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Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

Something Unites Us. Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. MISSION. Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

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Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

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  1. SomethingUnitesUs Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

  2. Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

  3. MISSION Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Ourmissionis to improvethequality of life of children and adolescentswith diabetes; empoweringthemthrougheducation and training.

  4. VISION Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Allchildren and youthwith diabetes mayhavetheopportunity to learnabouttheirillness. Thattheymayhavegood control of their diabetes; helping to avoidchroniccomplications and bettertheirquality of life.

  5. PHILOSOPHY Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Thefoundationbelievesthatallchildrenwith diabetes deserve to be happy, feelaccepted, and haveanemotional balance helping to developtheirself-esteem. Thefoundationoffers hope and access to aneducation in diabetes; allowingfor a full life as well as a promisingfuture in family and society.

  6. VALUES Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Respect: Respectforothers and oneself; treatingeveryone as a person. Acceptance: Equaltreatmentwithoutdiscriminationbecause of differences in thoughts, beliefs, and conditions of life. Sensitivity: Ability to perceive and understandtheneeds of diabetics. Thecapacity to actcorrectlybenefitingthosewith diabetes. Discipline: Perseverance in acting profesional and orderly to obtainacommongood. Profesionalism: Commitment to providespecializedpersonel, trained and up to date ontheadvancessurrounding diabetes. Transperancy: In thefoundationwebelieve in theresponsability of clearly and openlypresentingour use of funds.

  7. POLICY Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. The Fundación Esperanza assistsbyprovidingchildrenwithsupplies, neverwithmoney. Wegive training and advicebutnever prescribe. Thepersonelassiststhepatientwhiledirectinghim/her to and endocrinologist. Wehaveanobligation to treatthechildren and theirfamilieswell. Everypersonelthatgives training classesmust be trained in diabetes.

  8. OBJECTIVES TRAINING Itis a prioritythatourvolunteers be up to date in theirknowledge of diabetes. Thisisnecessaryforus to provideexcellentservice. PROMOTION Theinstitutionsvisability in societyis indispensable. CONNECTIONS Wedesire to increase in ourrelationswithotherorganizationsbothon a national and internationallevel. SPONSORS We are alwayslookingforassistancewithdevelopingevents, programs and projects. EVENT SUPPORT We are continually in need of locations, furnishings, and equipmentforevents to helppromoteourservices.


  10. STRATEGIC ALLIES MoriahFoundation Gary Brown Foundation

  11. PROGRAMS Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Educationalcamps Parent training Hospital classes

  12. Youth Camps Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Since 2008 wehaveheldeducationalcamps. Theobjective of thecampsis training diabeticyouthin themanagement of theirillness. Classes are heldcoveringtopicsfrompsycology to basicdiabeticsurvivalthemes. Thecamps are staffedwithendocrinologists, pediatricendocrinologists, nutricionists, psycologists, social workers, as well as educators in diabetes. The camp lasts 3 days and occurs once a yearin recreationalareasaroundthestate of Jalisco. Around 60 youth (ages 13-21) attendeach camp. Thecost per youthis $ 2,500 (approximately $200 USD)

  13. Camps forchildren and parents Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Since 2008 wehaveheldeducationalcampsforchildren and parents of diabetics. Theobjective of thecampsis training diabetics and theirparents in themanagement of theirillness. Classes are heldcoveringtopicsfrompsycology to basicdiabeticsurvivalthemes. Thecamps are staffedwithendocrinologists, pediatricendocrinologists, nutricionists, psycologists, social workers, as well as educators in diabetes. The camp lasts 3 days and occurstwice a year in recreationalareasaroundthestate of Jalisco. Around 30 children (ages 3-12) accompaniedbyoneparentattendeach camp. Thecost per child and onefamilymemberis $3,000 pesos (approximatly $240)

  14. Parent Training Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. Patients and theirfamilies are educatedthroughlectures, workshops and activities. 24 themespertaining to theknowledge and treatment of type 1 diabetes are covered. Theknowledgegainedbytheseclassesgivesthestudentstools to helpmaintain a good control of diabetes as well as avoidingordelayingcomplicationscausedbytheirillness. Wecurrentlyhavetwolocationswhere training isgiven. Thefirstislocated at thediabeticassociationwithanaverageassistance of 15 families. Thesecondisheld in anotherarea of town and also has anaverageassistance of 15 families. Bothgroupsmeetweekly. Cost per familyis $500.00 pesos per month ($40 USD)

  15. Training in hospitals Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. 12 themes are taught per year in 3 differenthospitals; 1.-Pediatría Centro Medico de Occidente (4 sessions per month) 2.-Hospital 110 IMSS (1 session per month) 3.-Hospital 180 IMSS Tlajomulco de Zúñiga (1 session per month) Theseclassesincorporatethemedicsrecommendations and clarifyingany of thepatientsdoubtsabouthow to control their diabetes. Anaverage of 10 familiesassisteachsession. Monthlycost per family $ 80.00 pesos ($6.50 USD)

  16. BENEFICIARIES (per year) Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. 120children and youthattend camp 60parentsattend camp 180children, youth and parentsattendclassesorworshops 1400children, youth and parentsattends hospital classes 70children and youthattendtheyearlycelebration of Kids Day 200children and parentsattendthefoundationsanniversarycelebration 100children, youth and parentscelebratetheInternational Day of Diabetes withus 250children, youth and parentsattendouryearly Christmas parties

  17. ANNUAL EVENTS Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C. NationalKidsday FoundationAnniversary International Day of Diabetes Christmas parties Healthfair

  18. NationalKids Day Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

  19. FOUNDATION ANNIVERSARY Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

  20. NOVEMBER 14thINTERNATIONAL DAY OF DIABETES Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

  21. CHRISTMAS PARTIES Fundación Esperanza para Niños con Diabetes México A.C.

  22. FUTURE PROJECTS Diabetic training classes Classesonfoodpreparation CertificationforEducators in Diabetes (6-8 monthscourse)

  23. VOLUNTEERS ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE:ourteam of volunteersconsists of Endocrinologists, PediatricEndocrinologists, Psycologists, Nutricionists, Social workers and Educators in Diabetes EVENT ASSISTANCE: wehave a group of youththatassistswitheventlogistics and preparation. Wealsocountwiththeassistance of a womensgroup as well as variousschools. SOCIAL SERVICES • University of Guadalajara - UDG CUCSH • Latin American University – Universidad Latino Americana • High School #7 - Preparatoria #7 UDG

  24. OPERATION STAFF CURRENT STAFF • 1 Office assistant • 1 Donationscoordinator NEEDED • 1 Nutritionist • 1 Psycologist • 1 Personel of Human Development • 1 Director of Operations

  25. VEHICLES Current • 1Chevy 4 doordonatedby Human Development (Gov’t) Needed • 1 Pick Up or van

  26. OFFICE NEEDS Thenature of theinstitutionrequires a largeconsumption of school and office supplies Needed • 4 Desk top computerswith Windows 8 and 23” screen • 1 HP Multifuncional color printer • 1 Multifuncional copier • 1 Speaker-amplifiersystem • 1 Air conditioningunit • 1 Sony projector • 1 DVD orBlue Rayplayer • 1 Smart TV LED HD Samsung 50”

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