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Old Testament Survey Joshua, Judges, Samuel

Old Testament Survey Joshua, Judges, Samuel. Old Testament Survey. God had a plan to put Israel in Canaan Brought them out of Egypt Gave them the Law Refused to enter 40 years of wandering Fulfilled with the next generation. Old Testament Survey. The Lord uses those who submit to Him

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Old Testament Survey Joshua, Judges, Samuel

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  1. Old Testament Survey Joshua, Judges, Samuel

  2. Old Testament Survey • God had a plan to put Israel in Canaan • Brought them out of Egypt • Gave them the Law • Refused to enter • 40 years of wandering • Fulfilled with the next generation

  3. Old Testament Survey • The Lord uses those who submit to Him • Follow His commands • Good accomplished • Reward given

  4. Old Testament Survey Joshua Judges Samuel

  5. Old Testament Survey Joshua • Joshua chosen to lead, Josh. 1:1-9 • New generation; new leader • Trust in God • God will not fail • You will not fail

  6. Old Testament Survey Joshua • Obedience brought success, Josh. 2-6 • Spies, Josh. 2:8, 9 • Attacked God’s way, Josh 6:1-5

  7. Old Testament Survey Joshua • Sin prevented success, Josh. 7 • Achan’s sin, Josh 7:1 • Failed attack, Josh 7:2-5 • God admonished, Josh 7:10-13 • Achan discovered, Josh 7:19-21 • Sin removed, Josh. 7:24-26

  8. Old Testament Survey Joshua • The land was conquered, Josh. 8-22 • Divided among tribes • God’s promise fulfilled, Josh 23:14 • People admonished, Josh. 24:15

  9. Old Testament Survey Judges • Israel departed from God • One generation held it together, Jud. 2:7-9 • Next generation fell away, Jud. 2:10-13 • God punished, Jud. 2:14, 15 • Cycles, Jud. 2:16-19 • Self rule, Jud 21:25

  10. Old Testament Survey Judges • Many amazing events in Judges • Deborah, Barak, Sisera, & Jael, Jud. 4:17-21 • Gideon & the 300, Jud. 7:20-22 • Samson, Jud. 14-16

  11. Old Testament Survey Judges • Ruth: a ray of light in darkness • Committed to the Lord • Followed the Law • Great grandmother of David • Lineage of Jesus

  12. Old Testament Survey Samuel • Dedicated to God before birth, • 1 Sam. 1:10, 11 • Mother vowed to give him to God • Every parent’s charge, Prov. 22:6

  13. Old Testament Survey Samuel • Israel rejected God’s leadership, • 1 Sam. 8:1-22 • Samuel’s sons corrupt, 1 Sam. 8:1-3 • Rebellion, 1 Sam. 8:4, 5 • Samuel upset, 1 Sam. 8:6, 7 • People warned, 1 Sam. 8:8-18 • People insisted, 1 Sam. 8:19, 20

  14. Old Testament Survey Samuel • Samuel was a man of faith, Heb. 11:32 • Spoke God’s word, 1 Sam. 8:8-18 • Faithful in duties, 1 Sam. 12:3-5 • Rebuked the erring, 1 Sam. 13:11-14 • Finished God’s commands, 1 Sam. 15:32, 33 • Will we have such faith?

  15. Old Testament Survey • God had a plan to put Israel in Canaan • Brought them out of Egypt • Gave them the Law • Refused to enter • 40 years of wandering • Fulfilled with the next generation

  16. Old Testament Survey • The Lord uses those who submit to Him • Follow His commands • Good accomplished • Reward given

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