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Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Promoting Health Research Excellence for Students and Faculty. Danika L. Goosney, PhD Director, Program Planning and Process April 27, 2010. About CIHR. Our Mandate:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Promoting Health Research Excellence for Students and Faculty. Danika L. Goosney, PhD Director, Program Planning and Process April 27, 2010
About CIHR • Our Mandate: • “To excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health-care system" (Bill C-13, April 13, 2000). • Our Vision: • To position Canada as a world leader in the creation and use of knowledge through health research that benefits Canadians and the global community.
CIHR offers funding in all aspects of health research Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes Gender and Health Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Population and Public Health Cancer Research Circulatory and Respiratory Health Aboriginal Peoples’ Health Genetics Gender and Health Health Services and Policy Research Human Development, Child and Youth Health Infection and Immunity Aging
Working Collaboratively with NSERC and SSHRC • CIHR collaborates with its research agency partners on major strategies that support world • class research excellence: • Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (doctoral support for outstanding Canadian and international students nominated by their institutions; $50K per year for 1-2 years) • Canada Research Chairs (CRC) (to attract/retain outstanding researchers; Tier 1 - $200K per year for 7 years for outstanding researchers and Tier 2 - $100K per year for 5 years for emerging researchers) • Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) (highly prestigious awards to establish ambitious research programs at Canadian universities; 20 chairs for up to $10M over 7 years) • Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) (focused collaborative research projects involving any field of natural sciences, engineering or health sciences) • Networks of Centers of Excellence (NCEs) and Centers of Excellence (partnerships and multidisciplinary approaches that connect research to industry)
Master’s Awards and Doctoral Research Awards Fellowship Award MD/PhD Program Grants Health Professional Student Research Awards Master’s degree ($17,500 for 1 year) or doctoral degree ($30k + 5k research allowance for maximum 3 years) in a health-related field. Post-PhD or post-health professional degree. For MD/PhD Program Directors to support students in a combined MD/PhD degree ($21k + $1k research allowance per year for 6 years) Research training for health professionals. Promoting Health Research Excellence – CIHR’s Programs for Students(Visit our web site for a complete list of funding opportunities)
CIHR Open Operating Grant Program (OOGP) New Investigator Salary Award Program CIHR Team Grant / Emerging Team Grant Programs Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI) Knowledge Synthesis Grants Catalyst Grants Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grants Operating funds for all areas of health research. Salary contribution for new investigators holding a full time research appointment. Support for research by established, new or emerging teams. Strengthen Canada's healthcare system through collaborative, applied and policy-relevant research. Support teams of researchers and knowledge users to produce knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews. Seed money towards future grants. Meetings, planning and/or dissemination activities consistent with CIHR’s mandate. Promoting Health Research Excellence -- CIHR’s Programs for Faculty (Visit our web site for a complete list of funding opportunities)
Apply On-Line, using ResearchNet. • Applications to all CIHR funding opportunities are now being submitted on-line, through ResearchNet. • What is ResearchNet ? • A secure web portal to perform electronic workflow : • submission of applications (e-submission) • submission of peer reviews (e-review) • approval of applications by research institutions • (e-approval -- pilot stage only)
Key Funding Policy Changes – Effective December 15, 2009 • Individual eligibility requirements • Definitions and eligibility requirements of "Nominated Principal Applicant", "Principal Applicant", "Co-Applicant" and "Collaborator" have been revised. • Foreign researchers • May apply as Principal Applicant and are not required to spend a minimum of 6 months per year at a Canadian Institution. • Signatures on application forms • Signatures from an authorized official of the Principal Applicants' or Co-Applicants' Institution or Organization are no longer required on the “CIHR Signature Pages“.
Introducing Pubmed Central (PMC) Canada… • A partnership between CIHR, the National Research Council’s Canada • Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) and the US • National Library of Medicine: • A free national digital repository of peer-reviewed health and life sciences literature, including research resulting from CIHR funding. • Will include a manuscript submission system to enable CIHR-funded researchers to deposit articles that are accepted for publication by peer reviewed journals, in accordance with CIHR’s Policy on Access to Research Outputs. • The initial release of PMC Canada will be in the fall 2010.
More Information ? • General information, including information on CIHR’s funding opportunities: • www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca • Funding policy and details on funding policy changes: • 2009-2010 CIHR Grants and Awards Guidehttp://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/805.html • Pubmed Central (PMC) Canada: • PMC Canada website http://pubmedcentralcanada.ca/ (website launch date - April 28, 2010) • CIHR Policy on Access to Research Outputs:http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/32005.html