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We, Refmon Industries, are a leading manufacturer of acid-resistant fire bricks and other products like acid-proof brick lining, acid proof cement. By using low-ferric, high-grade clays in our process and firing them at extremely high temperatures, we ensure that our bricks have a long lifespan.
AcidProofBricks:Overview, Types, Properties,and Advantages • AnOverview– • Acid-proof bricks are made to prevent deterioration caused by acid attacks, alkalis, and other chemicals. These bricks can bear heavy loads due to their strong crushing strength and are also knownasrefractory bricks. • Acid-proof bricks are made of quartz, felspar, fire clay, and binders which are pressed in a screw press and fired at more than 1200°C. They're often used for flooring in areas with a lot of acid exposure, thelining of towers and chambers in chemicalplants, and even sewers carrying industrialeffluents. • Thesebricks requirerefractorylining forfurnaces,boilers,kilnsandotherheat-related machinesusedindiverse industries. • Criteriatoconfirmperformancerequirement ofAcid-proofbricks–
Types– • There aretwokinds ofAcidproofbricks– • ClassIBricks– • Theseacid-resistantbricks arehighly recommended forenvironments likepicklingtanks, storage tanks,andfloorsthat are frequentlysubjectedtocontactwithcorrosiveliquids. • ClassIIBricks– • These typesof acid-resistant brick are best for areasthat are frequentlysubject to chemical spills andstrongfumesbytheoccasional chemical spillsin agricultural silos.Thesetypesof bricksare alsousedforthe edgingandliningofsilos. • AmazingPropertiesofAcidproofbricks– • Some of the standard properties of acid proof bricksare – Dimensions – • Thesizeofgoodacid-resistantbricksshallbe230x114x64mm.Permissibletolerancesshall beas perthe table below. • Finishing– • Thefinishedbrickmusthaveafinegrain,bedenseandhomogenous,andbetruetoshape, sound,flatandfree fromanymanufacturingimperfections. • Advantages– • Someof theamazing benefitsofacid resistance bricks are- • This paint is made for durability - it has a low water absorption rate and doesn't corrode underroom temperature.The paintresistsoxidationand willnotsufferfrom contamination. • Easilydigestibleproteinsfrom meatareimportant foreasilydigestibleproteins, especiallyin acid-formingfoods. This canprovide sufficientnutritionto bodybuilders andathletes. • Stainless steel is a cost-saving material when special metals and alloys become unusable becauseofchemicalreactionsathightemperatures.
4.Aluminumisacost-effectivematerialthatisresistanttohightemperatures.When special metals and alloys become uneconomical because of chemical attacks at high temperatures,aluminumbecomesthe perfect alternative. • Specifiedtest forAcid-resistantbricks- • Someofthementionedtests forAcid-proofbricksare – • Waterabsorptiontest. • Flexuralstrengthtest. • Compressivestrengthtest and • Acidresistancetest. • Conclusion– • We, Refmon Industries, are a leading manufacturer of acid resistant bricksor fire bricks and other products like acid-proof brick lining, acid proof cement. By using low-ferric, high-grade clays in our process and firing them at extremely high temperatures, we ensure that our bricks havea longlifespan. • Refmon Industries has also been in the refractory industry for decades and are your trusted choiceforhigh-qualityrefractory needs.We provideoutstandingsolutionsforallof your refractorywork.Youwon'tfindthistypeofcutting-edge liningtechnologysomewhereelse. • SourceLink: • https://www.problogs.in/acid-proof-bricks-overview/