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Mapping of Air Pollution Emissions over Mauritius Under the TEC Sponsored Mphil /PhD Research entitled “A Geo-Statistical and GIS based Approach to study the carbon budget and carbon footprint for Mauritius ” By Anand SOOKUN Supervisors: Dr. R.Boojhawon Prof SDDV Rughooputh.
Mapping of Air Pollution Emissions over MauritiusUnder the TEC Sponsored Mphil/PhD Research entitled “A Geo-Statistical and GIS based Approach to study the carbon budget and carbon footprint for Mauritius” By Anand SOOKUNSupervisors: Dr. R.BoojhawonProf SDDV Rughooputh Research Week 2009‐2010 University of Mauritius A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
What and Why? Definitions… • A carbon budget is a set amount of carbon that can be emitted in a given amount of time, either by the whole economy, or a pre-selected sub-population or set of activities • The carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of GHG’s produced, measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
What and Why? Problem statement… • As climate change becomes more and more a central issue in local, national, and international discussions, understanding the global carbon budget, and how it influences trends in global warming, will become increasingly crucial. • Mauritius has undergone various structural changes as reflected by its land use characteristics and the various production and consumption patterns as more developments are ongoing and the need for transportation • What, how and where in the local context, contributes to climate change through carbon emissions and removals. A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Aims • To show how Geographical Information System (GIS) and Geo-Statistics can provide methods to look at dispersion of air emissions and its receptors that are human beings and the environment, particularly the vegetations that act as sinks. • Develop GIS systems and Models to estimate the carbon emissions and removals within the different land use categories of Mauritius • Explore possibilities to mitigate climate change processes through simulated projects involving avoided emissions or natural carbon sequestrations A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Specific objectives • Understand the processes responsible for adding carbon (sources) to the atmosphere and for removing it (sinks) • Study of Land Use patterns • Map the sources and sinks of GHG’s • Develop the appropriate method to calculate the emissions and removals of GHG’s at the level of ground details such as roads, rivers built-up areas, forestry and agriculture • Develop models A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Coverage of Research • Carbon budget should cover all Mauritian greenhouse gas, BUT mainly carbon dioxide, emissions/removals within the mainland • Carbon footprint should depict ‘responsibility’ of various geographic areas (land categories) as well as socio-economic sectors, by indicating respective emission/removal rates of carbon A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
The Carbon Cycle Source:Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science, 2007 A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Literature Survey • Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fourth assessment report 2007 • Understanding the Global Carbon Budget, Richard Houghton, Senior Scientist, Carbon Research, 2007 • National Air Emission Inventory (NAEI) – UK, 2008 • Carbo Euro GHG Project 2003 • New Zealand Carbon Budget Project 2005
Mind Map A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Materials and Methods • The use of extrapolation methods such as krigging in geostatistics has been applied to generate contour maps of pollution levels. • Application of GIS to study land use patterns in Mauritius • Sampling techniques and surveys to collect geographical, household, business and scientific data to estimate both the ‘direct’ and ‘embedded’ carbon emission attributable to household and business consumptions; • IPCC based methods will be used in calculations. Other approaches include on line calculators A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Methods • The calculations are based on the following equation: • = Σ ij ij E A F , • where E: Emission of pollutant; A ij : Activity statistic, i.e. amount of fuel burnt; F ij : emission factor, i.e. emission per unit of fuel burnt, • i: fuel type and • j: fuel combustion plant or site. A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
MethodsLet i i i i X X X 1 2 3 4 , , denote the average of the amount of emissions for , SO2, CO, and NOx over the seven period respectively for the ith sample point (13 locations with no missing values) over the island which is standardised standardise as follows For each set of standardised data, we develop layers in the form of indices, ji A combined layer is then developed for the ith location, using the index, i I , A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
GIS Source:InWent, Germany A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Data sources • Household and Business surveys, micro-data – Available for researchers, upon request from Central Statistics Office • CEB – fuel used for electricity generation • AREU/Min.of Housing/MSIRI: Land use patterns • Forestry • Satellite Data • Others A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Satellite ImageLandsatsatellite image of Mauritius, 2000 (Source: Global Land Cover Facility) A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Outcomes • Visual display of sites or regions where air pollutants are destined and where monitoring programs need to be improved. • GIS maps of regional carbon budget and carbon footprint A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Land Use Patterns • Source: Prof SDDV Rughooputh A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
CO2 Emissions Trend, Mauritius, 1970 – 2006 (Data Source: J.Baguant , Energy Data Book 1988) A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
CO2 emissions by sector , Mauritius, 2000 – 2006,Source: Central Statistics Office A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Some ResultsMap for CO2 Emissions A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Map for SO2 Emissions A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Map for CO Emissions A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Map for Combined Emissions Using Composite Index A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
On-Going and Future works • Road traffic emissions • Statistical modelling and Spatio-temporal modelling • Processing of Satellite data • Development of Carbon budget Models • Development of carbon offset strategies for scenario analysis that will complement policy related work; • Development of a robust understanding of the links between lifestyles, societal values and the environment. A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Acknowlegement • TEC Sponsored MPhil/PhD Research @ UoM • Central Statistics Office • CEB – fuel used for electricity generation A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh
Contacts A. Sookun1:asookun@gmail.com R. Boojhawon1:r.boojhawon@uom.ac.mu SDDV Rughooputh2:sdr@uom.ac.mu 1Department of Mathematics 2Department of Physics Faculty of Science University of Mauritius A Sookun, R Boojhawon, SDDV Rughooputh