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Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council (IIBC) “IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers Survey” Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) Survey Findings May 9, 2012. 1. IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers: Background.
Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council (IIBC) “IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers Survey” Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) Survey Findings May 9, 2012 1
IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers: Background • On behalf of CABA and the IIBC, we would like to thank all those who participated in the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) IIBC Members "IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers" survey. • The purpose of the survey was to get feedback and suggestions from the IIBC membership regarding, • Evaluation and recommendation of any new initiatives and activities respondents believe the IIBC should undertake going forward, through 2012. • Identification of relevant "hot button" issues in the Intelligent Buildings market for new “IIBC White Papers” and analysis that would be of value to members and their organizations. • The survey was sent to all IIBC members via Constant Contact, with data collection occurring between April 12-26, 2012. The survey took approximately five (5) minutes to complete, with thirty (30) member respondents – 20% of the IIBC membership. • Survey respondents were entered into a draw for a free CABA Sponsorship Package, valued at $1,995, as an incentive for participation. 2
Evaluation of Interest in White Paper Topics for IIBC Membership Question: To evaluate interest levels in white paper topics for the IIBC - deemed relevant, useful and timely by the membership. Close-Ended Question: 3
Evaluation of Interest in White Paper Topics - Suggested by IIBC Membership Question: ForIIBC members to identify other areas of interest, or new ideas for “IIBC White Papers” - deemed relevant, useful and timely by member organizations. Open-Ended Question: Member generated suggestions for new “IIBC White Papers” A. Communication & Best Practices: • Methods to engage Architects, Engineers, General Contractors and Equipment suppliers in the construction process to collaborate in designing, bidding and/or delivering per spec - to employ Plug-and-Play-Technology, Communication and Control Systems with equipment that is interoperable via the IP network. • Assess methods for data sharing in new construction - for the benefit of building owner. B. Systems Integration: • Address the challenge of systems suppliers, i.e. Elevators/Escalators, A/V, Fire, Lighting, Irrigation, etc... to supply equipment/systems that communicate via IP network to a common platform( i.e.Tridium Niagara). • An examination of the convergence of physical (HVAC, lighting) and logical (IT) building management systems. • Identify operational issues in existing buildings and best techniques to address them. C. Energy, Life-Cycle Costing & ROI: • Assess the life cycle cost of intelligent buildings, in addition to ROI. • Assess the benefits (including ROI) of integration of data and building control networks, implementing office building energy dashboards and lowering office building energy use by engaging occupants. • An examination of new technologies in renewable energy. 4
Evaluation of Interest in White Paper Topics - Suggested by IIBC Membership Question: ForIIBC members to identify other areas of interest, or new ideas for “IIBC White Papers” - deemed relevant, useful and timely by member organizations. (CONTINUED) Open-Ended Question: Member generated suggestions for new “IIBC White Papers” D. Social Impact of New Building Technologies: • An examination of the integration with the other environmental and social issues of sustainability - including the net zero and carbon reduction issues as climate change risks increase. • Assess the impact of implementing advanced building automation technologies on occupant satisfaction. E. Systems Overview: • Advanced Lighting Systems Overview - Benefits and Features (compare/contrast various offerings - highlight those using open standards) • Fault Detection and Diagnostics - Highlight software providers in this market and their approach to deliver analytics to the FM market. F. Markets: • An examination of retrofit trends versus new construction. • An examination of International Federation of Highrise Structures (IFHS) objectives and goals. 5
Evaluation of Importance of Initiatives/Activities for IIBC Membership Question: To evaluate importance of activities/initiatives for the IIBC - deemed relevant, useful and timely by the membership. Close-Ended Question: Top Ranked Answers See survey Q.4 for full category explanations 6
Evaluation of Importance of Initiatives/Activities - Suggested by IIBC Membership Question: ForIIBC members to identify other areas of interest, or new ideas for IIBC Initiatives/ Activities - deemed relevant, useful and timely by member organizations. Open-Ended Question: Member generated suggestions for new IIBC Initiatives/Activities A. New/Future Technologies: • Examine Wireless Technology and the developmental process – commercial development and deployment of wireless sensors will be significant to the growth of the Intelligent Buildings sector. It will be important to study/monitor as the technology evolves. • Examine Display Technology – interactive touch glass will quickly evolve as the new interface for human interaction with Building System Information. B. Energy & Environmental Impact: • Explore the growing connection to Green Buildings – integrated and advanced intelligent buildings technologies will advance the long-term reduction of many commercial buildings environmental impact. • Explore Demand Response and Smart Grid issues concerning distributed energy resources – both energy control and energy production in buildings will be significant in the future (i.e., trigeneration and other renewables such as integrated building photovoltaics) C. IIBC Research: • The focus of the findings from the IIBC Landmark Research, “ Intelligent Buildings and the Bid Specification Market”, should highlight new areas for the IIBC to explore – providing action beyond the research. D. IIBC Alliances/Relationships: • Form closer relationships and working partnerships with relevant standards bodies - such as the SCC, CSA, etc. 7
Recommendations: IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers • IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers Survey: • Conduct survey twice per year (Spring and Fall) to refresh ideas and feedback for IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers - and to identify new areas of interest that are timely and relevant to the membership. (IIBC DISCUSSION) • “IIBC White Papers”: • Initial focus on completion of top three favored White Papers; • ROI analysis to quantify benefits of implementing fully converged technology in building automation, security & IT infrastructure • Commercial energy management using cloud technology • Impact of wireless on equipment (HVAC, security, life safety, lighting, etc.) in building automation layer • Supported in both closed and open-ended responses of the survey: (Both in Initiatives/Activities and “IIBC White Papers”) IIBC White PapersSupported By: Closed and Open-Ended ROI analysis/converged technology (60%)Systems Integration;Energy, Life-Cycle Costing & ROI Commercial energy management using cloud technology (53%) Systems Integration; Energy, Life-Cycle Costing & ROI Impact of wireless technology (47%) Systems integration; New/Future Technologies 8
Recommendations: IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers • “IIBC White Papers”: (CONTINUED) • Method - Interested members define and approve criteria/needs - White Papers provided by members; or research consultancies provide “Analysts Briefs” (free) or write original White Papers according to specific criteria - free or nominal member/ sponsor fee - CABA or IIBC sub-committee coordinates production of White Papers and provide update report at subsequent IIBC meetings – for feedback and generation of new ideas - White Papers available to either (1) sponsors – proprietary if associated cost, (2) IIBC members (free or “fee” White Papers, or (3) CABA membership via CABA Research library (IIBC DISCUSSION) • IIBC Activities/Initiatives: • Undertaking of IIBC Initiatives/Activities (IIBC Landmark Research and “IIBC White Papers” development are proceeding). The top Activities/Initiatives identified were as follows. • Facilitate knowledge sharing and best practices (ongoing) - facilitate knowledge sharing and best practices among all Intelligent Building stakeholder groups, special interest groups, and vertical market segments. (53%) • Intelligent Buildings education programs (ongoing) - educate stakeholders and consumers about advantages of Intelligent Buildings and process for creating and maintaining Intelligent Buildings – developed and delivered with stakeholder groups. (47%) • Coordinate and promote industry tools development (ongoing) - verify the value of Intelligent Building projects through the development and promotion of building measurement tools, in conjunction with IIBC members (BiQ 2.0, life-cycle analysis, etc.). (40%) 9
Recommendations: IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers • IIBC Activities/Initiatives: (CONTINUED) • Undertaking of IIBC Initiatives/Activities (IIBC Landmark Research and “IIBC White Papers” development are proceeding). The top Activities/Initiatives identified were as follows. • Update and refine definition of Intelligent Building brand(s)- develop umbrella brand for intelligent buildings and products/services that make them intelligent. (33%) • Online Building Intelligence Quotient (BiQ) Tool - online CABA Intelligent Building ranking tool. The BiQ Certification Process increases market penetrability of Intelligent Building technology with building owners, operators, managers and designers - demonstrating value and providing guidance. (33%) • Connection to Green Buildings - promote concept of sustainable construction, efficiency and building certification. (27%) • Intelligent Buildings Life-Cycle Analysis Tool - development of a specific tool to measure the life-cycle costs of Intelligent Buildings. (20%) (IIBC DISCUSSION) 10
IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers Survey Sponsorship Package Winner: We would like to thank everyone who took part in the CABA IIBC Members "IIBC Initiatives/Activities and White Papers" Survey. There was a very good response, providing plenty of valuable insights and feedback by all participants. As indicated, those who completed the survey were entered into a draw for a free CABA Sponsorship Package, valued at $1,995. We would like to congratulate the winner of the random draw for the free sponsorship package: Tom Lohner Vice President exp US Services Thanks again to everyone who took part in the IIBC survey! 11