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Finding Articles. Fleet Library @ RISD. Why Look for Articles in Journals & Magazines?. Why are periodicals an important component of researching a topic? Why not just look for information in books? Why isn’t googling enough? What’s unique about journal and magazine literature ?.
Finding Articles Fleet Library @ RISD
Why Look for Articles in Journals & Magazines? • Why are periodicals an important component of researching a topic? • Why not just look for information in books? • Why isn’t googling enough? • What’s unique about journal and magazine literature?
Article-level Research - a Closer Look Current periodicals are an excellent source of information on emerging artists & imagery, new theories, recent trends & current research Artists, architects, writers & designers introduce new scholarship to their professional peers by publishing in journals Articles trace the historical development of an idea over time as well as the idea’s reception and influence on popular culture Historic periodicals can provide insight into the cultural trends & stylistic preferences of the time in which they were published Articles can provide an in-depth focus on topics not available in books such as the study of a single work of art or a particular aspect of an artist’s oeuvre The online article databases supported by the Library provide consistent & systematic indexing with a breadth & depth not available on the web
There aretwotypes of request when looking for articles in the library: • Specific Request You come to the library with a specific citation for an article with the need to determine whether the library has access to the journal. example: New museum to the Bowery. ArtinAmerica v. 95 no. 11(December 2007)p. 33, 35 • Open-ended Request You have chosen a topic and would like to find out what articles have been written on it. example: William Kentridge & his film making process let’s start with the first instance - finding a specific journal by title
Finding Journals by Title There are two ways to check for journals by title: Search the RISD/ATH Catalog by title library.risd.edu > Title example: art in america
Understanding Journals Records look at the Art in America record Notice • Oldest issues (1913-1950) are kept in Special Collections (2nd floor) • Issues from 1951-1989 are kept in Storage (basement) • Request Storage items at the Reference desk • Open Stacks refer to the first floor of the library • the most recent or Latest issue available is January 2014 • Art in America v. 95 no. 11(Dec 2007)p. 33, 35 will be in the Open Stacks
Locating Print Periodicals on the Shelf • Bound, back issues (2013 and before) are shelved alphabetically by title in the Periodicals Open Stacks • scholarly journals are also shelved in this area
Locating Current Periodicals • Current Year issues of popular magazines are shelved alphabetically by title on the Balcony • searching the RISD/ATH Catalogis a good way to determine the location of Printed Periodicals • searching E-Journals will help you locate electronic versions of currentperiodicals
Copies & Scans • Periodicals remain in the library so they are always available to be used • Articles from journals and magazines can be photocopied or scanned within the library • Use the library’s scanners to save articles and images as color or greyscale jpg, tiff or pdf • Record the journal title, article title, author, date and page numbers for citing purposes • Print, Save to a USB drive, or email the scans to yourself
Find E-Journals by Title Another way to check for a journal is to search E-Journals by title library.risd.edu > Resources > E-Journals > Title example: Art in America Academic Search Premier includes Art in America full-text from 2002 - present
Search for Articles using the Online Article Databases • start at the library’s website: library.risd.edu > Resources > Articles • select databases related to your topic • ask your instructor or an art librarian to recommend databases • contact the Reference desk for searching help • limit search results by a date range or to scholarly journals • search multiple databases • record your search strategies, keywords, phrases, and results
Search for Articles - 24/7 Off Campus Access • start at the library’s website: library.risd.edu > Resources > Articles • select databases related to your topic • a login window will open • type in your first or last name • type in the 14-digit Barcode number on the BACK of your RISD ID • it starts with 3444400… • if your login doesn’t work, contact the Library for help, 709-5901
What is a Scholarly Journal? Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed & Academic JournalsIn the peer-review process, before an article is published it undergoes a critical review by an independent panel of experts in the field.Most of the RISD Online Article databases include the ability to limit to peer-review, scholarly or academic journals. • select databases related to your topic • look for the search option to limit to scholarly or peer-review journals • search full-text, scholarly journal databases -JSTOR, Project Muse
Finding articles by searching the Article databases • Select a topic. Let’s use William Kentridge’s filmmaking process • Think of several key words & phrases which describe your topic-these will become your search terms: film, process, technique • Go to library.risd.edu> Resources > Articles • Read through the database descriptions. Which ones cover contemporary art and film making? • For this topic, Art Bibliographies Modern,Art Full Text and the Film & Television Literature Index would cover this subject
Searching multiple databases • when you choose ARTbibliographies Modern the interface simultaneously searches 2 databases at once • truncate with an asterisk (*) to search variant forms of the root word example: process* (process, processes, processing) film* (films, filmmaker, filmmaking)
Searching for articles on a work of art When searching for a specific work of art • enclose the work’s title in quotation marks • words in quotation marks are searched as an exact phrase • example: william kentridge + “history of the main complaint”
Search results in the Article databases Notice • sort results by different publication source types • results can be arranged by publication date or relevance • sort results by subject, person, etc • links to full text or Check RISD Library for print versions
Follow Links to full text or to RISD Library print periodical records • your search results will be in list form • select View Record or the article’s title to read the article summary or abstract • look for links to full-text or PDF • if no full text link is present, Check Your Library to see if RISD Library subscribes to the print journal
Making the Connection To determine whether RISD owns the journal, you’ll need to follow the links from the database back to the RISD/ATH catalog Look for these links: Academic Search Premier Check your library holdings for availability Avery Index to Arch. Periodicals Check your library holdings for availability Art Source Check your library holdings for availability Art Bibliographies Modern Check your Library Design & Applied Arts Index Check your Library Design Abstracts Retrospective Check your Library
To search for journal articles on antiquities, fashion, modern & contemporary art and design useARTbibliographies Modern andDesign & Applied Arts Index For historic Design topics, search Design Abstracts Retrospective
To search for journal articles on contemporary and historic art, design, architecture, and art history, 1929 - presentuse Art Full Text /Art Retrospective and Avery Index. In addition, search for images by selecting Art Museum Image Gallery & Cinema Image Gallery
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals • surveys more than 2,500 US and foreign architecture journals • search by type of illustration (drawing, elevation, site plan, sections)
For cross-disciplinary topics useAcademic Search Premier, JSTOR, and Project Muse
JSTOR is an archive offull-text scholarly humanities journals containing high-resolution, scanned images of entire journal issues as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated.
For more focused searches,use JSTOR’s Advanced SearchUse the pull down menus to look for words in the title, abstract or image caption.Limit by language, date range or item type.Use these searching techniques:“phrases in quotations”truncat* words = truncate, truncated, truncating, truncation ; )
Project Muse provides scholarly, full-textarticles from over 300 current humanities, art, and social science journals
Request articles through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) For articles not available from RISD Library, consider ILL ILL - Interlibrary Loan • ILL requests take 1- 2 weeks to arrive - please plan accordingly • online forms: library.risd.edu > Services > Interlibrary Loan
Athenaeum Library www.providenceathenaeum.org RISD Library & the Athenaeum share an online library catalog (RISD/ATH) The Athenauem is located across the intersection from the College Building on Benefit Street Brown University Libraries library.brown.eduSearch Brown’s catalog from the RISD/ATH catalog by using the SEARCH BROWN button. Borrowing privileges and on-site database access for all RISD studentsRegister first at RISD then at Brown’s Rockefeller Library HELIN Libraries library.uri.edu Consortium of 11 academic and 14 health sciences libraries which share an online catalog. On-site access to the libraries but no borrowing privileges. Providence Public Libraries www.provlib.org Providence Community Libraries www.provcomlib.org Access and borrowing privileges upon registration. No time for ILL? Check article holdings at area libraries
Working with an Art Librarian - a snapshot listen - as you discuss your class assignments and studio projects translate - your art & design ideas or questions into effective ways to think about, search for, and locate information bridge - any gaps between your subject domain and using library resources - the librarian's domain of expertise filter - offer ways to think critically about the information you encounter Contact the RISD Library Reference Desk - Library 1st floor, 709-5902library.risd.edu > Departments > Reference Need Articles? WORK SMART - Ask an Art Librarian for help