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4. laboratorijas darbs:. MEKA. Autors:____________. 13 .uzdevums. ZIEDAUGU DZIMTU NOTE I K Š ANA. Iekop ē jiet sav ā dator ā apak š direktoriju “MEKA”. Izmantojot noteic ē ju “ Segdz ” nosakiet, k ā dai dzimtai pieder augs . Rezultātu atspoguļojiet atbildes failā iekopējot

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4. laboratorijas darbs: MEKA Autors:____________

  2. 13.uzdevums. ZIEDAUGU DZIMTU NOTEIKŠANA. Iekopējiet savā datorā apakšdirektoriju “MEKA”. Izmantojot noteicēju “Segdz” nosakiet, kādai dzimtai pieder augs. Rezultātu atspoguļojiet atbildes failā iekopējot “Matching taxa” un “Character state history” un ieskenējot identificētās sugas ziedu.

  3. 14.uzdevums. ZIEDAUGU DZIMTU NOTEIKŠANA. Izmantojot noteicēju “Angiofam” no apakšdirektorijas “MEKA” nosakiet, kādai dzimtai atbilst diagnoze Nr. _____ Rezultātu atspoguļojiet atbildes failā iekopējot “Matching taxa” un “Character state history” Diagnozei Nr. ____________ atbilst dzimta _____________

  4. diagnozes

  5. 1. diagnoze: Habit: Herbaceous plants. Leaves alternate, simple (not compound), with entire margin, stipules absent. Inflorescences: spike. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic. Disc: present. Perianth: the sepals 5, free, the petals 0. Stamens: free. Gynoecium: the carpels 10, free from each other; the ovule 1 per locule; ovary with more than 5 locules; ovules attached to the base of the ovary. Geography: North America.

  6. 2. diagnoze: Habit: herbaceous. Leaves: opposite, simple (not compound), with entire margin, stipules absent. Inflorescences: simple and sympodial. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic. Disc: absent. Perianth: the sepals 4, connate, the petals 0. Stamens: anthers 9, filaments connate into 1 tube. Gynoecium: the carpel 1, the ovules basal; Fruit: a nut. Geography: Southern America.

  7. 3. diagnoze: Habit: herbaceous. Leaves: opposite, simple (not compound), with entire margin, stipules absent. Inflorescences: cyme. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic. Perianth: the sepals 2, the petals 5, free.

  8. 4. diagnoze: Habit: herbaceous. Leaves: opposite, simple (not compound), with entire margin, stipules absent. Inflorescences: simple and sympodial. Flowers: bisexual, actinomorphic. Disc: absent. Perianth: the sepals 5, connate, the petals 5. Stamens: flowers obdiplostemonous, filaments connate into 1 tube. Seed: arilus present.

  9. 5. diagnoze: Habit: herbaceous. Leaves: alternate, simple (not compound), with entire margin, stipules present. Inflorescences: panicle. Flowers: unisexual, actinomorphic. Perianth: the sepals 2, connate, the petals 0. Stamens: anthers 9. Gynoecium: styles 3, ovule 1 in each loculus, basal.

  10. 6. diagnoze: Habit: woody plants. Leaves: opposite, not compound, divided. Stipules: absent. Inflorescence: corymb. Flowers: unisexual. Disc: present. Stamens: anthers 7. Fruit: a nut

  11. 7. diagnoze: Habit: herbaceous. Leaves: alternate, not compound, serrate, venation longitudinal. Stipules: absent. Inflorescence: panicle. Flowers: actinomorphic, bisexual. Perianth: segments 6. Stamens: anthers 6. Gynoecium: carpels 3, ovary 3-locular, ovules more than 2 in each loculus, attached to the base. Fruit: fleshy, with 1 seed. Seeds: embryo straight, with endosperm.

  12. objekti

  13. Objekti: Pavasara pienpulkstenīte – Leucojum vernum Hipeastrs – Hippeastrum sp. Kokveida peonija – Paeonia suffruticosa Īriss (skalbe) – Iris sp. Anigozante (ķengurķepa) – Anigozanthos sp. Liziante – Eustoma grandiflorum

  14. Labas sekmes!

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