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ad(ac,af,ag,al,an,ap,ar,as,at): to, toward, very. Advent: come to or towards Aggressive: assert self towards another or a goal Ascend: climb towards the top. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________.
ad(ac,af,ag,al,an,ap,ar,as,at): to, toward, very Advent: come to or towards Aggressive: assert self towards another or a goal Ascend: climb towards the top • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________
2. ana: through, across, again, back Analyze: break through parts to see how they fit together Anatomy: result of cutting through the body to see the structure of it Anabiosis: The process of restoring back to life • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________
ante: before Antebellum: before war Antemeridian: before midday or noon Antemortem: before death • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________
auto: self Autobiography: life story of a person, written by that person herself Automobile: a vehicle that moves by itself Autonomy: the result of ruling one’s self • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________
cata: down, back, thoroughly Cataclysm: something that thoroughly destroys Catapult: hurl down Catastrophe: downfall or destruction • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________
6. contra: against Contradict: speak out against Contrary: against another Controversy: result of turning against • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
dia: across, through Diameter: measurement across Dialect: language or speech that is different across cultures or places Diagonal: line that goes across • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________
em (en): inside, within Encyclical: related to something within a circle Embryo: grow inside Empathy: identifying or relating to the feelings within another person • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________
epi: outside, on, upon Epidermis: outside skin Epitome: on target, perfect example Epitaph: words engraved on a tomb • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________
ex-: former Ex-convict: someone formerly convicted of a crime Ex-wife: a former wife • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________
hemi: half Hemicycle: half of a cycle Hemiplegia: a stroke on half of the body Hemisphere: half of a sphere • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________
meta: change Metacognition: reflecting on thought processes to bring about a change Metamorphosis: process of changing shape Metaphor: comparison made in order to change our understanding of something • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________
mis: bad, poorly, hate Misanthrope: someone who hates mankind Misogyny: hating a woman Misjudge: evaluate something poorly • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________
multi: many Multiflorous: full of many flowers Multilateral: having many sides Multiply: increase in amount by many • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
ob (oc,of,op): against Occlude: to close against Obstruct: to block against, to hinder Oppose: to take a stance against • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
omni: all Omnipotent: being all powerful Omniscence: state of knowing all Omnivorous: result of eating all things (vegetables and animals) • ___________________________________________ • ___________________________________________ • ___________________________________________
pan: all, entire Panacea: a cure all, a fix for all problems Panchromatic: having characteristics of all colors Panophobia: state of fearing all things • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
para: beside, beyond Paradox: a statement that is beyond belief because it contradicts itself but may be true Paralegal: a person who works beside a lawyer Parallel: the state of being beside another in perfect alignment • ________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________
peri: around Periodontics: science of area around your teeth, pertaining to gums Perimeter: measurement around Periscope: a tool used to look or see around • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
pro: before, forth, forward Prognosis: to know before, prediction of the outcome, usually of a disease Promote: move forward Provide: to supply or furnish with what is needed in order to move forward • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________
pseudo: false Pseudonym: false name Pseudopod: false foot Pseudoscience: false science, knowledge, or belief • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
retro: backward Retroactive: something that goes backward in time Retrogress: go backward Retrospect: look backward • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________ • _________________________________________
sub (suc,suf,sug,sum,sup,sus): under Subject: to place under control Suppose: to take under consideration Suspect: to look under or watch • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________ • __________________________________________
trans: across, through Transit: to travel across Transfer: to carry across Transmit: to send across • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________
vice: in place of Vice president: someone who acts in place of the president if needed Viceroy: someone who acts in place of the king if needed Vice versa: turn in place of • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________