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ANCONA. JESSICA for ANCONA MUNICIPALITY. Marco Cardinaletti Project Manager. ANCONA BASIC FACTS. The City of Ancona , placed in the centre of Italy is the capital of the Marche Region. The City counts slightly more than 100.000 inhabitants.
ANCONA JESSICA for ANCONA MUNICIPALITY Marco Cardinaletti Project Manager
ANCONA BASIC FACTS The City of Ancona, placed in the centre of Italy is the capital of the Marche Region. The City counts slightly more than 100.000 inhabitants. Ancona hosts, in the old part of the city, one of the most important ports in the Adriatic region for passengers, freights and fishing. The urban environment is characterized by a not very high density of population (814,97 /km2), and a very faster and spread building development. The City is a complex, dynamic, culturally-active reality, which is gradually changing, presenting various criticalities and issues, from the social and environmental point of view. Even though Ancona is a small/medium city, either for number of inhabitants or dimensions, it has to manage the typical issues of the big cities
The Road Map toward the SUSTAINABILITY… • 2000: started up of LA21 PROCESS • 2002: established of LA21 AGENCY for MONITORING implementation of ANCONA 2012 – LOCAL ACTION PLAN • 2003: Lead Partner of AAP2020 project (INTERREG IIIC - www.aap2020.com ) • 2004: signed AALBORG COMMITMENTS • 2005: Partner in MUE25 project (www.mue25.net ) • 2006: signed ADRIATIC ACTION PLAN 2020 SHARED WITH 24 ADRIATIC CITIES • 2006: implementation of ANCONA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT • 2007: Lead Partner in EASY project (IEE – www.easyaction.eu ) • 2008: PARTNER of the SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CAMPAIGN • 2009: signed THE COVENANT OF MAYOR • 2010: starting the ACT Project and signing the Resilient Campaign • 2012: Drawing the Ancona Urban Resilient Strategy
SUSTAINABILITY IS THE PRIORITY for the 2020 • Developing a Green Energy Urban System • Improving Urban Mobility and Green Logistic • Integrating Urban Development Strategies between Port and City • Improving Urban and Community Resilience • Soil and Coast protection • Landslide Risk reduction • Cultural Heritage valorisation • New infrastructures of connections • Remodelling and recovery urbanized areas • Increasing green urban areas
How to work within CSI Project… • Drawing a new Integrated Sustainable Urban Plan where the PPP Strategy shall be mainstreamed • Straightening the partnership with Marche Region which is also the Managing Authority for the ERDF funds which will be used for the JESSICA application • Increasing the information and the knowledge on the JESSICA tool (how to apply? how to build “jessicable” projects ? how to exploit the new funds ?) • Exchanging experiences and best practices throughout the CSI project
HOW to Work with JESSICA ? PROJECT 1 The “EX SLAUGHTERHOUSE” AREA • Recovery of existing buildings (slaughterhouse, stables, old offices), changing their use destination and demolishing of the old crematorium • New Public offices, 1 House of Culture for Public events, exhibitions and meetings, 1 Public Library, a Social Housing for students, 1 Park&Ride area
HOW to Work with JESSICA ? PROJECT 2 Renovation of PORTONOVO BAY • Requalification of the area reducing the soil consumption and the coastal erosion by retracting the existent buildings (demolish and rebuild) • To encourage owners to retract and rebuild their restaurants a bonus volume up to 40% will be assigned. • Re-naturalization of the small lake and protection of the delicate biodiversity
Fase progettazione Fase progettazione
What BARRIERS ? • Very often there is NO DIALOGUE between Public and Private Sector • Lack of a wide-governance system where the key local actors are involved since the Planning Phase and where the Planning Process is concerted and shared at the beginning • Need of a new cultural approach to the Urban Planning where the sustainability (environment, economy, social issues) is the main driver • Not so much consolidated experiences, knowledge and skills on this field (how to implement the Holding Fund? How to manage the Urban Develop Fund? How to build the governance of the Fund).Exchanging best practices, ideas and good experiences is the unique way to follow. • Lack of an adequate regulation framework within which models of PPP can be implemented
ANCONA JESSICA for ANCONA MUNICIPALITY Marco Cardinaletti Project Manager