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wool. gold. wood. lce. stone. sand. bronze. silver. listening. over. Great day out. Huge success. Why not come. Fairy tales. Sand sculpture. Cinderella and Snow White and. Opens to the public. The seven dwarves. Right through. Reasonably priced. Won ´t be washed away.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. wool gold wood lce stone sand bronze silver

  2. listening over Great dayout Hugesuccess Whynot come Fairy tales Sandsculpture Cinderella and Snow White and Opens tothepublic Thesevendwarves Rightthrough Reasonablypriced Won ´t be washedaway entry taught varnish Look forward toseeing Theme of replicas iceberg tons Veryown busy

  3. Why not come Right through Wash away Hugesuccess Fairy tale dwarves Reasonablypriced Entryprice Look forward toseeing… Theme Ton varnish

  4. A painting/a frame • A paint brush • A model • A sculptor • An artist/canvas/ easel • A bust • A museum • An actor • An actress • A mask • A stage • A spotlight • director/megaphone • Audience/boos/ applause • Film projector/ reel/ film • Statue/pedestal • Screen • Usher • Palette • Tickets • Star, celebrity

  5. Materials 3 1 4 5 2 8 10 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 22 1. gold 2. concrete 3. cardboard 4. ice 5. sand 6. stone 7. dung 8. latex 9.plaster 10. wood 11. marble 12. silver 13. denim 14. brick 15. corduroy 16. polyestyrene 17. fur 18. silk 19. cork 20.straw 21. linen 22.bronze

  6. Gold/silver/bronze Dung Marble/stone Concrete media denim/corduroy Linen Straw Cork dismantle brick Prize Awarded Nameafter reach Landscape Previous Installation Empty Makemymind up shed Laugh at Calf Pouredblackink Be keenon

  7. Arches Gothic Flat Moorish Roman

  8. Doric Composite Ionic Corinthian Tuscan

  9. 1.¿Cómo se llamaba la obra? 2.¿Quién la hizo? 3.¿Cuando se creó? 4.¿De qué estaba hecha? 5.¿Cuando fue nominado para el premio Turner? 6.¿Se le concedió el premio? 7. ¿Quién lo compró? 1.What was the installation/work of art called? 2.Who made it? / Who was it made by? 3. When was it created? 4. What was it made of? 5. When was he nominated for the T.P? 6. Was the artist awarded the T.P.? 7. Who bought it? /Who was it bought by?

  10. ¿Qué te parece seste cuadro? • No sé. Es un poco extraño • Sí que lo son. ¿Qué te parecen estas esculturas de cerámica? • Son impresionantes. Los detalles son increíbles • ¿Tú crees?. No me gustan • ¿Por qué?¿Qué no te gusta) • Están un poco pasados de moda • Sí, supongo que tienes razón • Yo no los compraría. Eso seguro • Y probablemente cuesten una fortuna de todas maneras • Sí, seguro • What do you think of this painting? • I don ´t know/ I can´t make my mind up. It ´s a bit strange • Yes, they are. What about these ceramic scultures? • They´re amazing. The details are incredible. • Do you think so?. I´m not keen on them • Why?. What don ´t you like about them? • They´re a bit old-fashioned • Yes, I gues you´re right • I wouldn ´t buy them. That´s for sure • They probably cost a fortune,anyway • Yeah!, I bet

  11. bigger bigger lengths distance set it up corner spotlight keep up with haven´t said laughing thought heard thought heard saw

  12. whisper waking I´m choosing a blinded hurt set it up consider century hint consider brought slip failed fantasies flailing That was just a dream. That was just a dream

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