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There are few ways that provide stability in assisted living. We are discussing five points like; Physical Safety, Housekeeping & Maintenance, Healthy Home Cooked Meal, Active Social Circle, Events & Activities.
5Ways Assisted Living Provides Stability R E D H A V E N C A R E H O M ES
I NT R ODUCTION Assistedlivingcommunitiesgive senior members comprehensive support to lead a healthy and happy post-retirementlife. Modernassistedlivingfacilities provides the comfort of home withtheirhigh-endservicesand amenities. Here we discuss 5 ways that Assisted Living providesstabilityforseniors.
P HYSICAL SA FETY Stability of life depends on the physical safety of the living environment.Sometimeshomesdo not provide a safe environment to elders may be due to designs or other obstacles. Assisted Living Centers provides 24 hours safety with emergency alert systems, videomonitoringandmuchmore.
HOUS EKEEP I NG&MAI NTENA NCE Whenitcomestostabilityofhealth, clean and well-maintained rooms are of high necessity. Seniors living alone often face the problem of keepingtheirhomesclean.Assisted Living centers control all the housework and maintenance enabling senior members to enjoy their stay in a home-like atmosphere.
HEAL T H Y , HOMECOOKEDMEA LS Seniors living alone at home are unable to prepare proper diets for themselves and fails to maintain a healthy living. Assisted living centersprovidehomecookedmeals preparedbyprofessionaldieticians. They routinely serve a minimum of three nutritious meals a day preparedbyprofessionaldieticians.
ACTI VES OCI A LCI RCLE Retirement communities give its members access to an active social circle. There is no place for boredomamongseniorsastheycan spend time engaging and communicating with other elder membersofthecommunity. Celebratingspecialoccasionsand sharing their interest with peers gives them greater satisfaction ratherlivingalonelylifeathome.
EVENTS &A CTI VI T IES Events and activities are a major partofAssistedLivingcommunities. Various activities from games, to exercise programs, special events for families and guests takes place to enhance the quality of living of each senior member. Staying engagedinsomekindofactivitiesis vital for seniors to maintain a healthy and happy life after retirement.
REDHAVEN CARE HOMES 6900Northwest129thStreetOklahomaCity,OK,73142 6916Northwest129thStreetOklahomaCity,OK,73142 (405)306-2605 http://www.redhavencarehomes.com redhavencare@gmail.com