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TERMINOLOGY IN MATERNITY. AF - Artificial Feed ANC - Antenatal Clinic ANP - Advanced Neonatal Practitioner APH - Antepartum Haemorrhage ARM - Artificial Rupture of Membranes BF - Breast Feeding BMI - Body Mass Index.
AF - Artificial FeedANC - Antenatal ClinicANP - Advanced Neonatal PractitionerAPH - Antepartum HaemorrhageARM - Artificial Rupture of Membranes • BF - Breast FeedingBMI - Body Mass Index
CCT - Controlled Cord TractionCTG - CardiotocographCS - Caesarean SectionC and S - Culture and SpecimenCVS - Chorionic Villus SamplingCX - Cervix
D & C - Dilatation and CurettageDIC - Disseminated Intravascular CoagulationDTA - Deep Transverse ArrestDVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis
EBM - Expressd Breast MilkECV - External Cephalic VersionEDD - Estimated Date of DeliveryEFM – Electronic fetal monitoringEFW - Estimated Fetal WeightEpis- EpisiotomyEMLSCS - Emergency Lower Segment Caesarean SectionERPC - Evacuation of Retained Products of Conception • E&C: evacuation and curettage
FAS - Fetal Alcohol SyndromeFBC - Full Blood CountFBS - Fetal Blood SampleFE – IronFGM– Female Genital MutilationFHR - Fetal heart rateFMF - Fetal Movements FeltFSE - Fetal Scalp Electrode
GA – General anaesthtic • G- gravida HAI - Hospital Acquired InfectionHELLP - Haemolysis, Elevated Liver Proteins and Low PlateletsHVS - High Vaginal SwabHSV - Herpes Simplex Virus
HX - History of...I/P - IntrapartumIOL - Induction of LabourIU – International unitsIUD - Intrauterine Device IUD - Intrauterine DeathIUGR - Intrauterine Growth RetardationIVF - In vitro fertilisationIVI - Intravenous infusion
KFD - Kielland Forceps DeliveryLBW - Low Birth WeightLFD - Light for DatesLMP - Last Menstrual PeriodLOA - Left Occipto-AnteriorLOL - Left Occipito-LateralLOP - Left Occipito-PosteriorLOT - Left Occipito-TransverseLSCS - Lower Segment Caesarean SectionLVS - low vaginal swab
Mec- MeconiumMOT - Medical Obstetric TeamMRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingMSU - Mid-Stream UrineNB - Normal Birth
ND - Normal DeliveryNICU - Neonatal Intensive Care UnitNIDDM - Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes MellitusNND - Neonatal DeathNNU - Neonatal UnitNMC - Nursing and Midwifery CouncilNSF - National Service Framework • NST- Non Stress Test
O/E - On ExaminationOP - Occipito Posterior position - see positionO/P - On Palpation - often written this way by the docs!
P/S - Per SpeculumPCA - Patient Controlled AnalgesiaPE - Pulmonary EmbolusPIH - Pregnancy Induced HypertensionPKU - PhenylketonuriaPN - PostnatalPPH - postpartum haemorrhagePP - Presenting PartPR - Per RectumPRN - As requiredPROM - Premature Rupture of MembranesPV - Per Vaginum • PG- primigravida • PP- Primipara
RDS - Respiratory Distress SyndromeRh - Rhesus factorROA - Right Occipito-AnteriorROL - Right Occipito-LateralROP - Right Occipito-PosteriorROT - Right Occipito-Transverse
SB - Still BirthSFD - Small for DatesSGA - Small for Gestational AgeSIDS - Sudden Infant Death SyndromeSOB- Sub Occipto-BregmaticSOB - Shortness of BreathSPD - Symphysis Pubis DisorderSROM - Spontaneous Rupture of MembranesSTD - Sexually Transmitted DiseaseSTI - Sexually Transmitted InfectionSVD - Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
USS - Ultrasound ScanUTI - Urinary Tract InfectionVE - Vaginal Examination. Would be more correctly written VX - Vertex - the clinical name for the fetal head. Usually used during vagnial birth - the first sighting of the fetal head would be written as VX ( Vertex) visible in the notes.
Definitions • Gravida: refer to the number of times of a woman has been pregnant, regardless of the outcome of pregnancy or the number of babies born from the pregnancy. • Para: refer to the number of pregnancies that ended with the birth of the viable fetus. • Primigravida: refers to the who is pregnant for the first time.
Primipara: refers to the woman who has given birth to one child past age of viability. • Multigravida: refers to the woman carried two or more pregnancies of viability • Multipara: refers to the woman who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability. • Grand multipara: refers to the woman who has given birth five times or more.
Nulligravida: refers to the woman who has never been and is not currently pregnanat. • Still birth: the birtjh of the baby after 20 weeks of gestation and 1 day or weighing< 350gm that does not show any signs of life.
Prenatal period: period of pregnancy that occurring before or formed before birth of the new born. • Perenatal care: caring for the pregnant woman before birth of the newborn. • Abortion: the medically or surgically interruption of pregnancy before 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. • Miscarriage: the spontaneously interruption of pregnancy before the fetus is viable (20-24 weeks of gestation,weighing 500gm or less)
The linea nigra: Which is the line of pigmentation from the symphysis pubis to the umbilicus • The chloasma (mask of pregnancy). • Quickening: The first fetal movements may be felt by primigravidae at 19+ weeds and by multigravidae at 17+ weeks.
Amenorrhea: (absence of menstruation) • Hypomenorrhea: (scanty menstruation) • Oligomenorrhea: (infrequent menstruation, periods more than 35 days apart), Menorrhagia: (excessive menstruation), • Metrorrhagia: (bleeding between periods). • Menometrorrhagia: (is heavy bleeding during and between menstrual periods). • Endometriosis: ectopic implantation of the endometrial tissue in other parts of the pelvic, it’s the most common cause of dysmenorrhea