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OneGeology status, progress and issues in Africa. 5 countries serving data 21 other countries participating Algeria Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon AR DRC Egypt Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Guinea Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mali Mocambique Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone
5 countries serving data 21 other countries participating Algeria Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon AR DRC Egypt Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Guinea Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mali Mocambique Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Tanzania Uganda Yemen Zimbabwe
55.3 % on board But............................ - 44.6 % only participating - only 10.6 % serving data
Progress slow • No complete or only old data sets available in many countries • No digital data sets available • IT capacity of many African counties below standard • Need of many African Geological Surveys to generate funds from the sale of their data • African data held by organisations outside Africa • Some countries difficult to get hold of
Light at the end of the tunnel • One Geology officially endorsed by the meeting of the Organisation of African Geological Surveys on 12 February 2009 in Cape Town • OAGS new tool get hold of difficult countries • Metallogenic map of Africa could be used for OneGeology • In preparation for the IGC 2016 in Cape Town, the compilation of regional geological maps of Africa has been decided, and there could be an obvious link to OneGeology