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Lecturer : Bambang Warsuta, S.Kom , M.T.I bambangwarsuta@gmail.com. INTERNET & E-COMMERCE Security. S1 Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. Profile Potential Cyber User in Indonesia Sumber : Kompas , Triennal Review, Comscore. Threats.
Lecturer : Bambang Warsuta, S.Kom, M.T.I bambangwarsuta@gmail.com INTERNET & E-COMMERCESecurity S1 TeknikInformatikaFakultasIlmuKomputer UPN “Veteran” Jakarta
Profile Potential Cyber User in IndonesiaSumber: Kompas, TriennalReview, Comscore
Threats • Unauthorized Access = Aksesolehpihakygtidakberhak • Mobile Device Attack = Serangankeamananpadaperangkathandphone, tablet computer • System Compromise = Kelemahan internal darisistem/ bolongkeamananaplikasi • Cyber Espionage = Mata-matasisteminformasi • Social Engineering = Pencurian data pentingmelaluijejaringsosial • SPAM = Email ygtidakdiperlukan • Malware = Virus program • Insider = Kegiatan orang dalam • Denial of Service = Kegagalansistemakibatkesengajaan • Data Leakage = Kebocoran data • Phishing = Pencurianinformasimelalui email • Identity Theft = Pencurianinformasiidentitasseseorang • Web Deface = sistemeksploitasidengantujuanmenggantitampilanhalamanmukasuatusitus.
4Besar Threat Abuse Sumber : id-CERT (Cyber Emergency Response Team)
Laporan Abuse dari ID-CERT • PosisikeempattertinggiadalahMALWARE.Posisiiniturundibandingkantahunsebelumnyakecualipadabulan April. • BiladibandingkandenganbulanDesember 2010, jumlahlaporanjugaturun(Posisipadabulan Des 2010 adalah: 9.417 laporan) • Sedangkanbiladibandingkandenganbulan yang samaditahun 2010, makatren yang terjadiadalahterjadikemiripandibandingperiode yang samatahunlalu. • Berdasarkandata Messagelabs, malware secara global memilikikecenderunganmenurun.
Malware • Malware = Malicious Software (perangkatlunakjahat) Kawinsilangantara virus, worm, trojan horse, backdoor, keylogger, screen logger, dll • Fungsi-fungsi yang digunakan • Packer (is a program that has been packed/protected with a protection system typically designed by malware authors to bypass anti-virus protection and to hide malware contents.) • Polymorphic (memilikbanyakbentuk) Trojan, Worm, spyware. • Enkripsi • Exploit (fungsimenyerangkelemahankomputer) • Instant Messenger (chatting) • Mematikan Anti Virus yang terpasang • dll
Laporan Abuse dari ID-CERT (1) • Posisiketigatertinggipadatahuniniadalahdengankategori LAIN-LAIN. Dimanayang masukdalamkategoriiniadalahsemuanyaterkaitdenganpelanggaranHaKI (HakAtasKekayaanIntelektual) baikituuntukPirantiLunakmaupun Film.
Laporan Abuse dari ID-CERT (2) • SPAM, Dari total laporan yang masuk, SPAM mendudukiperingkatkeduadaritotal laporan yang diterimadiawaltahun 2011 ini, namunpadabulanMarethinggaJuniterdapatkecenderunganmenurun.
Laporan Abuse dari ID-CERT (3) • Insidenjaringan (Network Incident) yang mencakup: DoS Attack, Open Relay, Open Proxy, Hacking, Port Scanning, Port Probe (HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, TELNET, TCP, SSH Brute, CGI, RPC, Netbios, VNC Portscan), TCP Sweep dan SQL Injection padatahuninimendudukiperingkatpertamadalamriset Abuse kali ini. Hal inimerupakanrekortertinggisemenjakawaltahunini.
Secure eCommerce environment • A secure e-commerce environment requires: • Access control, usually managed by a firewall, which regulates the data flow • Authentication, which binds the identity of an individual to a specific message or transaction • Data privacy and integrity, which ensures that communications and transactions remain confidential, accurate and have not been modified.
First line Defense • This is the first line of defense for any website. Some methods for accomplishing this are: • Firewalls. • PORT • User account security. • User Credential, Password, Access Rules • Software security. • Antivirus, AntiMalware, AntiSpam, etc. • Additional protection for sensitive data. • Secure password management, Data Encryption, etc.
SilakanBertanya??? Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers. Tony Robbins
COMMON WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES (1) • Routers • Be sure that your router is appropriately configured. • A router is designed to route packets efficiently and reliably, but not securely, thus although it is a layer in your security package, a router should not be used alone as a method for implementing a security policy. • One of the most common types of security attack is what is called a “denial-of-service” attack, i.e. an attacker or attackers use various means to prevent legitimate website users from accessing a site.
COMMON WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES (2) • Firewalls • A firewall is a device that controls the flow of communication between internal networks and external networks, such as the Internet. • It controls “port-level” access to a network and a website. A “port” is like a doorway into a server. • Here are some examples of firewall configurations you might want to implement. • Close off the possibility of unnecessary or unauthorized traffic accessing your servers. • Configure the firewall so that only wanted traffic gets through. • Encrypt most or all traffic between servers. • Limit the points of access.
COMMON WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES (3) • Disable Nonessential Services • Some of the services you should disable on your website’s servers include, but are not limited to: • Mail (SMTP). • Finger Network Protocol • Netstat, systat. • Chargen, echo. Character generator Protocol • FTP. • Telnet. • Berkeley UNIX”r” commands such as rlogin,rsh, rdist etc. • SNMP. Simple Network Management Protocol
COMMON WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES (4) • User Account Security • A common method hackers use to gain access to a web server is to steal an authorized user’s account. • Restricting a user’s access to only the needed resources limits the amount of damage hackers can do to your website. Authentication and authorization are the two best general ways to restrict access. • Authentication. This verifies that you are who you claim to be. • Authorization. This defines what a user is allowed to do.
COMMON WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES (5) • Data Confidentiality • Confidentiality ensures that only authorized people can view data transferred in networks or stored in databases. • Protecting sensitive data like credit card numbers, inventory, etc. is a difficult problem for web-based businesses
COMMON WEBSITE SECURITY MEASURES (6) • Monitoring Your Website • Finally, monitor your website’s usage and take a proactive stance on security holes. To ensure a high level of security, you should: • Monitor for break-ins. Institute a user account change report or install a sophisticated network monitoring system. • Monitor your logs after an attack, they can tell you how the attack occurred and might even provide a clue as to the identity of the attacker. • Run a security analysis program that can take a snapshot of your site and then analyze for potential weaknesses in your site. • Perform security audits with outside auditors to check for potential security holes that you might have missed. • Back up your website on a scheduled basis so that, if needed, you can recover damaged data and programs.
Thank You… Have a nice weekend… The only source of knowledge is experience.Albert Einstein