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The Truth About Abortion

This informative piece sheds light on the stages of fetal development, emphasizing the humanity of unborn children. It also explores different types of abortion procedures such as Suction Aspiration, Dilatation and Curettage (D&C), RU-486, and Salt Poisoning, revealing the harsh reality of each method. Through detailed descriptions and quotes from medical professionals like Dr. Paul E. Rockwell and Dr. Seuss, the text emphasizes the developmental milestones of fetuses, their ability to feel pain, and the impact of abortion procedures on their fragile lives. This eye-opening content aims to educate readers on the sensitive topic of abortion and provoke thoughtful consideration of the ethical implications surrounding it.

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The Truth About Abortion

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  1. The Truth About Abortion They complain about the 1,000 voluntary American soldiers that died in Iraq, yet support the killing of 4,000 babies every day.

  2. “Years ago, while giving an anesthetic for a ruptured tubal pregnancy (at two months) I was handed what I believed to be the smallest human being ever seen. The embryo sac was intact and transparent. Within the sac was a tiny human male, swimming extremely vigorously in the amniotic fluid, while attached to the wall by the umbilical cord. The tiny human was perfectly developed, with long, tapering fingers, feet and toes. It was almost transparent as regards to the skin, and the delicate arteries and veins were prominent to the ends of the fingers. The baby was extremely alive and did not look at all like the photos and drawings of 'embryos' which I have seen. When the sac was opened, the tiny human immediately lost its life and took on what is accepted as the appearance of an embryo at this stage, blunt extremities, etc.” - Paul E. Rockwell, M.D.

  3. In the first trimester, the backbone, spinal column, and nervous system are forming and the kidneys, liver, and intestines are taking shape by 3 weeks. By 11 weeks all body systems are working By day 21 there is a heartbeat In 7 weeks facial features are visible, including a mouth and tongue. The eyes have a retina and lens. The major muscle system is developed, and the unborn child practices moving. The child has its own blood type, different from the mother's. .

  4. In 12 weeks vocal chords are complete, and the child can and does sometimes cry (silently). The brain is fully formed, and the child can feel pain. The fetus may even suck his thumb • The baby can also squint and swallow and is sensitive to heat touch light and noise.

  5. "A person's a person, no matter how small!" -Dr. Seuss This is a foot of a 9 week old fetus. At this stage in the pregnancy there are already footprints and fingerprints.

  6. This baby is about 13 weeks old, though the skin is still somewhat transparent, you can see veins and nerves, formed ears and fingers. The baby even at this small stage, feels comfort in sucking their thumb

  7. By 14 weeks, the baby has formed muscle systems and the mother can feel it kick. At 15 weeks the baby has taste-buds and can even taste the mothers meals. At 16 weeks, they have eyelashes eyebrows and fine hair. By 20 weeks, the baby can hear and recognize its mother’s voice They also have fingernails and footprints.

  8. In the third trimester, by 32 weeks the baby sleeps 90-95% of the day and has REM (rapid eye movement) which is one of the stages of dreaming. Also, all the neurons in the brain have been formed. The baby practices breathing the amniotic fluid into its newly developed lungs

  9. FiNaL PrOdUcT

  10. Types Of Abortion

  11. You would never expect this:

  12. Suction aspirationAlso known as “vacuum curettage," a powerful suction tube with a sharp cutting edge is inserted into the womb through the dilated cervix. The suction dismembers the body of the developing baby and tears the placenta from the wall of the uterus, sucking blood, amniotic fluid, placental tissue, and fetal parts into a collection bottle.

  13. Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) When the baby is to big to be sucked out by the suction method a D&C is performed. In this technique, the cervix is dilated or stretched to permit the insertion of a loop shaped steel knife. The body of the baby is cut into pieces and removed and the placenta is scraped off the uterine wall. This method should not be confused with routine D&C’s done for reasons other than undesired pregnancy (to treat abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, etc.).

  14. RU 486Is a pill that uses two powerful synthetic hormones, mifepristone and misoprostol to chemically induce abortions in women 5-to-9 weeks pregnant. Using RU 486 requires at least three trips to the abortion facility. In the first visit, the woman is given a physical exam, and if she has no obvious contra-indications (smoking, asthma, obesity, etc., that could make the drug deadly to her), she takes the RU 486 pills. RU 486 blocks the action of progesterone, the natural hormone vital to maintaining the rich nutrient lining of the uterus. The developing baby starves as the nutrient lining disintegrates.At a second visit 36 to 48 hours later, the woman is given a dose of artificial prostaglandins, usually misoprostol, which initiates contractions and usually causes the baby to be born. Most women abort during the 4-hour waiting period at the clinic, but about 30% abort later at home, work, etc., as many as 5 days later. A third visit about 2 weeks later determines whether the abortion has occurred or a surgical abortion is necessary to complete the procedure (5 to 10% of all cases)

  15. Salt PoisoningIs used after 16 weeks of pregnancy, when enough fluid has accumulated in the amniotic fluid sac surrounding the baby. A needle is inserted through the mother’s abdomen and 50-250 ml of amniotic fluid is withdrawn and replaced with a solution of concentrated salt. The chemical solution also causes painful burning and deterioration of the baby’s skin. The baby breathes in, swallowing the salt, and is poisoned. Usually, after about an hour, the child dies. The mother goes into labor about 33 to 35 hours after and delivers a burned, and shriveled baby left to die.

  16. This baby is near full term and was aborted with saline injections. His skin was burned of while he was still alive. You can still see the expression on his face of PAIN and SUFFERING

  17. Dilatation (Dilation) and Evacuation (D&E)Aborts unborn children as old as 24 weeks, and is similar to the D&C. The difference is that forceps with sharp metal jaws are used to grasp parts of the developing baby, which are then twisted and torn away. This continues until the child’s entire body is removed from the womb. Because the baby’s skull has often hardened to bone by this time, the skull must be crushed to be removed. If not carefully removed, sharp edges of the bones may cause cervical laceration. Bleeding from the procedure may be profuse. Dr. Warren Hern, a Boulder, Colorado abortionist who has performed a number of D&E abortions, says he finds them traumatic for doctors too, saying "there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator. It is before one's eyes. The sensation of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current."

  18. Partial-Birth AbortionThis procedure is used to abort babies who are 20 to 32 weeks gestation -- or even later into pregnancy. * Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist reaches into the uterus, grabs the unborn baby’s leg with forceps.

  19. The baby is pulled into the birth canal, except for the head, which is deliberately kept just inside the womb. (At this point in a partial-birth abortion, the baby is alive.)

  20. Then the abortionist jams scissors into the back of the baby’s skull and spreads the tips of the scissors apart to enlarge the wound.

  21. After removing the scissors, a suction catheter is inserted into the skull and the baby’s brains are sucked out. The collapsed head is then removed from the uterus.

  22. Partial Birth abortion at 22 weeks Partial birth abortion at 24 weeks

  23. Partial birth abortion at 30 weeks

  24. Hysterotomy 2nd & 3rd Trimesters Similar to the Caesarean Section, this is used if chemical methods such as salt poisoning or prostaglandins fail . Incisions are made in the abdomen and uterus and the baby, placenta, and amniotic sac are removed. Babies are sometimes born alive during this procedure, raising questions as to how and when these infants are killed and by whom. The umbilical cord is usually cut while the baby is still in the womb, thus cutting off his oxygen supply and causing him to suffocate. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and simply left in a corner to die of neglect or exposure.

  25. This baby was aborted and born alive. Just by the way the doctors are holding it, you can see that they have no respect for the child’s life.

  26. This baby was aborted at 16 weeks You can see the development of this child by their organ systems and bone structure.

  27. Look What We Are Allowing: 26 weeks 20 weeks 22 weeks

  28. Abortions were legalized over 30 years ago, before ultrasounds and medical advances introduced us to babies before they are born. 1/3 (37.4%) of women undergoing an abortion have already had at least one performed before. 300 unnecessary abortions occur in Canada everyday 20% of abortion are performed and young girls, between 10-19 years old. One abortion increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer, depression and suicide.

  29. More harm than realized for women….. Women are taken advantage of, they are not given all the information about what is happening to their bodies. They are being used to feed the abortion industry.

  30. History 1967.  As Justice Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau introduces abortion reform bill. 1969.  Henry Morgentaler closes family practice in Montreal and dedicates himself to becoming an abortionist. Section 251 of the Canadian Criminal Code amended by Trudeau government 1970.  Henry Morgentaler's illegal abortion clinic raided; Morgentaler arrested and charged. Number of induced abortions that year: 11,152 1973.  Henry Morgentaler announces that he has, illegally, aborted 5,000 children. In May of that year, he allows TV cameras to show him aborting child at clinic; abortion shown, on Mother's Day, on national TV. Arrested again, acquitted by jury. In the U.S., abortion laws protecting preborn child struck down in 46 states by Roe v. Wade decision. Number of induced abortions that year: 43,245

  31. 1975.  The Supreme Court of Canada rejects Morgentaler's appeal; Morgentaler sent to minimum security "nursing home" type of prison for short period. The Parliament of Canada receives the "Petition of One Million": a list of names from Canadians across the country demanding protection for the preborn. Number of induced abortions that year: 53,705 1988. The Supreme Court of Canada throws out what remains of the abortion law in Canada, making it not illegal (but not legal); Morgentaler acquitted; abortion clinics begin to spread like blight. Number of induced abortions that year: 72,693

  32. Legally, there is no law on abortion; legal or illegal. HOWEVER…… Section 223 Of the Criminal Code of Canada says a child becomes a human being when it has completely proceeded from the mother, even if the umbilical cord is still attached, or if the child hasn’t breathed yet. Homicide is defined as causing injury to a child before or during birth that causes a child’s death after it becomes a human. It is considered homicide when the child dies from those injuries after it is born alive, but not if it dies before being born. This is the loop-hole where partial birth abortions are allowed.

  33. Section228, makes it an offence liable to imprisonment for up to 2 yrs to supply or procure a drug intended to cause miscarriage *most abortion clinics use drugs like prostaglandin to abort babies The Morgentaler decision declared that Trudeau’s abortion law violated section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms “Everyone has the right to life liberty and the security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” The court, however, did not consider the question of whether the unborn were included in “everyone” who have the right to life under the Charter. The court, also found it unnecessary to consider whether the substance of section7 implies the right to an abortion; so it made the decision on narrow and procedural grounds, it is still open to parliament to impose a law.

  34. U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton ruled that it is “irrelevant whether a fetus suffers pain” in a partial birth abortion. March 26, 2004: U.S. Senate passed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, also known as “Laci and Connor’s Act”. It recognized the unborn child as a second victim when they are killed or injured during the commission of violent federal crime. 80% of the California population supports this law; the killing of Laci and Connor Peterson in California has two victims and therefore two homicides.

  35. Scott Peterson was convicted of the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci and their unborn son, Connor on November 12 2004. Ironic isn’t it? A baby has no rights when it isn’t wanted, but does when it is wanted.

  36. Abortions are covered by Canadian standard heath care, so basically, they are funded through the taxpayer; the citizen of Canada; you and me. Ontario alone spent $30 million of taxpayers money to provide abortion services on demand. Last year 56 women were sent to the U.S. for late term abortions and a $400 000 expense to taxpayers. Quebec Health Minister Philippe Couillard admitted that over 30 women from Quebec were sent to Kansas or New York in 2003 for abortions after 24 weeks. This cost taxpayers $5 000 USD for EACH abortion Although late-term abortions are legal in Canada, few abortionists will perform them. Morgentaler believes, “Around 24 weeks I have ethical problems doing that. What we do at our clinics is if we have a problem like that we usually counsel the woman to continue the pregnancy and put it up for adoption if she is unable to care for it.”

  37. The Church View…… According to Catholicism, every life is sacred from the moment of conception because at that moment, our souls, personalities and everything about us that makes us unique is given to us. Pope John Paul II said recently "All human beings, from their mother’s womb, belong to God who searches them and knows them, who forms them and knits them together with his own hands, who gazes on them when they are tiny shapeless embryos and already sees in them the adults of tomorrow..." The Church believes that every life is sacred, no matter how old, how developed or any other circumstances. The taking of a life, goes against the moral ethics of the Church. As humans we are created in God’s image, and destroying the miracle that he created is wrong.

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