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Here are some important factors to consider: Browse some essential tips when you choose high temperature refractory bricks, just know when you are going to buy them.
Tips To Choose Refractory Brick for High Temperature Insulation The process of choosing refractory high temperature bricks work is not too complicated. Though, it issomething that needs to be donewith care. You will need to take several factors into accountbefore makingyourdecision.Industrialequipment'sefficiencyand safety canbe compromisedifthewrongrefractorybrickischosenasinsulation. ImportantFactorstoConsiderRefractoryBricks Here are some important factors to consider: Browse some essential tips when you choose high temperature refractory bricks, just know it when you are going to buy it. Those are the most importantfactors toconsiderwhenyou'reconstructing akiln. Kindsofbrick You should start by discussing this with the manufacturer or supplier to find out about the different types.Mostmanufacturerswill providesomebasicinformationabouttheir products. Ask for technical information on how long each type of fire bricks is expected to lastanddetailsonglazequality,sothatyouarenotmisled.Youcanthendecidewhattype is best for your project and which has the best value for money. It is always better to choose insulatingrefractorybricks. Firingtemperature
If you are not sure what your firing temperature will be, you should discuss this with your supplier.Theidealtypeofinsulatingfirebrickwillbeonethatisdesignedfortherighttype offiringtemperature. Clinkercontent This is another important factor because the clinker content of bricks can vary considerably from one type to another. A brick with a low clinker content means that it has been fired at lowertemperatures. Thistype islesslikely tobreak orcrack andwillhave alongerlife. Glazequality The glaze on bricks can also vary in quality, depending onthe manufacturer. Some bricks have an inner layer of glaze that can crack or flake off when the brick is fired. The material used for this inner layer of glaze should be as pure as possible so that it will be stronger and not disintegrate overtime duetooxidation. Strengthanddurability Some types of bricks are more durable than others, which can affect their strength and longevityinyourfurnace.Differenttypes areavailabledependingonthefurnace manufacturer, so you should contact them directly to find out which option will suit your needs the best. Cost It is important to review the cost of the brick that you have chosen and compare it with the type of brick you are considering. You should also consider factors such as delivery and installationcosts as wellas anyinstallationrequirements.
Lengthandwidthofbricks The length and width of bricks can vary, which can affect yourinstallation plans. If you are not sure which length and width are best for your furnace, ask your supplier for advice. You may need to add a mortar joint to ensure that each brick fits properly in your furnace. This adds an extra layer of protection but will mean losing some insulation effectiveness. It is a quick calculationtomake whendecidingonthe bestfiberrefractoryinsulator. Conclusion You should take into account several factorswhile choosingbricks.These includefiring temperature, the type of glaze on the bricks, and the types of glaze. Some types have better propertiesthanothersandcanbeusedforalongertime. Inordertogetthe bestsolutionforyourfurnace,itis importantthatyoucontact a professional like Refmon Industries. This is because there are different laws surrounding flameproofing and insulating industrial equipment in general. Choosing the right refractory brickrequiresthe expertise ofaprofessionalwhichyoucanfindwithus. SourceLink: https://www.refmon.in/blog/refractory-brick-for-high-temperature-insulation