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Explore six different renewable energy sources including geothermal power, marine power, hydropower, wind power, solar power, and biomass. Learn about their origins, how they are exploited, advantages, and disadvantages.
Geothermalpower • Itoriginatesfrom the naturalradioactivedecayof some elements inside the Earth. • It's exploitedthrough the geothermalpowerstations: the vapourmoves a turbine and analternatorconverts the mechanicalenergy in electricity. • In Italy it's particularlyexploited in Tuscany (Pisa, Siena, Grosseto). • Advantages:largeamountofenergy, no environmental impact, recyclablewaste. • Disadvantages:nauseatingsmell, negative landscape impact.
Marine power • Itoriginatesfrom the marine currents, the tides and the oceanwaves. • It's exploitedthroughvariouskindsofpowerstations, whichpresent a communalelement: turbinesconnectedtoalternators. • In rangeofMediterraneancurrents, itprovestobeparticularlyexploitable in the Straitof Messina. • Advantages:largeamountofenergy. • Disadvantages:possibledamageto the marine fauna, significantenvironmental impact.
Hydropower • Itoriginatesfrom the flowsof the rivers and the lakes. • It's exploitedthroughdams and penstocks, wherethere are turbinesconnectedtoalternators. • In Italy itguarantees the 15% of the energydemand and it's the main alternative resourceused. • Advantages: -. • Disadvantages:significantenvironmental impact.
Wind power • Itoriginatesfrom the moving air. • It's exploitedto generate electricitythroughhorizontal-axis or vertical-axeswindturbines. • In Italy itprovestobeparticularlyexploitable in Sardinia, in Sicily, on the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano, on the Appennino in Basilicata and in the area between Campania, Calabria, Molise and Puglia. • Advantages: rare malfunctions. • Disadvantages:possibledamageto the avian fauna, variabilityof the energy production.
Solarpower • Itoriginatesfrom the radiationgeneratedby the thermonuclearfusionreactions inside the solarcore. • It's exploitedthrough the solarthermalpanels, whichheat up a liquid inside them, and the photovoltaicpanels, which generate electricitythroughsemiconductors. • A legislationfavourabletoinstallationofphotovoltaicpanelsbecamelaw in Italy in 19 September 2005. • Advantages:enormousamountofenergy. • Disadvantages: low energy density, high costs, variabilityof the energy production.
Graziella Green Power The company hasrealizedphotovoltaicimplantsbothashore and on buildingsafterabstestosremoval and turnstolocalsuppliersasmuchaspossible. Nowadaysitowns 237.823 installedmodules and produces around 90.000.000 kWh.
Energy frombiomass • Itoriginatesfrombiodegradableproducts, waste and remains. • It's exploitedthroughthermal, chemical or biochemicalconversion. • It's exploited in allItalianterritoryextensively. • Advantages:biodegradablewaste. • Disadvantages: low energy density, needoffertilizers, variabilityof the energy production.
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