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STRESS MANAGEMENT. Dr Sunder S. Arora. Amritsar : India . Golden Temple. Migrated to Canada : 1977. Golden Temple. Stress: The Silent Killer. ICE STORM. The Juggling Act. LOAD VS POWER. Stress Timeline. “Stress is the body’s nonspecific response to a demand placed on it.”.
Golden Temple Migrated to Canada : 1977
Stress Timeline “Stress is the body’s nonspecific response to a demand placed on it.” • Stress vs. Distress • Under Stimulation • Optimum Stress • Fight / Flight Response
Heart pounding Headaches Sweaty palm Indigestions Skin breaks out Shortness of breath holding breath Sleeplessness Sleeps too much Fatigue Nausea Diarrhea Tight stomach Tight muscles pain Moody Irritability Depressed/anxious Lack of sense of humor Abrasive Hostile Nervous Emotional Forgetfulness Concentration difficulties Poor judgment Fuzzy perception Confused Lack of interest Math error Stop thinking Diminished fantasy life Negative self talk. Symptoms of Stress
Down Stress • D - Don’t delay Relaxation / Quiet Time • O - Organize Time well and delegate Tasks • W - Work out stress (Physical Activity) • N - Negotiate and Accept • S - Proper Sleep • T - Think Positive and Rational Thoughts • R - Restrict Alcohol, Caffeine, and Nicotine • E - Eat Regular and Healthy Meals • S - Say No to unreasonable extra jobs • S - Sickness or fatigue should not be ignored
Productive Coping Acknowledging Allowing / Accepting Non-Judgmental Body Sensation Awareness Humour Non-Productive Coping Suppression Repression Distraction Intellectualization Acting Out Emotional Hygiene
Mental garden Mental Garden
Power of Laughter • Endorphin Release • Mood Elevator • Sublimation • Energy Processor
“Two Bird of a Beautiful plumage, comrades Inseparable, live on the self-same tree. One Bird eats the fruit of pleasure and pain; The other looks on without eating” -Shevtashvetara Upanishad, Chapter IV, v6
Power of Forgiveness “Letting Go of Emotional Blockage” Myths: • Condoning/ Approving • Exposing Oneself (Pain/ Hurt) • Judging (Self/Others) • Becoming Friends
“Forgiveness is mental hygiene” It is the only assignment of our life
ULTIMATE FORGIVENESS ULTIMATE FORGIVENESS Nothing to Forgive Experiences are Lessons No Victims or Persecutors
Meditation Baseline Meditation
Power of Prayer Chi of Love Tibetan Chanting Heavy Metal
Power of Gratitude Water Crystals before and after gratitude prayer (15 min)
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