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Environment of bodies without atmosphere: interaction with interplanetary space. Joint Research Activity. Participating institutions and key persons: IWF, Graz, Austria Helmut Lammer, Klaus Torkar Uni. of Bern, Switzerland Peter Wurz FMI, Helsinki, Finland Esa Kallio
Environment of bodies without atmosphere: interaction with interplanetary space. Joint Research Activity
Participating institutions and key persons: IWF, Graz, Austria Helmut Lammer, Klaus Torkar Uni. of Bern, Switzerland Peter Wurz FMI, Helsinki, Finland Esa Kallio CNRS-IPSL/CETP, Paris, France Dominique Delcourt STIL, Maynooth, Nat. Uni. of Ireland Susan McKenna Lawlor Uni. of Leicester, UK James Carpenter IPR, Berlin, Germany Jörn Helbert INAF/IASF, Rome, Italy Maria Teresa Capria INAF/OA di Padova, Italy Gabriele Cremonese INAF/OA di Catania, Italy Maria Elisabetta Palumbo Uni. of Padova, Italy Giampiero Naletto MPS, Lindau, Germany Markus Fraenz CESR/CNRS , Tolouse, France Iannis Danduras SWRI, San Antonio, Texas, USA Stefano Livi Uni. of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA Robert Johnson Activity PI; INAF/IFSI, Rome, Italy Anna Milillo
BepiColombomissiontoMercury • The future mission to Mercury BepiColombo, cornerstone of ESA, developed jointly with JAXA, is composed by two spacecrafts: • a Planetary Orbiter (MPO), • a Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). Among the scientific targets of this mission there is the environment of Mercury (considered as the exosphere, the magnetosphere and their interaction with the surface and the interplanetary space). EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
HermeanEnvironment (from Milillo et al. SSR, 2005) EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
BC Scientific Goal:Environment of Mercury Many instruments of the two orbiters have as common scientific goal the environment of Mercury. Furthermore, many scientific issues could be achieved only through collaboration of the teams and by joint measurements and analysis of different instruments, both from MPO and MMO. The scientists involved in both BC and MESSENGER missions will add scientific resources to our project. MESSENGER will have its first Mercury flyby in 10/2008 and it arrives in orbit in 3/2011 EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
Airless Planetary Enviroment Consequently, the international teams of these instruments and laboratories are involved in the study of different physical processes and research areas in an interdisciplinary way; hence, they would improve their studies by setting up collaborations, by developing and using appropriate facilities and tool of data analysis, by organizing coordinate observation programmes. The activities related to the Hermean environment can be generalized toother planetary environments withou atmosphere for future missions (e.g. Moon, Jovian satellite Europa, NEOs, etc.). EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project:(1) laboratory activities (JRA) • The laboratory activities related to planetary analogues, reproducing the planets regolith and the impacting of particles, radiation or micrometeoroids in order to simulate the released material and the space-weathering effects are particularly useful for the BepiColombo mission due to the very few available data. Resources are requested for preparingplanetary analogue materials and for adapting the existing facilities in the frame of Mercury and other airless body conditions. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
(1) Participating laboratories related to planetary analogues • “Laboratorio di Astrofisica Sperimentale” (Catania-LASp), OACt, Italy • Facilities, Centers & Labs of Material science & engineering department, Uni. of Virginia, USA • Planetary Emissivity Laboratory, Institute for Planetary Research, DLR, Germany • Uni. of Leicester, UK (Provision of planetary analogue materials) EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project:(2) Calibration and test facilities (JRA) • Vacuum-chamber facilities including charged or neutral particles sources are crucial for calibrating the particle detectors designed for future missions. • Vacuum-chamber facilitiesfor vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) applications, as well relative VUV sources and detectors are fundamental for calibrating space optics instrumentation for future missions. • The development and maintenance of these facilities, of the laboratory setups and of ancillary laboratory instrumentations needs some financial support. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
(2) Calibration and test facilities • Ion source, vacuum chamber: INAF/IFSI, Rome, Italy • Ion, neutral and Lyα source, vacuum chamber: University of Bern, Switzerland • Ion and electron calibration facility, Tolouse, France • Ion calibration facility, Lindau, Germany • Vacuum chambers, radiation sources, detectors for VUV applications: Univ. of Padova/LUXOR Italy • UV, X-ray detector and 23m long tunnel vacuum test facilities opening into a class 1000 clean room for callibrating X-ray optics and complete space instrument: Uni. of Leicester, UK • Vacuum and high temperature chamber, Institute for Planetary Research, DLR, Berlin • SWRI, San Antonio, USA EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project:(3) personal exchange (TNA) • The institutions participating to the project that already have some of the requested facilities and that develop the facilities will offer their service to European planetary scientists from other institutions or other countries. Funding is needed for personal exchange and formation and for adapting the facilities to each necessity. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project:(4) modellingactivities(NA) • The modelling activities of interest for the Hermean environment include models of exosphere, magnetosphere, particle circulation, surface properties, meteoritic flux and impacts, solar wind variability, and physics of interaction processes. • Personal exchange will improve the scientific collaboration between the participating institutions and support the deployment of a global approach. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
(4) modellingactivities • INAF/IFSI, Rome, Italy: exosphere,magnetosphere, particle circulation, surface-exosphere-magnetosphere interaction, solar variability • IWF, Graz, Austria: surface mineralogy and composition, exosphere, particle circulation, surface-exosphere interaction, solar wind variability • University of Bern, Switzerland: surface mineralogy and composition, physics of surface-exosphere interaction processes. • FMI, Helsinki, Finland: magnetosphere, particle circulation • CNRS-IPSL/CETP, Paris, France: magnetosphere, particle circulation • STIL, Nat. Uni. of Ireland: solar wind variability • INAF/IASF, Rome, Italy: thermal model of the surface • INAF/OA di Padova, Italy:meteoritic flux, surface-interplanetary medium interaction • INAF/OA di Catania, Italy: surface-exosphere interaction, space weathering effects • Uni. of Leicester, UK: surface mineralogy and composition, magnetosphere, surface-magnetosphere interaction • IPR, DLR, Germany: surface mineralogy and composition, thermal modelling • MPS, Lindau, Germany : solar wind-exosphere interaction • CESR/CNRS, France: magnetosphere-exosphere interaction, particle circulation EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project:(4) toolsdevelopment (JRA) • The development of tools able to include all or many of the listed models in a comprehensive picture of the Hermean environment is one of the tasks of the proposal. This will offer the possibility of comparing simulations resulting by the application of different models or model inputs. • The creation and utilization of database of experimental data related to planetary analogues is useful for many scientific goals of our proposal. • Support in computing resources and in making the tools available via web is needed to reach this task. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
(4) toolsdevelopment • INAF/IFSI, Rome, Italy:a first version of a tool able to include different Hermean environment models, in which instruments can be operated,has been developed and is accessible at IFSI via web. Connect tohttp://elena.ifsi-roma.inaf.it CLIENT SERVER • Uni. of Leicester, UK: it is intended to modify the Mars Environment Simulator for the Hermean environment. The temperature, pressure and atmospheric composition can be altered to simulate a planetary environment, in which instruments can be operated. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project:(5) Coordinated ground-based observation (NA) • Coordinated ground-basedobservation campaigns of the exosphere, data reduction and distribution tools are important in order to obtain model constraints waiting for the space data that will arrive in 2019 from BepiColombo. Hence support for observations at the telescopes, data analysis and personal participation is requested. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
The scientific tasks of the project: (6) Meeting and workshops (NA) • Support for meeting and workshops organization specifically devoted to the Hermean environment, and more generally to interaction of solar wind and interplanetary space with planets (surface, atmosphere/exosphere, magnetosphere) is needed. • Support for participation of scientists to the meeting is needed, as well. Furthermore, exchanges of visits between scientists from different countries are needed, in order to facilitate the group activities. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
Project in the Europlanetframe • Opportunities to network within the various Europlanet N2 (organization and management of WG within planetary sciences) discipline working groups (DWGs) and the N3 (space- and ground- cooperative research) activity. • Scientific expertise could be established within • DWG 1 (atmospheres, ionospheres, exospheres), • DWG 2 (magnetospheres and plasmas) and • DWGs 3 and 5 (surface science and planetary moons), which could act as an advisory body for space missions dedicated to airless bodies in the Solar System. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
Duration The project isintendedtobeextendedto the 5 years of the EPN-FP7 proposal, since the time scale of the reference mission BepiColombo is more than 10 years (BC arrival at Mercury in 2019). Also other missions under development in the Cosmic Vision frame have similar time scales. EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
FinancialSupportfor • laboratory activities related to experimental simulations of planetary analogues, • development and maintenance offacilities including charged or neutral particles sources and UV sources, • personal exchange and formation related to these facilities, • computing resources devoted to modelling activities and related tool and data base developments and distribution via web, • ground-based observations, data reduction and personal participation, • networking activities: • meeting and workshops organization specifically devoted to interaction of solar wind and interplanetary space with planets, • Communications: meeting participation and exchanges of visits between scientists from different countries EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
IFSI-INAF Rome, Italy (2) Calibration facilities @ IFSI EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
(2) Calibration facilities @ Uni. Padova EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007
(5) Coordinated ground-based observation • INAF/OA di Padova, Italy: Cremonese coordinates the European efforts. The available European telescopes are: • ESO (www.eso.org ) • TNG (www.tng.iac.es ) • CFHT (www.cfht.hawaii.edu) • NOT (www.not.iac.es) • THEMIS (www.themis.iac.es) EPN-FP7, 26-27 February, 2007