ►For this reason: national VAE-group was established

  15. Externenprüfung ...isregardedasoneofthe prominent formsofrecognitionofinformellearning in Germany (OECD 2008) Itisbased in theactofvocationaltraining in 1996 andagain in 2005 (§ 45(2)) Itgivespeople, thathave not attendedtheprozessof a formal vocationaltraining in school an enterprises, theopportunitytotakethe final examtogainthedegree/certificate In 2005 aproxiamatly 30.000 peopletooktheexam. The recognitionofinformellearningthroughtheaccesstothe final examismadebytheresponsiplebody (thechambers)

  16. Externenprüfung • CritieriafortheaccesstotheExternenprüfung (BBiG § 43) • People havehadtoworkthe 1 ½ amountofthedurationoftrainingin thefield, weretheywanttotakethe final exam in. • Also, otherdegreesofvocationaltrainingcanberegogniced. • Furthermore, whenonecanmake plausible, that he/shehasgainedtheneccessarycompetencies in theparticularfieldofvocation.

  17. Problems oftheExternenprüfung 1) The recognizingbodys (chambers) are not providingtheindividualswith „information intermediates“, especialyconcerningthevocationsandthemethodsandcriteria auf recognising, whichleadtohighsearchcosts. 2) The individualsare not abletodocumenttherecompetencies in therightwayandcan not chose, whitchcompetanciesmaybe relevant forthevocation. Thisleadstohighuncertantyconcerning form ofsupportingdocuments. 3) Thereisnotransparencyaboutthemethodsandcriteria, whitchareusedbythebodysconcerningtherecognitionofcompetancies.

  18. Comparison of both approaches

  19. Conclusion Allthoughbothapproachesbelongtothe same type therearethefollowingdifferences: • The theoreticalanalysisshowsthattheexternalexamhasdeficitsconcerningsignalingbytherecognisingbodyas well asregardingthescreeningbythe individual. Instruments tocompensatethesedeficits: • Development of a National Qualification Framework • Establishment of an informationandguidancesystem • Development ofneworutilisationofexistinginstrumentsfortherecognitionof informal learning

  20. Thank you for your attention! Contact: Silvia Annen annen@bibb.de Daniel Schreiber schreiber@bibb.de

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