6. What Has Been the Professional
Impact Upon Teachers?
In a June 2008 survey, the following percentage of Eyes on
Instruction participants agreed with the following statements
either almost always or to a considerable degree:
To what degree did the classroom observation process positively impact classroom instruction? 88%
To what degree did the reflective discussions enhance your network of professional colleagues? 88%
To what degree have you implemented new instructional strategies as a result of this program? 82%
To what degree have you been able to positively impact the learning of diverse learners as a result of this program? 69%
7. What Has Been the Professional
Impact Upon Teachers?
11. Principals and facilitators meet in August to plan for the year.
A half day kick-off meeting is held with all participants and principals in October to get to know one another and determine the focus for the year.
There is a one day visit at each participating school during the school year.
A celebration is held in the spring.
13. Flexibility is the key!
Make the program your own!
Utilize volunteers.
Recruit a qualified facilitator.
Have faith in your teachers to develop an appropriate focus for the program.
Model enthusiasm!
Publicize your program in order to build it for future years.