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KONSERVASI SUMBERDAYA ALAM DAN LINGKUNGAN. Bahan kajian pada MK. PSDAL. Diabstraksikan oleh : Soemarno , psdl-ppsub - Malang 2013. KONSERVASI AIR. SIKLUS AIR.
KONSERVASI SUMBERDAYA ALAM DAN LINGKUNGAN Bahankajianpada MK. PSDAL Diabstraksikanoleh: Soemarno, psdl-ppsub - Malang 2013
SIKLUS AIR Water evaporates from oceans, rivers and lakes (water in its liquid form) and rises into the atmosphere (water in its gas form) where it condenses to form clouds. Precipitation then falls to the earth in the form of rain (water in its liquid) or snow (water in its solid form) where it flows into oceans, rivers and lakes and the process begins again Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
SIKLUS AIR Evapotranspiration Evaporation Evaporation Evaporation from ocean Soil Moisture Infiltration Moisture over land Precipitation Moisture over land Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) …. WATERSHED DAS meliputisemualahan yang menyalurkan air hujanmemasukisuatusistemsungaitertentu. DAS menangkapdanmenyimpan air hujan, melepaskan air tersebutsecarabertahapmemasukialursungai. Perubahandalamsuatu DAS, secaraalamiahataubuatanmanusia, akanmempengaruhikualitas air, kecepatan runoff, nilai habitat danerosi , yang padaakhirnyaakanberdampakpadakeseluruhan DAS. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.pedrocreek.org/watershed.html….. 17/10/2012
JUMLAH AIR TAWAR DI DUNIA • Of all the water on Earth, only a small amount is available for us to use. It's true!96.5% of the Earth's water supply is salt water.Only 2.8% is fresh water! • That 2.8% is divided like this: • 0.76% is groundwater (we can use some of this water) • 0.0132% is in lakes and streams (we can use some of this water) • 1.74% is in glaciers and icecaps • 0.001% is water vapor Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
PENCEMARAN AIR PENCEMARAN AIR DOMESTIK Safe water supply Sanitation – open defecation Drainage Solid waste disposal PENCEMARAN AIR AKIBAT PERTANIAN Pesticides Fertilisers Over extraction of ground water • PENCEMARAN AIR AKIBAT INDUSTRI • Chemicals • Untreated water • Ground watercontamination Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
AIR & KESEHATAN • The body is comprised of 75%of water. • We cannot live without water for more than 24 hours. • 1.8 million people die from diarrhoeal death where 90% are children. • 88% is attributed to unsafe water supply, inadequate sanitation and hygiene. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
AIR & KESEHATAN MANUSIA • Minum air-kotordapatmengakibatkangangguankesehtaan / penyakit. • Pencemaran air sumurakibatadanyamata-air (sumber air) yang tidkabersih. • Tidakmencucitanganhinggabersihsebelummakan. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
AIR & KESEHATAN • Leaving drinking water containers uncovered. • Household wastes near homes leading to breeding ground for flies. • No proper drainage near homes – stagnant water where mosquitoes breed. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Bgmmenghindarimasalah KESEHATAN • Melindungisemuasumber air minum • Drink water from only protected water sources • Mencucitangansetelahdari toilet • Gunakan toilet – janganditempatterbuka/ bebas • Mencucitangansebelummakan • Wash vegetables well before cooking • Cover all food Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Higienis Personal • Mandisetiaphari • Comb hair daily • Brush teeth daily twice • Cut your nails • Wash hands with soap after going to toilet • Mencucitangansebelummakan • Memakaipakaina yang bersih Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Sanitation • Don’t defecate in the open • Always wash yourself • Use toilets where they are • Don’t defecate near water sources • Membuanglimbaghdneganbijaksana • Menggunakankembali air bekasmandi Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
LINGKUNGAN = Environment • Don’t throw your household waste near drinking water sources • Clean your house and surroundings daily • Don’t throw paper, plastic, households wastes into open drains that run through the street • Throw litter into a bin and dispose of it properly • Janganmenebangphon, tetapimenanamlebihbanyak • Melihatbahwa air mengalir, tidaktersumbat Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
MENGGUNAKAN AIR secaraBijaksana Lifestyle choices, population growth and climate change are placing increasing demands on our water supplies. It's important that we do not take this precious resource for granted and that we all use water wisely to ensure that there is enough for everyone in years to come. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Menghemat air dimulaidariAnda !!! • Check your water meter and track your bills • Wash fruits, vegetables in a pan of water rather than running water • Mengumpulkan air bekascuciandnamenggunakannyauntukmenyiramtanaman. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Menghemat air dimulaidariAnda !!! • Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes. You'll save up to 4000 ltrs a month. • When you give your pet fresh water, don't throw the old water down the drain. Use it to water your trees or shrubs. • When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you lather. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Menghemat air dimulaidariAnda !!! • Turn off the water while you soap and shampoo yourself. You can save more than 200 ltrs a week. • Check all taps and pipes for leakages. A dripping tap can waste 140 liters a week. • Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and wash your face. Keep water in a mug. You waste 6 liters a minutes with running water. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Menghemat air dimulaidariAnda !!! Melakukansesuatusetiapsaatuntukmenghemat air. SelaluIngat - SetiapTetes Air sangatpenting Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
Berapabanyak air yang Andagunakanuntuk…. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
PANEN AIR-HUJAN Green water is a very important resource for global food production. About 60% of the world staple food production relies on … green water. The entire meat production from grazing relies on green water, and so does the production of wood from forestry. n drylands almost the entire food production depends on green water (the relative importance of irrigation is minor) and most of the industrial products, such as cotton, tobacco, wood, etc.
PANEN AIR-HUJAN The ultimate source of water that we utilise in our daily life is from the monsoons. The rain used to fall on the ground and slowly seep inside till the underground storages were filled up. But today, there are more building and roads and less water is being able to seep inside. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
PANEN AIR-TANAH At the same time, people are drawing out more and more water from the underground storages. The result being that there is less and less water for us to use. Diunduh dari: http://www.water.gov.au/WaterAvailability/Waterbalanceassessments/Waterbalanceresults/index.aspx?Menu=Level1_3_2_3….. 13/11/2012
NERACA AIR Our duty is to see that we can get enough water to use and also have some left for the future. Diunduhdari: http://www.senwes.co.za/Files/main_Scenario/archive_articles/2006/2006-12-01_effective_irrigation_soil_water_balance.htm ….. 13/11/2012
…NERACA AIR DI BENTANG LAHAN. Annual water balance for the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. The Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed is located primarily in a high foothill alluvial fan portion of the San Pedro River watershed. Cenozoic alluvium is very deep and is composed of coarse-grained fragmentary material, the origin of which is readily traceable to present-day mountain flanks on the watershed. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/dap/field_sites.htm….. 17/10/2012
HEMAT & SIMPAN AIR Andadapatmelakukansesuatuuntukmenabunglingkungan SIMPAN AIR : Mengurangipermintaansumber air yang langkadansumber air tanah. Simpanan air dapatdigunakanselamaperiodekekeringan. Diunduh dari: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/archive/agriculture-today-stories/december-2009/more-time-at-or-below-wilting-point/waterbank ….. 13/11/2012
HEMAT – SIMPAN AIR • Reduces erosion and storm water run-off • Saves natural resource presently wasted • Prevents ground water depletion • Supports water conservation & self-dependence • Stores water that would otherwise lead to flooding. Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
PENTINGNYA HUTAN DALAM SIKLUS HIDROLOGI…. Air hujan yang jatuhdarilangit : Menguapkembalikeatmosfir, mengalirdipermukaanlahan (runoff), meresapkedalamtanah (infiltration). Proses-prosesdiatasdikendalikanolehintensitashujan, karakteristiktanahdanlahan, kemiringanlahandanvegetasi. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.eoearth.org/article/Hydrologic_cycle….. 17/10/2012
PANEN AIR-HUJAN Bagaimanamemanen air hujan ? Mudah ……… Sumber; www.vito.be/.../RuimtelijkeMilieuaspecten/
RAIN-WATER HARVESTING Panen air hujanmerupakansuatumetodememanfaatkan air hujanuntukkeperluandomestikdanpertanian, carainitelahbanyakdiaplikasikandiberbagaipenjurudunia. DELAPAN PRINSIP KEBERHASILAN PANEN AIR HUJAN: Mulaidariobservasilapangandenganhati-hatidankontinyu. Mulaidarititiktertinggidraibentang-lahanataupetakanlahandanbekerjamenurunikemiringanlahan. Mulaidarikerjakecildansederhana. Memperlambat, menyalurkandanmenginfiltrasikan air hujan. Merencanakansaluranpelimpasdanmemanfaatkan air limpasansebagaisumberdaya. Memaksimumkankomponenorganik /vegetatifdaritutupanlahan. Memaksimumkanfungsidanrelasi-relasi yang baikdneganjalan “stacking functions.” Memonitorhasilkerjadanmemperbaikinyaterusmenerus. DiunduhdariSumber: smnofpun… 17/10/2012
PANEN AIR-HUJAN Menangkap air hujandanmenyimpan / menampungnya. Kalaukitamempunyaipenampung air, tempatkandibawahcucuranataprumahuntukmenampungcurahan air hujandariataprumah.
PANEN AIR-HUJAN Precipitation Diunduhdari: …………. 27/12/2012
PANEN AIR-HUJAN Methods of saving water Rain water harvesting in Chennai and Bangalore
CONTOH RAIN GARDEN…. DiunduhdariSumber: www.gardenforglobalwarming.co.uk/2008.html ….. 17/10/2012
…EMBUNG PERTANIAN. Embungatautandon air merupakanwadukberukuranmikrodilahanpertanian ( small farm reservoir) yang dibangununtukmenampungkelebihan air hujandimusimhujan. Air yang ditampungtersebutselanjutnyadigunakansebagaisumberirigasisuplementeruntukbudidayakomoditaspertanianbernilaiekonomitinggidimusimkemarauataudisaatcurahhujanmakinjarang. Embungmerupakansalahsatuteknikpemanenan air HUJAN yang sangatsesuaidisegalajenisagroekosistem. • Pembuatanembunguntukpertanianbertujuanantara lain untuk : • Menampung air hujandanaliranpermukaan ( run off) padawilayahsekitarnyasertasumber air lainnya yang memungkinkansepertimata air, parit, sungai-sungaikecildansebagainya. • Menyediakansumber air sebagaisuplesiirigasidimusimkemarauuntuktanamanpalawija, hortikulturasemusim, tanamanperkebunansemusimdanpeternakan. DiunduhdariSumber: ….. 17/10/2012
. PERSYARATAN LOKASI EMBUNG…. • Daerah pertanianlahankering/perkebunan/ peternakan yang memerlukanpasokan air dariembungsebagaisuplesi air irigasi. • Air tanahnyasangatdalam. • Bukanlahanberpasir. • Terdapatsumber air yang dapatditampungbaikberupa air hujan, aliranpermukaandanmata air atauparitatausungaikecil. • Wilayah sebelahatasnyamempunyaidaerahtangkapan air atauwilayah yang mempunyaisumber air untukdimasukkankeembung, sepertimata air, sungaikecilatauparitdan lain sebagainya. Konstruksipembangunanembungdapatdilakukanolehkelompoktanisecarapadatkaryadanbertahap. DiunduhdariSumber: bebasbanjir2025.wordpress.com/.../embung/….. 17/10/2012