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道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选. Six reasons for life worth living

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  1. 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Six reasons for life worth living ‘Why is life worth living?’ If you ask this question to randomly selected people, you will get different answers. There is no definite or right answer in this case, but we have put together a few interesting reasons from different people as to why life is worth living. 1. LearningThis is the reason we heard from school and college going kids. They all look forward to knowing, learning and finding out more about everything. Right from studies to games, the eagerness to do better and learn more makes their lives worth living.2. CreatingWhen we spoke to a few office goers and professionals, this was the reason they gave. The ability to create things, be it a weekly status report or a new document or a painting or composing a new song seemed to make life worthwhile for many.3. New OpportunitiesThis was another reason that was put forth by people in professions, businesses and working cadre. They seemed to be looking forward to new opportunities in life. Both professionally and personally, these people looked forward to moving ahead and getting appreciation. They liked to grab the new opportunities life threw at them which made their lives worth living.4. ExploringSome people just liked to say that they wanted to explore more and discover new horizons. Touring around the world, learning about the world history and visiting the most famous places did make life worth for many people. Exploring religious and spiritual boundaries also seemed to be another reason.5. Growing UpWell, some people like to simply see where life leads them to. Growing older every year, getting wiser and learning simple and profound lessons from life makes life worth living for many people.6. CelebrationsBelieve it or not, some people think life is worth living because they get to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and festivals with their loved ones. Well, we can understand the joy one feels when loved ones get together and share special moments, can't we? 生命值得活下去的6个理由 “为什么生命值得活下去?” 如果你随机选一个人然后问这个问题,你会得到不同的答案。对于这个问题,没有明确的或正确的答案,但对于“为什么生命值得活下去” 这个问题,我们从不同的人身上汇集了一些有趣的原因。 1.学习 这是我们从学校里和将要上大学的孩子们那里听到的原因。关于周围的一切,他们期待着能了解更多、学习更多以及挖掘更多。从研究到游戏,做得更好和学得更多的渴望让他们的生命值得活下去。 2.创造 当我们与办公室白领和专业人士交谈时,这是他们给出的原因。创造新事物的能力,无论是一份周报,或一篇新文档,或一幅画,或一首新歌,都似乎让生命有很多的价值。 3.新的机遇 这是由专业人士、商务人士和劳动骨干们提出的另一个理由。他们似乎在期待生命中的新机遇。在专业技能和个人方面,这些人都期待着能够提升和获得赏识。他们愿意抓住生活抛给他们的新机遇,这些让他们的生命值得活下去。 4.探索 有些人就是喜欢说他们想要探索得更多和发现新的视野。世界各地巡回演出、学习世界历史、参观最著名的圣地,对许多人来说这是值得继续的生活。探索宗教和精神层面的界限也似乎是另一个原因。 5.成长 有些人只想看看生活会牵引着他们如何发展。每年都长了一岁,更有智慧,学到简单而深刻的经验,这对许多人来说,这样的生命值得活下去。 6.庆祝 信不信由你,有些人觉得生活是有价值的,因为他们有特殊的场合可以庆祝,比如和亲人一起过生日、纪念日和节日。我们能理解当亲人聚在一起分享美好时光时的那种喜悦之情,难道不是吗? DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

  2. 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Learn to run feelings alert to eight habits ruined love Ever feel that your relationship suffers from a unique brand of frustration, tension, distance, or any number of other troubling feelings? The reality is, there is struggle in every romance. "If you are experiencing disillusionment, well, join the human race" .Hendrix, author of the best selling book, Getting the Love You Want, started examining the question, "why do couples fight" in the late 1970s. After studying and working with thousands of couples, he has found that there are 10 common bad habits couples engage in that make relationships miserable and can lead to break-up or divorce. 1. Be critical. Even "constructive" criticism can make your partner defensive and reduce the feeling of safety in a relationship. Being harsh and judgmental when angry can trigger a "flight or fight response."2. Insist your partner be exactly the same as you. "Absolute compatibility" is an express route to a dull relationship. If you insist your partner have the same feelings and perceptions as you do, it can lead to despair and misery.3. Flee from intimacy. If you habitually avoid being physically or emotionally close with your partner through escaping into work, hobbies, television, or other activities, you risk creating a divide between you and your partner that may become impossible to breach.4. Play the blame game. Using "you" language when upset will make your partner put up their defenses. When your goal is to communicate in a way that fosters intimacy, use statements that begin with "I feel" instead.5. Bargain. Both "giving conditionally and receiving cautiously" erode relationships. He warns against doing something for a partner only when you want something in exchange.6. Be casual about romance. No relationship can be spontaneously joyful forever. Once the initial excitement of a new romance wears off, some couples think their relationship is over and give up trying. They risk missing out on experiencing a deeper kind of love.7. Focus on the negative. If you constantly think and talk about your partner's flaws it can amplify your discontent. A paradox of most forms of couples therapy is that you spend your sessions complaining about your partner—something that can actually be detrimental to your relationship.8. Refuse to listen. Thinking you are the right all the time and engaging in a one-way monologue is a great way to end up in a relationship…of one. 学会经营感情 警惕8个坏习惯毁了爱情 你是否曾经感觉自己的感情曾经遭受沮丧,紧张,距离或其他负面情绪的困扰?事实是,在每段感情中这些纠结都不可避免。“如果你正在经历这种幻灭,那么说明你和大家都一样” 。 畅销书《相爱一生》的作者Hendrix在上世纪70年代末开始研究这个问题,“夫妻间为什么会有争斗”。在对几千对夫妻进行了研究和共事之后,他发现,那些婚姻悲剧的夫妻有10个共同的坏习惯,这可能导致他们分手或离婚。 1.太严苛。哪怕是“建设性”的批评也会让你的伴侣产生抵触情绪,并降低二人关系之间的安全感。过于严厉和主观,会让愤怒引发一场“战斗或战斗反应”。 2.坚持让你的伴侣和你一模一样。“绝对的一致”很快就会让两人的关系变得乏味。如果你坚持让你的伴侣拥有和你一样的感觉和认识,这会导致绝望和悲剧。 3.拒绝亲密。如果你习惯性地避免和你的伴侣进行身体或情感上的亲密接触,而选择在工作、爱好、电视或其他活动中去逃避,你可能正在你和伴侣之间制造隔阂,而且这种隔阂可能会难以消除。 4.相互指责。在感觉糟糕的时候用“你”这种表达会让你的伴侣产生抵触情绪。当你的目标是用一种能培养亲密感的方式进行沟通,换用“我感觉……”作为开头试试。 5.做交易。“有条件的给予和谨慎的接受”都会毁掉一段感情。Hendrix警告的是那些为伴侣做某件事只是为了交换另一件事的人。 6.对于浪漫过于随意。没有感情可以永远自然地保持快乐。一旦一段新感情最初的激动消退,一些情侣就认为他们的关系已经结束了,而且放弃继续尝试。他们可能会错过经历一段更深层的爱。 7.太过在意消极的情绪。如果你不停地考虑并谈论你伴侣的缺点,这会放大你的不满。大多数情侣治疗形式的一个悖论在于,你在治疗期间抱怨你的另一半,而这其实会损害你们的感情。 8.拒绝倾听。认为自己任何时候都是正确的,而且只顾着自己说话,这是毁掉一段感情的好办法。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

  3. 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Men are moresatisfied about their looks Happiness oflife is higher A detailed study into 12 aspects of modern life found men experience higher levels of happiness in seven of them, including salary, appearance and body shape. The study also found despite the lingering economic doom, soaring cost of living and stagnant housing market the majority of us have adopted a 'Always look on the bright side of life' attitude.Paul Keenan of Benenden Health, which commissioned the report, said: "Given the pessimistic economic outlook, the financial restraints everyone is under and the grim weather, it's good to discover deep down, there seems to be a positive and forward-looking attitude across Britain."Certainly, a positive attitude goes a long way towards creating a feeling of well-being which in turn can only be good for our long term health.” "This doesn't detract from the fact many families have real difficulties and struggles to face in the current economic climate - but perhaps serves to demonstrate the British 'stiff upper lip' is alive and well in the 21st century."The study also found the typical woman's happiness scored highly in general health and their living location. Other areas in which men emerged as happier than the opposite sex were career prospects, 'how other people see you', finances and job security.The biggest barrier to feeling content in day to day life was money worries, which affected 46 per cent of respondents. In fact, it would take just £132 extra a month for the average person to make ends meet and dramatically improve their overall happiness - proving that it is not just a big windfall that would help increase the average person's outlook on life but infact a relatively modest sum.Britons said more sunny weather would be the thing most likely to raise their optimism day to day, while a little more money each month, seeing less negative news items and more affection from a partner would raise the spirits massively. And, perhaps contrary to popular belief, getting hitched seems to do wonders for a brighter perspective on life with married people rating significantly happier than singles in almost all categories. 男人对自身长相更满意 生活幸福感更高 一项对现代生活12个方面进行的详细研究表明,男性在薪水、外表和体型等七个方面幸福感更高。 女性则在爱情生活、家庭生活和性生活这几个方面感到更幸福。 研究也发现,尽管经济长期低迷,生活费用不断上涨,房地产市场也不景气,但大部分人的生活态度还是‘总能看到生活中美好的一面。’ 本耐登保健组织的保罗-基南委托了这份报告。他表示:“在市场前景悲观的情况下,每个人都受到了经济方面的限制,还有这阴冷的天气,所以这时发现英国人内心深处的积极和乐观的态度具有非常特别的意义。” “当然了,在朝着创造幸福感这一目标努力的过程中,我们还需要长久地保持着积极的生活态度,这对我们长期的健康来说也只会有好处没有坏处。” “但这并不是说所有的家庭都一帆风顺。在当前的经济环境下,还有很多家庭面临着很多困难——但这正好说明英国人在21世纪‘咬紧牙关’地活着而且还活得挺好。” 研究也发现,典型女性在健康和生活地点方面的幸福感分数较高。其他的一些方面中,男性幸福感比女性高的方面主要包括:事业前景、别人眼中的自己、财政和工作保障。 在每天的生活中最大的障碍是对金钱的担忧,这影响了46%的研究参与者。 事实上,对一般人来说,每月多出132英镑就能让他们量入为出,显著地改善幸福水平——这也证明了并不是只有天外横财才能让人乐观,实际上相对来说,一笔适中的收入就能改善人们的生活。 英国人表示,多一些晴朗的天气最有可能让他们变得更乐观,而每个月多一点钱,少看一些负面的新闻,得到伴侣多一些的关爱,能极大地提升他们的情绪。 研究还发现人们婚后就像是有奇迹发生,生活更加美好,这可能与普遍观念相反。已婚人士在各个方面都明显比单身人士幸福。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900

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