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How to Remove Pimples & Dark Spots
HOW TO GET RID OF DARK SPOTS ON YOUR FACE Believe us when we say that life can become much easier when you’re happy in your own skin. But what happens when you find it difficult to love the skin you’re in because of tough acne and dark spots? Acne scars can take a longer time to heal and leave a mark that can stay with you for a long time. If you have acne prone skin, then you’re naturally prone to pimple marks, acne marks, clogged pores, blemishes, and pimple or cysts. In addition to this, dark spots on black skin can cause skin pigmentation and give rise to blackheads and whiteheads. So if you’re looking for answers to the questions ‘how to fade dark spots’ or ‘how to remove acne naturally’, then you don’t have to look too far. We give you some remedies for dark spots and acne that can work wonders on your skin. But, before that, here’s some more information about dark spots and acne.
HOW ARE DARKS SPOTS CAUSED? Causes of Dark Spots Hormonal Imbalances Effect of Excessive Sunlights Heavy Medications
Hormonal Imbalance Hormonal disturbances are a significant cause for acne and dark spots. There are fluctuations between estrogen and progesterone, especially during the menstrual cycle. There are several hormones that increase oil production in your skin that may lead to the creation of dark spots and acne.
Effect of Excessive Sunlight Sunlight can be a direct cause for dark spots and acne. The ultraviolet rays emitted can give rise to inflammation and make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Avoid stepping out in the sun, as much as possible, in between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and full-sleeved clothing before leaving your home.
Heavy Medication Sometimes, medications tend to have an impact on the skin, which in turn, causes dark spots. Resorting to anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracyclines, and other psychotropic drugs can increase the production of melanin. This, in turn, may lead to acne scars on face and oily skin.
HOW TO REMOVE ACNE NATURALLY AND WHAT ARE THE BEST TREATMENT FOR DARK SPOTS ON FACE? Acne and dark spots pop up on the face at the worst possible times, especially when you have somewhere to be. While some may believe that one can only get acne and dark spots till a particular age, these pesky acne marks can be hormonal, making them appear on your face at any time. Gone are the days when you had to hide your face because of the acne scars on the face. If you’re looking for effective ways of dark spots removal from face, then look again—in your home. Use the best black spots removal remedies to remove pimples and put your best face forward.
Best Treatments to Remove Dark Spots Turmeric Lemon Juice SandalWood Cucumber Papaya Buttermilk
CAN TURMERIC FIGHT SEVERE SKIN PROBLEMS LIKE ACNE? Looking to enhance your complexion and fight severe skin problems like acne and dark spots? Why look far when you have the best solution in your kitchen—turmeric. Turmeric is a magical ingredient, which not only adds taste to the food items but also has a host of medicinal properties. For those of you who aren’t aware, turmeric contains curcumin that is an antioxidant and reduces acne with its anti-melanogenic effects. Add turmeric powder to some drops of water and make a thick paste. Apply it to your face, leave it on for 20-30 minutes and rinse it off. Try following this remedy daily for a few weeks and you’ll see the difference.
IS LEMON JUICE ONE OF THE EFFECTIVE REMEDIES TO TREAT DARK SPOTS? Another ingredient straight from the kitchen that’s one of the best remedies for dark spots is lemon juice. Considered to be one of the natural and inexpensive treatments for acne and dark spots, lemon juice is an effective skincare treatment. Being a great source of vitamin C, it offers incredible benefits to skin, hair, and health. For those of you who don’t know, lemon juice is slightly astringent that works on the skin to reduce excessive oil. Including flavonoids and antioxidants—lemon juice is anti-bacterial. Lemon juice is acidic in nature, so it’s always better to dilute the lemon juice with water before applying it to the skin. If you’re allergic to lemon juice, avoid this remedy. For the others, you need a teaspoon of lemon juice mixed in water. Use cotton to dab it on your skin, especially the acne-affected areas. Rinse with water and apply sunscreen before stepping out.
CAN CUCUMBER STOP THE RE-EMERGENCE OF ACNE AND DARK SPOTS? Have you ever imagined that what tastes delicious in a salad can also be good for the skin? Cucumber comprises 96% water, which automatically offers great hydration for your skin. Using cucumber is suitable for sensitive skin as it doesn’t include harsh properties. With silica-rich compounds and antioxidants, cucumber can reduce the re-emergence of acne and dark spots. Take one cucumber and blend it well till it’s a paste. Apply this cooling paste on the areas that contain dark spots or acne. Leave it for a good 30 minutes and wash off gently. You’ll see improvement in your skin’s texture and decrease in darks spots as frequently as you use this ingredient. You can also try to get a face wash for dark spots that includes cucumber as the main ingredient.
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