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Exhibitor # _______Name _____________________ Horse Name ____________________Address ___________________________________________________email __________________________ Phone ____________________Coggins # _________________ Coggins Date __________ SCEH _____# classes _____ x $6.00 = ________ cash or check # _______________ check if 4-H/ Pony Club discount applies Name of Club______________________________ 1. Showmanship (13 and under) 2. Showmanship (14-18) 3. Showmanship (Adult) 4. Yearling and under Halter 5. Mare Halter 6. Gelding Halter 7. Mini Halter 8 Mini Jumping in Hand 9. Leadline Pleasure 10.Leadline Equitation 11.Trail (13 and under) 12.Trail (14-18) 13.Trail (Adult) 14.Trail (mini) 15.Short Stirrup Pleasure 16.Youth Western All Day(13 and under) 17.Youth Western All Day(14-18) 18.Adult Western All Day 19.TIP Western All Day 20.Short Stirrup Equitation 21.Youth Western Pleasure(13 and under) 22.Youth Western Pleasure (14-18) 23.Adult Western Pleasure 24.TIP Western Pleasure 25. Junior Horse Western All Day 26.Senior Horse Western All Day 27.Long Stirrup Pleasure 28.Junior Western Horse Pleasure 29.Senior Western Horse Pleasure 30.Long Stirrup Equitation 31.Youth Western Horsemanship(13 and under) 32.Youth Western Horsemanship(14-18) 33.Adult Western Horsemanship 34. Western Pleasure Gaited 35. Mini Pleasure Driving 36. Pones and Horses Pleasure Driving 37. Mini Obstacle Driving 38.. Ponies and Horse Obstacle Driving 39. Thoroughbred in-hand TIP 40. Youth Command, Break and Out (< 18) 41. Adult Command, Break and Out (> 19) 42. English Gaited 43. Junior English Horse All Day 44. Senior English Horse All Day 45. TIP English Pleasure All Day 46. Youth English Pleasure (13 and under) 47. Youth English Pleasure ( 14-18) 48. Adult English Pleasure 49. TIP English Pleasure 50. Youth English Equitation ( 13 and under) 51. Youth English Equitation (14-18) 52. Adult English Equitation 53. Junior Horse English Pleasure 54. Senior Horse English Pleasure 55. Walk/Trot Hunter Hack ( 2 fences at 18”) 56. TIP Crossrails ( 2 fences at 18” ) 57. Open Hunter Hack ( 2 fences at 2” )