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Lecturer: Dr. Kao Pei-Shan. Unit 6: Global Ecosystem & Environmental Crisis 第六單元 : 全球生態與環境危機. Introduction ( 重點提示 ) * Global Village ( 我們的地球村 ) * Explanation of Important Terms ( 重要名詞解釋 ) * Case Study 1 ( 個案研究 1): Burma ( 緬甸 )
Lecturer: Dr. Kao Pei-Shan Unit 6: Global Ecosystem & Environmental Crisis 第六單元: 全球生態與環境危機
Introduction (重點提示) *Global Village (我們的地球村) * Explanation of Important Terms (重要名詞解釋) * Case Study 1 (個案研究1): Burma (緬甸) *Case Study 2 (個案研究2): Sicuan Province, China (中國四川省)
加拿大(Canada) > 台灣(Taiwan) ︾ 我們的地球村 Source: http://www.salvationist.ca/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/multicultural_hands.gif, “consulted in December 2007” ︾ 南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia) ︽ Source: http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2007/gsh4987/images/7-1-3a.jpg, “consulted in December 2007.” > Source: http://www.kidlink.org/kie/nls/english/where/global.gif, “consulted in December 2007.”
Limits to Growth (published in 1972) • It is a book modeling the • consequences of a sharply • growing world population • and finite resource supplies. • It suggests some difficult • situations such as finite • resources, industrialisation, • population explosion, worsen • environment and climate • Change that human beings should face in the near future. Source: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0876631650/wikipedia08-20, “consulted in May 2008”.
The book used a model to simulate the consequence of interactions between the Earth's and human systems. • Five variables were examined in the original model, on the assumptions that exponential growth accurately described their patterns of increase, and that the ability of technology to increase the availability of resources grows only linearly. These variables are: world population, industrialisation, pollution, food production and resource depletion. • The authors intended to explore the possibility of a sustainable feedback pattern that would be achieved by altering growth trends among the five variables.
重要名詞解釋 (Explanation of Important Terms) *溫室效應(The Greenhouse Effect) *全球暖化(Global Warming) *全球氣候異常(Global Climate Change)
The Greenhouse Effect It is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Source: http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/greenhouse.html, “consulted in May 2008”.
1. 溫室效應: 地球大氣層有著與溫室玻璃類似的保溫效果。陽光照射地球,部分能量被大氣和地表吸收,部分被反射回太空。地球表面向外釋放熱量,其中一部分也被大氣吸收。大氣層存留熱量的能力使地球表面有著溫暖的環境,這被稱為溫室效應。 But溫室效應≠全球暖化問題 ∵溫室效應幫助保持地球溫暖而穩定的環境,是生物得以生存的關鍵條件。如果沒有大氣及相關溫室效應,地球表面平均溫度大約會是零下18度C,並且會像月球一樣,白天地表溫度最高可達100多度C,夜晚則急劇降至最低零下100多度C。 Source: New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, http://www.maf.govt.nz/mafnet/rural-nz/sustainable-resource-use/climate/impact-on-industries/greenhouse.jpg, “consulted in December 2007.”
*The greenhouse effect is important as without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. *However, if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth become too warm. This may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals.That is → Global warming *Global warmingmeans an average increase in the Earth's temperature. A warmer Earth may lead to a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. This will cause →climate change.
2.全球暖化(Global Warming):全球變暖現象是因自 18世紀工業革命以來,人類大量排放二氧化碳等氣體所造成的。全球變暖問題是指大氣成分發生變化導致溫室效應加劇,使地球氣候異常(global climate change)。 Earth has warmed by about 1ºF over the past 100 years. Although the Earth could be getting warmer on its own, many scientists think that things people do are helping to make the Earth become warmer and warmer. Source: http://epa.gov/climatechange/kids/gw.html, “consulted in May 2008”.
Case Study 1: Burma Burma Crisis-Burma Cyclone Source: http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/infonation/maps/myanmar_(burma).gif, “consulted in May 2008”. ↗Source: http://www.dbtechno.com/health/2008/05/09/health-crisis-in-myanmar-un-aid-blocked-from-victims-of-cyclone/, “consulted in May 2008”. →Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20080506/myanmar-cyclone/images/1902c4b7-cefb-41a3-ba5d-e6ae229f6047.jpg, “consulted in May 2008”.
Sichuan Province (四川省) -The Province of Sichuan located in southwest China. -It is one of the largest and most inaccessible provinces in China. -Sichuan covers an area of 485,000 kilometers. -Population: 87 million people, boasts the largest population in China, with 87 million people. Source: http://www.jc-chemical.com/pics/chinamapen.gif, “consulted in May 2008”.
Case Study 2: Sichuan ↑Source: http://www.newyorker.com/images/2008/05/19/p465/080519_hesslerearthquakehoriz_p465.jpg, “consulted in May 2008”. ↗Source: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2008/05/12/world/0512-CHINA_index.html, “consulted in May 2008”. →Source:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20080515/china-earthquake/images/7d491c04-cac5-4616-ae15-3f0095e8e28e.jpg, “consulted in May 2008”.
Sichuan Flood 2010 (June 16) • The most severe flood since 1847 hit the city, with more than 250,000 people affected.
World Food Problems Haiti’s Food Problems Source: http://news.cnhubei.com/ctjb/ctjbsgk/ctjb30/200804/t281965.shtml, “consulted in April 2008”.
Case of Haiti in 2008 1. As food prices keeps rising (have gone up by 50%), serious riots and demonstrations happened in April 2008. At least five people were killed. 2. The UN peacekeepers helped to control the situation. *Government’s Reaction and Actions: 1. Condemned the violence, and said the demonstrations were manipulated by individuals linked to drug dealers and other smugglers. 2. Making $10 million to fight the rising cost of food. 3. Creating more jobs and credit programs. →Results: Government fell as Senators fired the Prime Minister.
Haiti ↑Source:http://english.people.com.cn/200602/05/images/0204_C12.jpg, “consulted in April 2008”. ←Source: http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/wp-content/HincheCathe.jpg, “consulted in April 2008”. In Haiti:
Earthquake Hits Haiti • Where: Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s Capital • When: January 12, 2010 • Who: could be more than 100,000 dead • How: 7.0 earthquake happened at 16:43pm (last 35 seconds) • What: Many countries (eg. Taiwan)responded to appeals for humanitarian aid, pledging funds and dispatching rescue and medical teams, engineers and support personnel. On 22 January, 2010 the United Nations (UN) noted that the emergency phase of the relief operation was drawing to a close, and on the following day the Haitian government officially called off the search for survivors.
*Red Cross runs out of medical supplies *UN confirm 19 workers dead with a further 100 believed dead *Around three million people estimated to have been affected by the quake *World Bank pledges $100million to help recovery and reconstruction *Charities launch emergency appeals to help stricken survivors *Presidential palace crumbles, hospital collapses and houses swept away *UK sends emergency team as Obama vows 'unwavering' support