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ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY Environmental safety is the practice of policies and procedures that ensure that a surrounding environment, including work areas, laboratories or facilities, is free of dangers that could cause harm to a person working in those areas. A safe place to work is the key element of environmental safety. Read more: Define Environmental Safety | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_7166558_define-environmental-safety.html#ixzz2HWGopdVL “Safety” means the state of being "safe”, the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event. Diunduhdari: http://www.cmu.edu/ehs/newsletters/lifeline/what-is-Safety.html ………. 10/1/2013
SAFETY safety [ˈseɪftɪ]npl–ties 1. The quality of being safe 2. Freedom from danger or risk of injury 3. A contrivance or device designed to prevent injury. Safety Feel as safe as a lone subway rider at 2 a.m. —Anon Feel as safe as guarded by a charm —Elizabeth Barrett Browning Looked as dangerous as a squirrel and much less nervous —Raymond Chandler The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artifical ones which will give him no pain or trouble —Henry Miller Nothing as safe as simplicity —Edith Wharton Safe and more or less invulnerable like sulky Achilles among Trojans —George Garrett (I thought I was) safe as a good new boat —Reynolds Price (They think they’re) safe as angels —DashiellHammet Safe as a nun in a roomful of eunuchs —Donald Seaman Safe as a tank town —W. R. Burnett Safe as houses —Mary Gordon Safe as in a cradle —William Wordsworth Safe as in God’s pocket —American colloquialism, attributed to New England Safe as sunshine —Slogan R. E. Dietz Co. Security … tighter than the skin on a snake —William H. Hallhan She’s safe as a vault —Raymond Chandler Squatting in safety like the yolk in an egg —Bertold Brecht Diunduhdari: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/safety………. 12/1/2013
SAFETY Noun Safety - the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions; "insure the safety of the children"; "the reciprocal of safety is risk"condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations“ Biosafety - safety from exposure to infectious agents Risklessness - safety as a consequence of entailing no risk Impregnability, invulnerability - having the strength to withstand attack Salvation - the state of being saved or preserved from harm Security - the state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security" Danger - the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury; "you are in no danger"; "there was widespread danger of disease" 2. Safety - a safe place; "He ran to safety" refuge Area, country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country" Harborage, harbourage - (nautical) a place of refuge (as for a ship) 3. Safety - a device designed to prevent injury or accidentssafety device, guard device - an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water" fender - a low metal guard to confine falling coals to a hearth safety catch, safety lock - guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired Diunduhdari: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/safety………. 12/1/2013
KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN • KesehatanLingkungan (WHO - World Health Organization) : • Suatukeseimbanganekologiantaramanusiadanlingkunganhidupnya agar DAPAT menjaminkeadaansehatbagimanusia. • Ruanglingkupkesehatanlingkungana.l . penyediaan air bersih /air minum, pengolahandanpembuanganlimbahcair, gas danpadat, pencegahankebisingan, pencegahanpenyakitbawaan air, udara, makanan, danvektor; pengelolaankualitaslingkungan air, udara, makanan, pemukimandanbahanberbahaya. • KualitasLingkungan yang burukdapatmengakibatkangangguankesehatandimasyarakatsehinggadiperlukanadanyapengelolaankesehatanlingkungankonsistendanberkelanjutan. • RuanglingkupKesehatanLingkunganada 8, yaitu • (MenurutPasal 22 ayat (3) UU No 23 tahun 1992 ): • 1) Penyehatan Air danUdara • 2) PengamananLimbahpadat/sampah • 3) PengamananLimbahcair • 4) Pengamananlimbah gas • 5) Pengamananradiasi • 6) Pengamanankebisingan • 7) Pengamananvektorpenyakit • 8) Penyehatandanpengamananlainnya : MisalPascabencana Diunduhdari: http://enviromentalmanagementandk3.blogspot.com/2012/04/pengelolaan-kesehatan-lingkungan_29.html ………. 13/1/2013
RUANG LINGKUP KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN • Menurut WHO ada 17 ruanglingkupkesehatanlingkungan, yaitu : • Penyediaan Air Minum • Pengelolaan air Buangandanpengendalianpencemaran • PembuanganSampahPadat • PengendalianVektor • Pencegahan/pengendalianpencemarantanaholehekskretamanusia • Higienemakanan, termasukhigienesusu • Pengendalianpencemaranudara • Pengendalianradiasi • Kesehatankerja • Pengendaliankebisingan • Perumahandanpemukiman • Aspekkeslingdantransportasiudara • Perencanaandaerahdanperkotaan • Pencegahankecelakaan • Rekreasiumumdanpariwisata • Tindakan-tindakansanitasi yang berhubungandengankeadaanepidemi / wabah, bencanaalamdanperpindahanpenduduk. • Tindakanpencegahan yang diperlukanuntukmenjaminlingkungan. Diunduhdari: http://enviromentalmanagementandk3.blogspot.com/2012/04/pengelolaan-kesehatan-lingkungan_29.html ………. 13/1/2013
KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN • SasaranKesehatanLingkunganberdasarkanpasal 22 ayat (2) UU No 23 Tahun 1992, meliputi : • Tempatumum : hotel, terminal, pasar, pertokoan, danusaha-usaha yang sejenis • Lingkunganpemukiman : rumahtinggal, asrama/yang sejenis • Lingkungankerja : perkantoran, kawasanindustri/yang sejenis. • Angkutanumum : kendaraandarat, lautdanudara yang digunakanuntukumum. KesehatanPemukiman Kriteriarumahsehatsecaraumum: Memenuhikebutuhanfisiologis, yaitu : pencahayaan, penghawaandanruanggerak yang cukup, terhindardarikebisingan yang mengganggu. Memenuhikebutuhanpsikologis, yaitu : privacy yang cukup, komunikasi yang sehatantaranggotakeluargadanpenghunirumah Memenuhipersyaratanpencegahanpenularanpenyakitantarpenghunirumahdenganpenyediaan air bersih, pengelolaantinjadanlimbahrumahtangga, bebasvektorpenyakitdantikus, kepadatanhunian yang tidakberlebihan, cukupsinarmataharipagi, terlindungnyamakanandanminumandaripencemaran, disampingpencahayaandanpenghawaan yang cukup. Memenuhipersyaratanpencegahanterjadinyakecelakaanbaik yang timbulkarenakeadaanluarmaupundalamrumahantara lain persyaratangarissempadanjalan, konstruksi yang tidakmudahroboh, tidakmudahterbakar, dantidakcenderungmembuatpenghuninyajatuhtergelincir. Diunduhdari: http://enviromentalmanagementandk3.blogspot.com/2012/04/pengelolaan-kesehatan-lingkungan_29.html ………. 13/1/2013
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 'Environmental hazard' is a generic term for any situation or state of events which poses a threat to the surrounding natural environment and adversely affect people's health. This term incorporates topics like pollution and natural disasters such as storms and earthquakes. Hazards can be categorized in five types: Chemical Physical Mechanical Biological Psychosocial CONTOH-CONTOH: Allergens Anthrax Antibiotic agents in animals destined for human consumption Arbovirus Arsenic - a contaminant of fresh water sources (water wells) Asbestos – carcinogenic Avian influenza Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) Carcinogens Cholera Cosmic rays DDT Dioxins Drought Dysentery Electromagnetic fields Endocrine disruptors Diunduhdari: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110623232454AA2E4tG ………. 13/1/2013
Principles of hazard management Establish the context and identify the hazard: These are the first steps. You have learned that a hazard is something that is harmful to our health. A description of the categories of hazards is given in Section 2.2 above. You should identify the type of the hazard in as much detail as you can. You should also describe the exposure conditions and try to answer the following questions: What is the source of the hazard? Who is exposed? What are the pathways or activities that expose a person? What part of the environment is involved in the transfer of the hazard to humans? 2. Hazard/risk analysis and evaluation: Here you would analyse the risk and evaluate the potential of the hazard to cause damage to health. This step needs a deeper appraisal in collaboration with the woreda environmental health worker. The evaluation may require appropriate design, sampling and laboratory investigation. Communicate and consult: When the hazards and risks have been determined, advice can be communicated on the interventions or control measures that are needed to control the hazard. There can also be consultations with relevant people and organisations. Treat the hazard/risk: The interventions or control measures are carried out by the person or people responsible for the hazard or risk. Monitoring and reviewing: The implementation of interventions or control measures for the hazard must be followed up in order to determine whether they are successful. Correction measures can be applied if there is any failure. Identifying appropriate indicators for monitoring is critical and must be done formally. Record keeping: Keeping records and reports on hazard management is always important. These records must contain the type of hazard, exposures and what control measures were taken. Diunduhdari: http://labspace.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=451990§ion=8.6………. 13/1/2013
LINGKUP KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN Kesehatanlingkungan : Suatukeseimbanganekologis yang harusadaantaramanusiadenganlingkungannya agar dapatmenjaminkeadaansehatdarimanusia. Ruanglingkupnya: Penyediaan air minum Pengolahan air buangandanpengendalianpencemaran Pengelolaansampahpadat Pengendalian vector Pencegahandanpengendalianpencemarantanahdanekskretamanusia Hygiene makanan Pengendalianpencemaranudara Pengendalianradiasi Kesehatankerja Pengendaliankebisingan Perumahandanpermukiman Perencanaandaerahperkotaan Kesehatanlingkungantransportasiudara, lautdandarat Pencegahankecelakaan Rekreasiumumdanpariwisata Tindakansanitasi yang berhubungandengan epidemic, bencana,kedaruratan Tindakanpencegahan agar lingkunganbebasdaririsikogangguankesehatan (WHO, 1979). Diunduhdari: http://www.scribd.com/doc/19374542/Definisi-Kesehatan-Lingkungan...………. 13/1/2013
What is Safety, Health and Environmental Management It’s Doing the Right Thing! R. W. Campbell (1914) Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • It’s Doing the Right Thing • Keeping People Healthy & Safe • Protecting the Environment in which we Live • It’s Doing the Right Thing • Identifying, understanding & controlling SH&E Risks (Hazards) • Understanding that business changes can degrade controls and safeguards R.W. Campbell: “We aim at the preservation of the individual..” • It’s Doing the Right Thing • Leadership • Actions focused on protecting People • SH&E as a Core corporate value • An integrated SH&E Management System • Aligned with corporate objectives & strategies • Risk/Hazard identification, assessment & control • SH&E Performance Measurement • Achievement of Continuous Improvement • Virtual elimination of injury, illness & environmental damage Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • It’s good for individuals • Hydro’s Commitment • Eliminate fatal accidents Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • It’s good for families • Transportation accidents are the number one cause of occupational fatalities in North America • Vehicle accidents are also the leading cause of death for children Honda’s Commitment • Advanced crash testing • Front side airbags with (OPDS) • 82% of 2004 models – 100% by 2006 • Side curtain airbags • 64% of 2004 models – 100% by 2006 • Anti-lock braking system (ABS) • 88% of 2004 models – 100% by 2006 • Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) & rollover sensor • Advanced Compatibility Engineering • Honda Odyssey and Acura RL for 2005 Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • It’s good for communities • EPCOR’s Commitment • Coal plant emissions reduced to the equivalent of a state of the art natural gas plant. Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • TransAlta’s Commitment: • Manage SH&E risks using a defined & documented management system • Meet all SH&E legislation, regulations and applicable requirements • Continually improve SH&E performance to contribute to business success • Hold leadership accountable for systematically managing SH&E risks • Train employees on their SH&E responsibilities • Hold employees accountable for following SH&E procedures and working in a manner that safeguards themselves, their co-workers, the public & the environment • Encourage communication, consultation & collaboration with employees, customers, suppliers, contractors and public stakeholders • Identify and develop new business practices and pollution prevention opportunities as solutions to environmental problems • Assess compliance with SH&E legal requirements and conformance to the SH&E management system • Audit results and report SH&E performance to the Board of Directors Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • How do you know when your doing the right thing? • You understand your business’s SH&E risks (hazards)… …and you control them! Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Understanding your business’s SH&E Risks? Identify Risks What can happen? How can it happen? Consider EnergyForms Establishing a process (policy, procedures, standards) to identify, assess and eliminate or control unacceptable risks or hazards. Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Understanding your business’s SH&E Risks? Consider EnergyForms Energy UnwantedFlow Injury Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • Gravitation Energy • Working at height • Using ladders • Construction Energimekanikdapatdibedakanatasduapengertian. yaitu_ energjpotensialdanenergikinetik. Jumlahkeduaenergiitudinamakanenergimekanik. Setiapbendamempunyaiberat,makabaikdalamkeadaandiamataubergeraksetiapbendamemilikienergi. Misalnyaenergiyangtersimpandalam air yang dibendungpadasebuahwadukbersifattidakaktifdandisebutenergipotensial (energitempat). Bilawadukdibuka, air akanmengalirdenganderas, sehinggaenergi air menjadiaktif. Mengalirnya air iniadalahdenganenergikinetik (tenagagerak) (diunduhdari: http://www.scribd.com/doc/76872368/16/Energi-Kimia) Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • Electrical Energy • Installations • Repair work • In proximity to circuits Energilistrikditimbulkan/ Dibangkitkanmelaluibermacam-macamcara, a.l.: dengansungaiatau air terjun yang memilikienergikinetik; denganenergiangin yang dipakaiuntukmenggerakkankincirangin; denganmenggunakanaccu (energikimia); Denganmenggunakantenagauap yang dapatmemutar generator listrik; denganmenggunakantenagadiesel; dan denganmenggunakantenaganuklir Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • Mechanical Energy • Installations • Repair work • Receiving & shipping • In proximity to moving vehicles • Rotating equipment Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Chemical Energy • Welding • Manufacturing • Lab testing • Spills • Emissions ENERGI KIMIA Yang dimaksuddenganenergikimiaialahenergi yang diperolehmelaluisuatuproseskimia. Energi yang dimilikimanusiadapatdiperolehdarimakanan yang dimakanmelaluiproseskimia. Jikakeduamacam atom-atom karbondan atom oksigen, tersebutdapatbereaksi, akanterbentukmolekulbaruyaitukarbondioksida. Bergabungnyakedua atom tersebutmemerlukanenergi. Kaloritersebutdikenalsebagaienergikimia. Bilakedua atom yang telahtergabungdipisahkan, makaakanmelepaskanenergi. Energi yang terbebasdisebutenergieksoterm. (SUMBER: http://www.scribd.com/doc/76872368/16/Energi-Kimia) Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Analyze Risks Determine existing Controls Determine Determine Likelihood Consequences Estimate the Risk Level Risk = L X C Understanding your business’s SH&E Risks? X Evaluate Risks Compare against Your standards? Determine Your risk priorities? Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Analyze and evaluate your business’s SH&E risk controls / barriers? Consider EnergyBarriers Design Energy [GEMC] UnwantedFlow Design Healthy & Safe Physical Admin. Procedural Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Kesehatanadalahkeadaansehat, baiksecarafisik, mental,spritualmaupunsosial yang memungkinkansetiaporanguntukhidupproduktifsecarasosialdanekonomis. (Pasal 1 butir 1 UU No. 36 Tahun 2009) Kesehatanlingkunganadalahsuatukondisilingkungan yang mampumenopangkeseimbanganekologis yang dinamisantaramanusiadanlingkunganuntukmendukungtercapainyarealitashidupmanusia yang sehat,sejahteradanbahagia(HimpunanAhliKesehatanLingkungan). IlmuKesehatanLingkungan : ilmu yang mempelajaridinamikahubunganinteraksiantaramasyarakatdengansegalamacamperubahankomponenlingkunganhidupsepertispesiesorganisme, bahan, zatataukekuatandisekitarmanusia, yang menimbulkanancaman, atauberpotensimenimbulkangangguankesehatanmasyarakat, sertamencariupaya-upayapencegahan. (UmarFahmiAchmadi, 1991) Kesehatanlingkungan : upayauntukmelindungikesehatanmanusiamelaluipengelolaan, pengawasandanpencegahan factor-faktorlingkungan yang dapatmengganggukesehatanmanusia (SumengenSutomo, 1991). Kesehatanlingkungan: ilmu & senidalammencapaikeseimbangan, keselarasandankeserasianlingkunganhidupmelaluiupayapengembanganbudayaperilakusehatdanpengelolaanlingkungansehinggadicapaikondisi yang bersih, aman, nyaman, sehatdansejahteraterhindardarigangguanpenyakit, pencemarandankecelakaan, sesuaidenganharkatdanmartabatmanusia (SudjonoSoenhadji, 1994). Sumber: diunduhdari: http://www.scribd.com/doc/19374542/Definisi-Kesehatan-Lingkungan... 12/1/2013
MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Treat, Monitor and Review Risks & Controls? HOW? Establish a SH&E Management System! ACT PLAN DO CHECK Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
R.W. Campbell Award Criteria for SH&E Management Excellence • Leadership • Consensus and commitment to SH&E goals • Senior executives visibly demonstrate personal commitment • Linkage between SH&E performance and productivity • SH&E is a Core corporate value • SH&E is integrated into the business management system • Alignment of SH&E with corporate objectives and strategies • SH&E Management System • Executives accountable to personally and directly participate • Effective communication, consultation & collaboration • Systematic risk (hazard) recognition, evaluation and control • Operational SH&E programs to manage risks (hazards) • Effective competency-building and behaviour re-enforcement • Assessments, audits and evaluations • Performance Measurements • Valid, reliable, comparable leading & lagging indicators • SH&E Results • Continuous improvement in performance or sustained excellence Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
KUNCI DARI SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • Leadership • Organizational consensus and commitment to SH&E goals • Senior executives visibly demonstrate personal commitment • Defined SH&E goals and objectives • SH&E performance is recognized as a key indicator of organizational excellence • Linkage between SH&E performance and productivity • SH&E is a Core corporate value • SH&E is fully and completely integrated into the business management process of the organization • Alignment of SH&E with corporate objectives and strategies • The discipline necessary for SH&E performance excellence contributes to productivity and financial returns Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
KUNCI DARI SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • SH&E Management System Elements • Management • Executives accountable to personally and directly participate • Appropriate training, authority and accountability for managers and supervisors • Sufficient resources to achieve SH&E program objectives • Effective communication, consultation & collaboration • Assessments, audits and evaluations to identify any gaps in compliance with policy and objectives • Operations • Systematic risk (hazard) recognition, evaluation and control process • Design and engineering to eliminate risks and optimize the interaction of people with machines, equipment & materials • Operational SH&E programs to manage risks (hazards) and meet standards (regulatory). Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
KUNCI DARI SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • SH&E Management System Elements • Organizational behaviour (Culture) • Employee involvement and empowerment • increases acceptance and support of efforts • Effective competency-building through training and skill development • Verification that competency-building activities are achieving the objectives • Clear delegation, concise direction and empowerment to create positive attitudes • Behaviour reinforcement and coaching to motivate people to support organizational goals Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
KUNCI DARI SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN • Performance Measurements • Valid, reliable, feasible and comparable • Leading indicators • JSA, observations, inspections, audits/assessments, & certifications completed • Lagging indicators • Incident and accident frequency & severity • Energy use • SH&E Results • Continuous improvement in performance or sustained excellence Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
KUNCI DARI SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESEHATAN DAN KEAMANAN LINGKUNGAN Executive Leadership Vision & Policy Assessed SH&E Risks/ Hazards Results and Evaluation Integrated Objectives/ Strategies Employee Education, Involvement & Coaching Measurement/ Assessment, Audit Integrated Operational SH&E Programs Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
Senior Manager Leadership Actions! • Establish and communicate Your Vision • Know your SH&E risks (hazards) • Establish a process for risk identification, evaluation and control • Establish SH&E objectives & targets • Build competencies of employees • Hold people accountable • Managers for systematically managing risks • Employees for following procedures and working in manner that safeguards themselves and others Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013
Personal Leadership Actions! • Model the behaviours you want exhibited • Set personal objectives & targets and ask employees about theirs • Start all meetings with a discussion of SH&E • Use safety gear where it is required • Learn enough to observe work and provide feedback when on-site • Intervene if a worker appears to be at risk • Personally review the Mgmt. System performance • Be part of an assessment or audit • Be part of an incident investigation KesehatanlingkunganadalahIlmudanseniuntukmencegahpengganggu,menanggulangikerusakandanmeningkatkan/memulihkanfungsilingkunganmelaluipengelolaanunsur-unsur/faktor-faktorlingkungan yang berisikoterhadapkesehatanmanusiadengancaraidentifikasi, analisis,intervensi/rekayasalingkungan, sehinggatersedianyalingkungan yang menjaminbagiderajatkesehatanmanusiasecara optimal. (Tri Cahyono, 2000). Sumber: diunduhdari: www.safetymanagementeducation.com/.../What%20is%20Safety,... 2/1/2013