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Los Angeles Mission College

Understand procurement processes at Los Angeles Mission College, including STA, PO, CO, competitive and non-competitive procurement, service and merchandise acquisition rules, quotation thresholds, special/professional services, asset management, vendor verification, and purchase requisition procedures.

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Los Angeles Mission College

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  1. Los Angeles Mission College Procurement Tracking Administrative Services Sr. Accountant Jerry Huang 2010

  2. Los Angeles Mission College • Procurement includes Short Term Agreement also known as STA, Purchasing Order ( PO ) and the contract ( CO ). • Procurement has competitive and non-competitive procurement. • Competitive : The solicitation of quotes, bids, proposals or statements of qualifications (SOQs) from more than one supplier, for the purpose of selecting the least expensive or most advantageous offer, prior to vendor selection and purchase. • Non-competitive : These types of transactions are identified by statutory authority as not requiring the solicitation of quotes, bids or any other form of competitive submittal prior to purchase.

  3. Los Angeles Mission College • Service acquisition • Any service acquired less than $ 5,000 and less than one year, Short Term Agreement ( STA ) is required. • Formal contract ( CO ) is needed if your service is $ 5,000 and above or more than one year. • If a lease of land or a building ( a room ) for 14 days and longer, a contract is needed. • Merchandise acquisition • Any purchasing less than $ 5,000, a standard Purchasing Order ( PO ) will be issued • A Purchasing Requisition ( PR ) is generated for any procurement $ 5,000 and above. • Once PR gets approved by the district, campus will convert PR to PO. • The $ threshold in all procurements ( LACCD rules ) • One quote required for purchasing up to $ 1,000. • Three quotes needed for procurements between $ 1,000 and $ 5,000 • These 3 quotes need not be all formal quotes which means you can obtain the quote via phone, catalogue., etc. However, the lowest quote needs to be a formal quote • Any procurement $ 5,000 and above need to have three ( 3 ) formal quotes. • Majority of time, the Competitive quote is required for every SFP and their $ threshold is more strict than our district requirement. • Always follow the guideline of your granting agency for any threshold requirement.

  4. Los Angeles Mission College • Special/Professional Services – These transactions involve procurement of “special services” as described in Government Code section 53060. Special services or professional services include financial, auditing, legal, architectural/engineering, insurance brokerage, payroll issuance and preparation services, and administrative matters if such person is specially trained and experienced to handle these matters. These transactions are to be procured through a request for proposals (RFP) or request for qualifications (RFQ) process and are handled by the college, college procurement specialist or District Office corresponding to the price thresholds stated in the preceding sections and the division of authority set forth in Administrative Regulation B19 • Any procurement ( service and merchandise ) $ 78,500 ( FY 2010 ) and above requires formal written bid. This level of threshold will be adjusted by the district annually if needed. • Any procurement $ 5,000 and above, Campus purchasing and contract unit will key in SAP as a PR. Once this PR approved by district, campus purchasing unit will then convert this PR to PO or CO. See an example in next slide

  5. This PR 10021664 $ 12,538.50 was converted to PO 4500140671 Currently, the PR # always start with “10” and the PO # starts with “45”. The contract ( CO ) # also starts with “45”

  6. Los Angeles Mission College • Assets purchased between $ 250 and $ 5,000 are considered Low-Value Assets ( LVA ) and the correct GL account is 642300 • If the assets is $ 5,000 and more is an assets that need to be capitalized in SAP. The correct GL account to be charged is 640100 • All assets purchased need to be tagged by campus Receiving department. • If an item purchased is below $ 250, the department head will need to decide if this particular item needs to be tracked or not. If it does, the GL should be 642300 and treated as a low-value asset.

  7. Los Angeles Mission College • Before you decide to make any procurement, you need to find out if the vendor is in SAP system. If not in the system, you need to ask vendor to fill out the vendor form and you need to forward it to district to create a vendor #. • If the vendor is in the system, you need to verify the accuracy of the information in SAP with your vendor. Vendor may not notify LACCD regarding its change of address or the vendor name. If the information does not get updated in SAP, the vendor may not get the payment on time or the check may get lost. • Fill out Purchase Requisition form and secure # of quote needed before obtaining your supervisor’s signatures. Most of the quotes are valid for 30 days. Thus, it is your responsibility to follow up your purchase requisition and ensure the document received by campus purchasing and contract unit on time. • You can also check SAP to see if your purchasing requisition gets keyed into SAP. See next slide

  8. In LACCD Reports, you double click at “Commitment Detail Report” in “Detail” under “Funds Management” Click for next slide

  9. In “Commitment Detail Report” you fill out fiscal year, Business Area, Fund, Fund center and Commitment item. If you leave “Commitment item” blank, the system will pull out a report includes every line item including salary and benefits accounts Because there are many fund centers in 10596, you can type a wild card *M* in here that tells the system to pull every fund centers in 10596. If you don’t know what the fund center # is, you can also type wild card here. For non-salary and non-benefit accounts, you need to type in starting from 400000 to 699999. If you only want to see your supply account, you can type GL 452100 in this area After all filled out, click once at the execute clock and you’ll see a report like the one in next slide

  10. This report shows the PO # and how much it is committed There is no PO # in 586100 because the conference request is sent to District and no PO required. If you don’t see your purchase requisition here in the report two weeks after your submission, contact campus purchasing and contract unit right away because they may not receive your requisition. Click for next slide One cautious note is that the $ in Used commitment does not mean that is the amount you paid to the vendor. Any discount or reduction of your commitment also counted as “Used Commitment” If you have just submitted your purchase requisition, you will see the amount committed in “Original Commitment” and the same amount in “Remain Commitment”. Click for next

  11. Now you want to look up a particular PO or CO. You click on “+” sign in front of procurement and click on “detail”. Under “detail”, you look for “PO”. There are 6 options for you to choose. If you don’t know PO#, vendor #, you can find through your account. Click on “ For Account Assignment” and double click at “Purch. Orders by Acconut Assignment” and it will bring you to next screen Click for next slide

  12. If your account is cost center which means your cost center ends with “A” or “B”, you need to type it over here. Fortunately, you can type a wild card as shown here if you want to see every document in each department in General Fund You can type “MPG” in “Plant” . MPG stands for “Mission Purchasing Group”. If you are at Valley college, it will be “VPG” Click once at this execute clock. Click for next slide

  13. This screen shows you the purchasing document #, line item of your purchasing, vendor name and its #, Doc Date and type of documents ( PO – purchasing order, STA – Short Term Agreement and CO - Contract ) Move your cursor over the vendor name and double click, you will see the information about the vendor. Move your cursor over Purchasing # and double click, the system will open that particular PO. Click for next This screen shows all documents processed since fy 2003 until now. However, we only want to see current year, fy 2010. You highlight the column heading “Doc Date” and click the “funnel” icon. See next slide.

  14. You highlight the column of “Doc Date” by clicking the column heading of “Doc Date”. After highlighting the column, you click on the funnel icon and a small window will pop up. Click for next You type the date range you would like to see. In this case, fy 2010 which is from 7/1/2009 to 6/30/2010. After filling out the date range, you click the green check mark. Click for next slide

  15. Now it shows all documents processed between 7/1/2009 and 6/30/2010 Now move your cursor over purchasing order and double click on the PO 4500135734 you want to see. Next slide shows you how to retrieve document if you are SFP program.

  16. If your program is of the SFPs, you need to fill out this WBS. Because 10596 has many WBS, you can only see any PO that is charge to 10596-M0514 if you only type 10596-M0514. Since there are many WBS in 10596 and you want to see them all, you need to fill out every WBS in this screen in order to see them all. Click on this colorful icon to see more selections for you to filter. One note is that we leave “Plant” option blank because your WBS, 10596-M0514, has already told system that you are retrieving 10596 at Mission College. Click for next slide

  17. Once you click at the colorful icon, you will see more options like the one shown on the left. Click on the arrow of “Account Assignment in purchasing document” and you will many selections for you to choose. Double click on “WBS Element”. See next slide

  18. Once you click at the folder of “Account Assignment in purchasing document” , you scroll down the selections and click on “WBS Element”. You will see a small strip pops up on your screen. Click at the yellow right arrow and you will see small screen shows up where you can type all your WBS. After filling out all your WBS, click green check mark on this small screen. Final step is to click on the execute clock. Click for next slide

  19. If there is no PO issued, you will see a message telling you there is no suitable selection here.

  20. Los Angeles Mission College This concludes this session of training Administrative Services Sr. Accountant Jerry Huang 2010

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