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BS102 Environmental Biology. Lecture Notes Packet #3 Daniel W. Ward. Land Biomes. Connections between Climate and Vegetation Climate the average long term (30 years) weather of an area. it determines the type of vegetation of that area. factors which determine climate: temperature
BS102 Environmental Biology Lecture Notes Packet #3 Daniel W. Ward BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Connections between Climate and Vegetation • Climate • the average long term (30 years) weather of an area. • it determines the type of vegetation of that area. • factors which determine climate: • temperature • precipitation • Biome • a region of the world with a characteristic type of natural, undisturbed plant community. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Three Major Types of Land Biomes • Deserts / Semideserts • Grasslands • Forests BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Deserts / Semideserts • General Characteristics • plants exhibit a slow rate of growth. • there is low species diversity. • there are periodic water shortages. • they take a long time to recover from any type of disruption. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Tropical Deserts • compose 1/5 of the world’s desert areas. • they are one of the most dry areas on the planet. • few plants can survive there. • characterized by hard, windblown surfaces strewn with rocks and some sand. • examples are the Sahara and Namib deserts. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Temperate Deserts • exhibit some seasonal temperature differences. • during the summer, the daytime temperatures are hot. • during the winter, the daytime temperatures are cool. • an example would be the Mojave desert. • Cold Desert • exhibit definite seasonal temperature differences. • summers are hot. • winters are cold. • an example would be the Gobi desert. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Semideserts • have a long dry season followed by a short, heavy rainy season. • dominated by thorn trees and shrubs. • located between true deserts and grasslands. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Grasslands • Tropical Grasslands • exhibit high average temperatures. • have low to moderate average precipitation. • they are located in a wide belt on each side of the equator beyond tropical rain forests. • they contain huge herds of grazing and browsing hoofed animals. • they often have fires in the dry season. • an example would be the savannas of Africa. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Temperate Grasslands • cover vast areas of the interiors of the major continents. • exhibit bitterly cold winters and hot, dry summers. • suffer from occasional fires. • experience frequent droughts. • Types: • Tall Grass Prairie - Midwest, western US and Canada. • Short Grass Prairie - Midwest, western US and Canada. • Pampas - South America. • Veld - Africa. • Steppe - central Europe and Asia. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Polar Grasslands / Arctic Tundra • bitterly cold and windy most of the year. • covered with snow and ice much of the year. • experience long, dark winter and short, long daylight summers. • covered with a thick, spongy mat of low growing plants. • located south of the polar ice cap (northern hemisphere). • low decomposition rate, shallow soil, slow growth rates make it very easy to disrupt. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Permafrost • thick layer of ice beneath the soil’s surface that remains frozen all year round. • prevents the establishment of trees. • the upper layer thaws during the summer but the moisture can’t seep into the ground. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Tropical Rain Forest • this is a type of evergreen broadleaf forest. • it is located near the equator. • it covers only 2% of the Earth’s surface. • characterized by warm annual mean temperatures, with little seasonal or daily variation. • also is characterized by high humidity and almost daily heavy rainfall. • contains the greatest number of species per unit of area of any biome. • soil nutrients are a limiting factor, not water and temperature. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Tropical Deciduous Forest • located between tropical rain forests and tropical savannas. • characterized by being warm all year round. • experiences alternating wet (monsoon) and dry seasons. • composed of a mixture of drought resistant tropical evergreens and deciduous trees (loose their leaves during the dry season). • Tropical Scrub Forest • similar to tropical deciduous forest, except it occurs where the dry season is longer. • mainly composed of small deciduous trees and shrubs. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Temperate Deciduous Forest • experiences moderate average temperatures. • characterized by 4 distinct seasons with long summers and mild short winters. • precipitation is abundant and spread over the entire year. • plants life is dominated by a few species which survive the winters by dropping their leaves and becoming dormant. BS102 Environmental Biology
Land Biomes • Evergreen Coniferous / Boreal Forest / Taiga • located just south of the arctic tundra. • experience a sub-arctic climate… • long, cold, dry winters with 6-8 hours of light per day. • short, mild summers with 19 hours of light. • dominated by a few species of conifers (fairly low plant diversity). • fallen “needles” cover the nutrient poor forest floor making the soil acidic and preventing the growth of most other plants. • during the summer the forest floor retains water and forms bogs. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface. • it plays a major role in regulating the Earth’s climate. • Types of Water Environments: • Ocean / Marine • Freshwater Lakes • Freshwater Streams • Inland Wetlands BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Ocean Zones • Coastal Zone • usually warm water rich in nutrients. • includes the shallow water extending from the high tide mark on the land to the edge of the continental shelf. • composes less then 10% of all oceans areas. • contains 90% of all marine species and it is the site of the major commercial fisheries. • has a high primary productivity per unit area. • most densely populated and intensely used of the ocean zones. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Examples: • Coral Reefs • located in tropical and subtropical oceans. • composed of coral, algae, and other producers. • they provide habitats for many marine species. • protect 15% of all coastlines from erosion. • they grow very slowly and can be disrupted easily. • Estuaries • where fresh water and salt water mix (usually near the mouths of rivers). BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Coastal Wetlands • land which is covered all or part of the the year with salt water. • these areas provide breeding areas and habitat for a variety of wildlife. • these are being lost rapidly. • Beaches • Rocky Shores - rocks and tidal pools • Barrier Beaches - gentle slope to the ocean, sand dunes, they are prime development sites. • Barrier Islands • parallel running, long, thin, offshore islands. • protect mainland, estuaries, lagoons, and wetlands. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Open Ocean • contains 10% of all marine species. • characterized by low primary productivity per unit area. • Subdivided based on light penetration. • Vertical Zones: • Eupohtic Zone • photosynthetic zone, high light penetration. • Bathyl Zone • twilight zone, moderate light penetration. • Abyssal Zone • darkness zone, little or no light penetration. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Freshwater Lakes • large natural bodies of standing fresh water. • formed when rainfall, runoff, flowing groundwater fills depressions in the Earth. • these depressions are formed by… • placation. • crystal displacement. • volcanic activity. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Types of Freshwater Lakes (based on nutrients) • Eutrophic Lake • have a large supply of nutrients. • Oligotrophic Lake • small supply of nutrients. • Mesotrophic Lake • moderate supply of nutrients. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Lake Zones • Littoral Zone • the edge of the lake. • most submerged vegetation occurs here. • Limnetic Zone • upper zone of the lake. • considerable light penetration. • Profundal Zone • the lower zone of the lake. • moderate light penetration. • Benthic Zone • the bottom of the lake (mud). BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Thermal Stratification (deep lakes) • thermal stratification occurs due to the fact that water is densest as a liquid (4 degrees centigrade) rather than a solid (0 degrees centigrade). • Epilimnion • the upper layer of warm water and high levels of dissolved oxygen. • Hypolimnion • the lower layer of cold, denser water with low levels of dissolved oxygen. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Thermocline • the middle layer where temperature change rapidly with depth increases. • acts as a barrier to the transfer of nutrients and dissolved oxygen between the upper and lower layers. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Turnover • Fall Turnover • result of the cooling atmosphere. • the epilimnion sinks to the bottom when it cools to around 4o C. • the thermocline disappears. • this brings nutrients from the bottom sediments to the top. • also brings dissolved O2 from the top to the bottom. • Spring Turnover • due to the warming atmosphere. • warms the epilimnion to 4o C, and it sinks to the bottom. • the result is the same as fall turnover. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Freshwater Streams • flowing bodies of surface water. • Watershed / Drainage Basin • the land area that delivers water, sediment, and dissolved substances by small streams, to large streams, and eventually to the ocean. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • River System Zones • Headwater / Source Zone • composed of cold, clear water. • turbulent flow results in large amounts of O2 being dissolved from the air. • Transition Zone • the merging of headwater streams to form wider, deeper streams. • flow is down gentle slopes with fewer obstacles. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Flood Plain Zone • transition zone streams merge to form wide, deep rivers. • meander across broad, flat valleys. • main channels support a variety of species. • backwaters have species similar to lakes. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • Inland Wetlands • covered by freshwater at least part of the year. • located away from coastal areas. • includes… • bogs, marshes, prairie potholes, swamps, mud flats, flood plains, wet meadows. wet tundra. • provide habitats for wildlife. • improve the water quality by filtering, diluting, and degrading sediments and pollutants as water flows through them. BS102 Environmental Biology
Water Environments • regulate stream flow by storing water during periods of heavy rainfall - releases it slowly thus reducing erosion and damage. • recharges the groundwater supplies. BS102 Environmental Biology