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LORETO SECONDARY SCHOOL LETTERKENNY Parents Information Evening. Outline of Presentation. Points System CAO HEAR/DARE UCAS General Information. Points Scale. Grade Mark H1/O1 90-100

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  2. Outline of Presentation • Points System • CAO • HEAR/DARE • UCAS • General Information

  3. Points Scale Grade Mark H1/O1 90-100 H2/O2 80<90 H3/O3 70<80 H4/O4 60<70 H5/O5 50<60 H6/O6 40<50 H7/O7 30<40 H8/O8 0<30

  4. Leaving Certificate PointsHigher Level Grade Points H1 100 H2 88 H3 77 H4 66 H5 56 H6 46 H7 37 H8 0

  5. Leaving Certificate Points Ordinary Level Grades Points O1 56 O2 46 O3 37 O4 28 O5 20 O6 12 O7 0 O8 0

  6. Points Scale • H1 100 • H2 88 • H3 77 • H4 66 • H5/O1 56 • H6/O2 46 • H7/O3 37 • /O4 28 • /O5 20 • /06 12

  7. Bonus Points For Mathematics • 25 Bonus Points will be awarded at Grades H6 and above.

  8. Minimum Entry Requirements (Matriculation Requirements) Matriculation refers to the minimum requirements for entry to a University. Matriculation has nothing to do with points.

  9. MATRICULATION REQUIREMENTS • 5 Subjects at O level including Irish/English and Maths for Institutes of Technology(Level 6&7) • 6 Subjects, 2 at H level to include Irish, English, Maths and a Language for (Level 8) NUI

  10. Matriculation Requirements • 6 Subjects, 3 at H level for Trinity College and Primary Teaching (With subject requirements) • PLCs depend on course

  11. Other Requirements • Subject Requirements/Specific Course Requirements (HL Irish Primary Teaching, Science Subject Nursing etc) • For some courses you may need to sit additional assessments (e.g.HPAT), provide supplementary information (e.g. a portfolio) or attend for an interview or audition. Results from these are normally added to Leaving Cert points and appear with a #

  12. CAO Applications

  13. Choosing Courses • Consult your Guidance Counsellor • Discuss your options with family and friends • Consult the HEI prospectuses and websites.

  14. Making an application • Applicants are encouraged to apply online. • The website address is www.cao.ie • Applying online is cheaper and it prevents many of the errors commonly associated with completing a paper application form.

  15. CAO Application Form Page 1 – Applicant Details

  16. Application Form Level 8 Choices Level 6/7 Choices

  17. Two Applications on One Form • It is possible to receive an offer on both lists • You may then decide to accept eitheryour Level 7/6 or your Level 8 offer. • Alternatively, you might not wish to accept either offer.

  18. The Offer Process • In the week following the release of the Leaving Certificate results CAO will post a communication to all applicants.

  19. The Offer Process • If you are entitled to an offer, you will be sent an offer notice. You should check that all of the details on the offer notice are correct and that there are no omissions. • Offers will also be available on the CAO website where they may also be accepted.

  20. The Offer Process • Your offer notice may contain an offer • Level 8 course • Level 7/6 course • or both • If you receive two offers at the same time you may only accept one of them.

  21. The Offer Process • There can be no delays at the offer/acceptance stage. • Any offer not accepted by the closing date for receipt of acceptance of offers in CAO will be offered to another applicant in the next round of offers.

  22. How Places are Allocated • We will look just at Level 8 courses, but exactly the same process will take place with Level 7/6 courses, and at the same time. • The importance of you, the applicant, placing courses in genuine order of preference will become apparent in the following slides.

  23. How Places are Allocated • If the applicant meets the minimum entry requirements for the course, the applicant’s points are calculated for this course choice. • All eligible applicants are then placed in a list, in order of academic merit, for each course that they applied for.

  24. Level 8 Choices DN250 DC215 AS110 LY908 DC216 GY516 GA882 LY918 DN453 DN451

  25. Level 8 Choices Explained UCD General Nursing DCU General Nursing St. Angela’s General Nursing LYIT General Nursing DCU Mental Health

  26. Level 8 Choices Explained NUIG Mental Health GMIT Mental Health LYIT Mental Health UCD Mental Health UCD Children’s Nursing

  27. Order of Preference • Place your course choices in genuine order of preference!

  28. Results Day Student achieved 416 points

  29. Points for 2018 Points 467 DN250 420 DC215 398 AS110 387 LY908 369 DC216 403 GY516 358 GA882 327 LY918 381 DN453 411 DN451

  30. Round 1 Offers Points 467 DN250 420 DC215 398 Student offered 3rd choice AS110 387 LY908 369 DC216 403 All subsequent choices are deleted. Must accept or reject offer GY516 358 GA882 327 LY918 381 DN453 411 DN451

  31. Round 1 Offers DN250 Points DC215 467 AS110 420 398 Student accepts 3rd choice Student can still be considered for her first and second choices in subsequent rounds should the points drop

  32. Round 2 Offers DN250 Points DC215 460 AS110 415 398 Student now must decide to keep first offer or change to her second offer

  33. Important Dates • CAO deadline is 1st Feb 2019 • Reduced application fee for applications submitted by 20th Jan 2019 • CAO operates a Change of Mind facility from Early May-1st July for all courses except those with Restricted Entry

  34. Frequently asked Questions • I have sufficient points for my course why did I not receive an offer? • I do not want the course I have been offered. Can I get a place in another course which is lower in my order of preference?

  35. FAQ • Can I ever get an offer for a course for which I have not applied for? • Will I disqualify myself from other offers if I accept/refuse this one?

  36. FAQ • I do not wish to accept the offer which I have received. What do I do? • What happens if my points change after the appeals?

  37. HEAR HEAR is an admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points and extra supports to students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

  38. Benefits of Making a HEAR Application • A student who meets the application criteria may be offered a place even if they do not have enough points for their preferred course. • Each participating college has a number of places to offer eligible students on reduced Leaving Certificate points.

  39. Reduced Points • Applicants must meet the minimum entry requirements and any specific course requirements before being considered for a reduced points offer. • The amount of points a course is reduced depends on: • The overall number of places on the course, • The number of reserved HEAR places, • The number of eligible applicants competing for these places.

  40. Extra College Supports • Orientation Programme • Extra tuition • One to one meetings with student advisers • Social gatherings/mentoring • Extra financial assistance when available

  41. Who Should Apply • Applicants must meet a range of financial, social and cultural indicators: • Income • Medical/GP Visit Card • Means Tested Social Welfare • Socio-economic Group • DEIS School Attendance • Area Profile • (Income plus 2 other indicators)

  42. Who Should Apply • Socio-economic Group is a measure of social background. A students (SEG) is determined by: • Parent’s/Guardian’s Employment Status • Parent’s/Guardian’s Type of Employment • Parent’s/Guardian’s Occupations • Applying to Participating Colleges

  43. Making a HEAR Application • Apply online atwww.cao.ie as part of the CAO application process by 1 February 2019 • Indicate you wish to be considered for HEAR • Complete questions relating to family’s financial situation, employment status of parents etc. • Submit supporting documentation (e.g. P21, Notice of Assessment etc) by 1 April 2019

  44. DARE • Disability Access Route to Education • DARE is an alternative admissions scheme for students whose disabilities have a negative impact on their second level education • Apply online as part of CAO Application

  45. Who Should Apply • Autism Spectrum(including Asperger’s Syndrome) • ADD/ADHD • Blind/Vision Impaired • Deaf/Hearing Impaired • DCD – Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia • Mental Health Conditions • Neurological Condition • Significant Ongoing Illness • Physical Disability • Specific Learning Difficulty • Speech & Language Communication Disorder

  46. Benefits of Making a DARE Application • Reduced Points Offer • College Supports may include- • Orientation Programme • Learning Support • Assistive Technology • Exam Accommodation • Education Support Worker

  47. Where Can I Find Information? • Full details on all aspects of the HEAR & DARE schemes can be found on www.accesscolleges.ie • Application Advice Clinics Nationwide on Sat. Jan. 19th. Donegal Clinic in Villa Rose Hotel, Ballybofey from 10am-2pm.

  48. UCAS Apply system for Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.

  49. Deadlines For Receipt Of Applications : • 15th Oct 2018 – Medicine / Dentistry / Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Science. All courses in Oxford and Cambridge. • 15th Jan 2019 – All other courses

  50. Choosing CoursesUCAS offers thousands of courses in hundreds of universities and colleges.Students need to choose their courses for the right reasons and do plenty of research before deciding where to go.

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