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Refmon Industries is the leading Acid Proof Lining Provider in Alwar, India. Here we are sharing acid proof lining installation procedure which is explained by our experts. So know the important salient features of acid proof lining.
AcidProofLining InstallationProcess AnExpert's View BioLink: https://refractorymeterial.wordpress.com/2022/03/14/acid-proof-lining-installation-process/ Acid proofing lining is essential to prevent corrosion due to acid. If a surface is vulnerableto acid exposure, it must be protected through theacid liningprocess. The acid liningis applied onfiberglass,plasticpipes,steelstructures,bricks,andmanymore. Acid causes rapid corrosion tothe surface. Some surfaces are vulnerable toquick damage, while other surfaces may decay in a slow process. Therefore, the acid lining is essential to protect a surface from gradual decays. The refractory lining in furnacesis a common thing for acidcorrosionprotection. Salient Featuresof AcidProofLining Acid proof lining comprisesprocessed ingredients blended todevelop a composite material. Thelatesttechnologyassuresthattheliningobtainsasuperiorfinish,alongwithan
exceptional performance value. One of the crucial materials of the lining is the cement, which offers resistance to the acid. At the same time, fire bricksand tiles should be acid-resistant to provide aseamlessservice. The furnace lining material is made to deal with temperatures up to 1700 centigrade. Besides furnaces, suchmaterials havealsobeenextensivelyusedin placeslikepowerstations, fertilizer manufacturing factories, steel manufacturing plants, and many more. A perfect acid liningensuresthatthesecommercial placesremaindurable withoutheavymaintenance. Without a strong acid lining, the industrial equipment becomes vulnerable to damage. As a result,frequentmaintenance isessentialforsuchplaces. Stepsfor AcidLiningInstallation Acid lining installation is a complex process, and thus it involves various steps. In the following section,finda step-by-stepguidetotheacidliningprocess. Applicationof BCPLBitumenPrimer As thename implies, bitumen primer is a primerfor concrete surface conditioning. Dueto acid, the concrete surface can damage to a significant level. As a result, the bricks of a building turn weaker. When the bricks become weak, the whole foundation of the building turns weak. Bitumen primer can prevent acid damage to a significant level, and thus it is essential for the acidliningprocess. Theprimerisappliedusing abrush orrolleronasurface.Sinceitis aprimer, other waterproofing treatments have been applied. However, the primer needs one-day rest before applyingotherwaterproofingsolutions over it. ApplicationofBCPLAcidProofMasticMortar
For acid-proofing, it is essential to apply the BCPL acid-proof mastic mortar. This acid-proof mastic mortar application is essential along with the acid-proof brick lining. The material is appliedtoprovidestrongacidprotectiontothesurfaces. LayingoftheAcidProofTileLining For acid lining, it is essentialto installacidproof tilelining.Acid-prooftilesare uniquely designed tiles to protect against acidic decay. Such lining will help you obtain strong protection againstwaterandaciddamageonthebrickandconcretewalls. ApplicationofBCPLFuraneResin-basedcement The last step for a strong acid lining is the application of castable refractory cement. The resin- based cement stopswater or acid fromseeping through thegapsbetween thetiles. As a result,the surface getsa strongeracid-proofingsolution. Conclusion So, these are the steps for acid lining, and you need to follow all the steps with precision. Additionally, you can install glass wool insulation for an extra layer of protection against acid damage ona surface. SourceLink:https://refractorymeterial.wordpress.com