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Majestic Animals: Panda, Lion, Tiger, Snakes, Crocodiles, Rhino

Explore the fascinating world of animals like pandas, lions, tigers, snakes, crocodiles, and rhinos. Learn about their habitats, characteristics, and importance in the ecosystem.

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Majestic Animals: Panda, Lion, Tiger, Snakes, Crocodiles, Rhino

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  1. Animals in our Life

  2. panda • Panda, or bamboo bear (Latin Ailuropodamelanoleuca) - Bear Family mammal with a distinctive black and white coloring of wool, which has some of the attributes of raccoons. The only modern species of the subfamily AiluropusAiluropodinae. Giant pandas live in the mountainous regions of central China: Sichuan and Tibet. Since the second half of the XX century, the panda has become something of a national emblem of China.

  3. Lion • Lion (Latin: Pantheraleo) - species of carnivorous mammals, one of four members of the genus panther (Latin: Panthera), belonging to the subfamily of the big cats (Pantherinae) in the cat family (Felidae). Is the second largest after the tiger of the living cats - some males can weight up to 250 kg. • Historical range of the lion was much wider than the modern - even in the early Middle Ages lion met throughout Africa, in deserts and tropical forests, as it can be seen in the Middle East, Iran, and even in some areas of southern Europe (for example, he lived on the part of in present-day southern Russia, rising to about the 45th parallel of north). In the North and North-West India lion was just a predator. However, persecution by humans and habitat destruction led to the fact that in Africa a lion remained just south of the Sahara, its range is now broken. In Asia, there is a small population in Girskom forest (in the Indian state of Gujarat). • Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the Lions were the most widespread large mammals on Earth after man

  4. Tiger • Tiger (Latin Pantheratigris) - species of carnivorous mammal of the cat family, one of four members of the genus panther (Latin: Panthera), which belongs to a subfamily of the big cats. The word "tiger" comes from al-Greek. τίγρις, which in turn goes back to al-pers. * Tigri the root «* taig» meaning "sharp, quick." Among the members of this species are found the largest felines. The tiger is one of the largest land predators, second only to the mass of white and brown bears. , Nine subspecies of tiger, of which the beginning of the XXI century have survived only six - the total population of the order of 4000-6500 individuals, of which the most numerous is the Bengal tiger (nominative subspecies), representing 40% of the total population. In the XX century, is included in the IUCN Red List, in the Red Book of Russia, as well as documents of title in other countries.

  5. Snakes • Snakes (Latin Serpentes) - suborder squad scaly reptiles. Among the variety of snakes are found innocent, and very dangerous to humans and animals poisonous representatives. • From legless lizards snakes differ movable joints left and right sides of the jaw (which makes it possible to swallow prey whole), no moving eyelids and ear drum, the lack of the shoulder girdle. • The body is elongated without limbs. Body length of 10 cm to 12 m • The skeleton of a snake. • Skull snake diapsidny, but both temporal arc absent. Cranium has ossification front that protects the brain when ingested large prey. Most snakes skull has a strong development Kineticism, that is, many skull movable relative to each other. Snakes are very mobile square, coupled with scaly, and maxillary, .

  6. Crocodiles • Crocodiles (Latin Crocodilia) - unit of aquatic vertebrates (which usually refers to a collective group "reptiles"). Within cladistics crocodiles are considered as the only survivor of a broader subcladekrurotarzy treasure. The word "crocodile" comes from the Greek. κροκόδειλος, «pebble worm", because of the bumpy skin of these animals. It is believed that crocodiles appeared about 250 million years ago in the Triassic period [specify]. Of living creatures, the closest relatives of crocodiles - birds (close relatives or descendants of archosaurs). All current crocodiles - semi-aquatic predators are edible aquatic, wetland and coming to the watering of animals. • The length of most crocodiles 2-5.5 m Their appearance shows adaptation to life in the aquatic environment: the head is flat, with a long snout, the body flattened, powerful tail, laterally compressed, rather short legs. On the front legs - 5 fingers, the rear - 4 (not the little finger), connected by membrane. Eyes with vertical slit pupils are on top of the head, so that the animal can look out of the water, putting out only the nostrils and eyes, nostrils and ear holes under water moving close valves

  7. Rhino • Rhino (Latin Rhinocerotidae) - a family of equine mammals, containing five modern species found in Africa and Asia. • The main feature of the rhino horns are on the nose. Depending on the species they may be one or two, some fossil rhinos did not have them at all. Anterior horn growing from the nasal bone, the back (if available) of the frontal part of the skull. Despite the hardness, the horns are not made of bone, and of concentrated keratin - a protein that is present in the hair. Some poachers hunt rhinos, believing that the horns have healing qualities. The largest known horn had a length of 158 centimeters.

  8. Zebra • Zebra (Latin Hippotigris) - subgenus of the genus horse, including types of plain zebra, zebra desert and mountain zebra. Hybrids between zebras and domestic horses called zebroidami between zebras and donkeys - zebrulami. Zebras live in small groups consisting of females with calves and one zherebtsa.Iznachalno zebras were common throughout Africa. In North Africa, were destroyed in antiquity. • Today's distribution area of ​​the most common plains zebra covers the South of Sudan and Ethiopia, savannas of East Africa to the south of the continent. Desert zebra found in dry savannas of East Africa, in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. The mountain zebra is the least common type, its range is limited to high-altitude plateau of Namibia and South Africa, where it is found at an altitude of 2000 m

  9. Hippopotamus • Common Hippopotamus or hippo (Latin Hippopotamus amphibius) - mammal of the order Artiodactyla, suborder svinoobraznyh (non-ruminants), begemotovyh family, the only modern species of Hippopotamus. A characteristic feature is its behemoth semi-aquatic lifestyle - most of the time he spends in the water, coming ashore only at night for a few hours to feed. Hippopotamus is found only in fresh water, although occasionally may take the sea. • Behemoth - one of the largest modern land animals. Weight of the large old males sometimes exceed 4 tons, so the hippo competes with rhinos for second place on the mass of land animals after elephants. Previously, the closest relatives of hippos were considered pigs, but now scientists believe that their closest relatives are whales. • Currently hippopotamus is found only in sub-Saharan Africa, although in ancient times (for example, in ancient times), it was more common, living in North Africa (Egypt, Morocco and Algeria today), and may have met in the Middle East , but this time to the Middle Ages disappeared from these locations. As of 2006, when the International Union for Conservation of Nature has recognized the status of the hippo vulnerable, its population on the continent estimated 125 to 150 thousand units, while having a tendency to decrease

  10. Giraffe • Giraffe (Latin Giraffacamelopardalis) - mammal of the order Artiodactyla, family zhirafovyh. Is the tallest land animals of the world. To distinguish it from the related okapi ("forest giraffe"), sometimes called the steppe giraffe. Giraffe males reach a height of up to 5.5 meters and weigh up to 900 kg. Females are generally slightly smaller and lighter. Giraffe neck unusually long, and this despite the fact that they, like almost all other mammals, only seven cervical vertebrae. High growth puts a strain on the circulatory system, especially for supply to the brain. So heart giraffes particularly strong. It flows 60 liters of blood per minute, weighs 12 kg and creates pressure, which is three times higher than in humans.

  11. Asian Elephant • Asian Elephant, or Indian elephant (Elephasmaximus) - mammals of the order Proboscidea, the only modern species of Asian elephants (Elephas) ​​and one of three species of modern elephants. • Asian Elephant - the second largest land animal after the elephant savanna. • Indian elephants is second in size to African elephants Sawano, but their sizes are also impressive - older individuals (males) having a mass 5.4 tonnes [1], with an increase of 2,5-N, 5 meters. Females are smaller than males weigh an average of 2.7 tons. Is the smallest subspecies with Kalimantan (the weight of about 2 tons). For comparison, the savannah elephant weighs between 4 to 7 tons Length Indian elephant 5,5-6,4 m, tail - 1.2-1.5 m Difficult Indian elephant massive African. Feet thick and relatively short, soles of the feet like structure similar to that of the African elephant - under the skin there is a special springy mass. Hooves on the front legs 5, rear 4. The body is covered with a thick wrinkled skin, skin color - from dark gray to brown. The thickness of the skin of the Indian elephant is up to 2.5 cm, but is very thin on the inside of the ears, around the mouth and anus. The skin is dry, has no sweat glands, so taking care of it is an important part of life elephant

  12. Polar bear • Polar bear, or northern bear, or sea bear, or oshkuy (Latin Ursusmaritimus) - carnivorous mammal of the family bear a close relative of the brown bear. Latin name Ursusmaritimus means "sea bear." Originally, the polar bear separated from brown around 45-150 thousand years ago, probably in the territory of modern Ireland. However, a recent study showed that the polar bear separated from their common ancestor with brown bears 338-934 thousand years ago (about 600 thousand years ago), and 100-120 thousand years ago by crossing the representatives of their hybridization has occurred, resulting which all modern polar bears are descended from these hybrids. • Polar bear - the largest land mammals of the representative of prey. Its length is 3 m, weight up to 1 t usually males weigh 400-450 kg, body length of 200-250 cm, height at withers to 130-150 cm Females much smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest bears are found on Spitsbergen, the largest - in the Bering Sea.

  13. polar fox • (Common), arctic fox, polar fox or (Latin Alopexlagopus) - predatory mammal canine family, the only member of the genus foxes (Alopex). Small wild animal resembling a fox. Body length of 50-75 cm, tail - 25-30 cm, Height - 20-30 cm average body weight of the male - 3.5 kg, maximum - up to 9 kg, females - 3 kg. Unlike foxes, fox body in a squat, shortened muzzle, ears are rounded, slightly protruding from the winter coat (this keeps them from freezing). Species name - lagopus - translated from the Greek. "Rabbit's paw": the foot pads are covered with coarse hair fox.

  14. Seals • Seals - the common name of two families of mammals, polyphyletic group, previously attributable with walruses (Odobenidae) in a separate unit of pinnipeds (Pinnipedia), which is the modern view is deprecated in systematics. • Seals called the families sivuchevye, or eared seals (Otariidae) and seals, or true seals (Phocidae). Both groups of both pairs of limbs transformed into flippers, armed claws, tail fins laid back. Eared seals, probably evolved from primitive medvedeobraznyh, real, apparently - from primitive weasel. In true seals do not have ears, tail fins are used to move the water. I eared seals for movement in the water are the front legs, and back in the water serve as rudders, and on land podgibayutsya forward and support the massive body. About 20 species of 12 genera. • Widely available, particularly abundant in the polar latitudes. Most kinds of ice forms on the haul (for breeding and molting). Pregnancy usually lasts about a year

  15. Boar • Boar (Latin Susscrofa), or wild boar, or wild pig - a mammal of the order Artiodactyla, suborder svinoobraznyh (non-ruminants), a family of pigs. Is the ancestor of the domestic pig. In mythology - "fearless beast. • Boar - omnivorous cloven-hoofed mammal from non-ruminants kind of pigs (Sus). Is different from the domestic pig, which is undoubtedly derived from wild boar (and other closely related species), has a short and dense body, thicker and high kicks, in addition, a boar's head is longer and thinner, the ears long, sharp and besides standing, sharp, canines are more developed and more acute: the male they are much more developed than in the female. • Bristles, except the bottom of the neck and the back of the abdomen, forms on the back of something like mane. Bristles black and brown with a touch of yellow, brownish-gray undercoat, thanks to this general coloring of gray, black and brown, snout, tail, lower legs and hooves - black.

  16. Wolf • Wolf or gray wolf, or an ordinary wolf (lat. Canis lupus) - a carnivorous mammal canine. Together with the coyote (Canislatrans) and jackal (Canisaureus) is a small genus of wolves (Canis). In addition, as the results of the study of DNA and genetic drift, is the direct ancestor of the domestic dog, which is usually regarded as a subspecies of wolf (Clfamiliaris). Wolf - the largest animal in its family: the length of his body (without the tail) can reach 160 cm, tail up to 52 cm, height at withers 90 cm weighing up to 86 kg. • Wolf once had a much more widespread in Eurasia and North America. Today, its range, and the total number of animals has greatly decreased, mainly as a result of human activity: changes in natural landscapes, urbanization and mass extermination. In many parts of the world the wolf is at the verge of extinction, but in the north of the continents its population remains stable. Despite the fact that the wolf population continues to decline, it is still in many places is hunted as posing a potential threat to humans and livestock, or for fun.

  17. FOX • Fox - the common name of several species of mammals canine. Only 11 species of this group belong to the genus itself foxes (Latin Vulpes). The most famous and widely representative - Red Fox (Vulpesvulpes). Foxes are found in the folklore of many cultures around the world. • According to modern concepts of phylogeny canine [1], a group of foxes in the understanding, which is used in this article - polyphyletic therefore unsuitable for use as a taxon.

  18. Moose • Moose or elk (Latin Alcesalces) - cloven-hoofed mammal, the largest species of the family cervids. • Male length up to 3 meters, the height at the shoulder and 2.3 m, tail length 12-13 cm, weight 360-600 kg in the Far East of Russia and Canada - up to 655 kg. Females are smaller. …

  19. Squirrel • Squirrel (Latin Sciurus) - kind of rodents squirrel family. In addition to actually kind of Sciurus, protein is also called a number of representatives of the genera of the family Sciuridae red squirrels (Tamiasciurus), palm squirrels (Funambulus) and many others. As for the kind of Sciurus, it integrates itself about 30 species, distributed in Europe, North and South America and in the temperate zone of Asia.

  20. Hare • Hare (lat. Leporidae) - a family of mammals of the order Lagomorpha, which includes the actual birds (mainly genus Lepus, but Pronolagus and Caprolagus) and rabbits (other genera). Rabbits are distributed worldwide, except for Australia and remote islands, many of which are imported people. Differ from pikas developed hind legs, long ears and short tail presence.

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