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P 01

NATURAL Waste Water Treatment REMHALA MoUnt OF Lebanon 2009-2011. P 01. Pilot Project - Evaluation Experience – Results. PROJECT LEBANON 2013 - EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS 5 - 6 JUNe 2013. INTRODUCTION Creation of Project. EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NATURAL • Waste Water Treatment REMHALA • MoUnt OF Lebanon 2009-2011 P 01 Pilot Project - Evaluation Experience – Results • PROJECT LEBANON 2013 - EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5 - 6 JUNe 2013

  2. INTRODUCTION • Creation of Project • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • Prior Project – Prior NEEDS • Municipal Cooperation • PILOT PROJECT: • Creativity • Development • Evaluation • Experiences – Results Crativite Developpement Evaluation P 02

  3. PRINCIPLES • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • NaturalProject • Micro Procession • Reasonable Cost for Investment • less Cost for Maintenance • Development of Concepts and practice • Large Domain for Scientific Research P 03

  4. REMHALA • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • ITALIAN Project • Practical Application • Practical Influence: • Lebanese Decision • Adaptation of Projects… • Research Progress • Domain of Works P 04

  5. REMHALA - PHOTOS • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 AFTER • 2012 BEFORE • 2010 P 05

  6. PROTO TYPE – PHOTOS 1 • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 P 06

  7. PROTO TYPE – PHOTOS 2 • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 P 06

  8. SYNTHESE – ADVANTAGES • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • Good Performance in treatment for the Particulars • Parameters (Carbon - C & Azote - NK) • Treatment for all Waste Water • Possibility to InfiltratetreatWater in the soil • Good Adaptation With Wethers variations • Facilitate the Management of solide Components • Very LowInvestmentCost • VeryAdvantageCost for Maintenance and • Working (No energeticNeeds) • Very Good Natural Intégration P 07

  9. SYNTHESE – INCONVENIENTS • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • Less Adaptation to HydraulicLoad • Lesslevel for AzotTreatment (Absence of • dénitrification) and Phosphore • Risk to infiltrateBigQuantity in Soil • Less in experience about Solide TreatmentIassue • Continious Use, Annual Agriculture treatments • RiskPresence of Insects and Rodents P 08

  10. MEDIA • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • Developed Research • Internationale Cooperation • Specificity for Each Project • Diversity in Model Concept… • Scientific DECISION • Very Good Final Product… P 09

  11. Practice SIMULATION • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 P 10


  13. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS • EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5- 6 JUNE 2013 • THANK YOU • THANK YOU • THANK YOU • THANK YOU • THANK YOU • PROJECT LEBANON 2013 - EcOrient 2013 Eng. Rached SARKIS • 5 - 6 JUNE 2013 • rjs@rachedsarkis.com P 12

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