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If you want to feel great with a flat belly, this may be what you are searching for.
Belly Fat Burning Tips Trim Belly Fat Quick and Easy in the Comfort of Your Home Reggie Jones
Table of Contents About the Author 2 4 Tips to Burn Belly Fat 3 12 Best Weight Loss Tips 5 5 Superfoods to Kick-Start Your Metabolism 7 Can You Really Reduce Belly Fat Without Exercise? 9 How to Enjoy A Tough Workout 12 4 Tips for Weight Loss that Will Last 14 6 Easy, Fat-Trimming Workouts For Your Living Room 16 Weight Loss Mistakes Every Makes 18 Start Your Day Right with a Green Smoothie 20 Oats and weight loss 21
Reggie J I am an expert in effective weight Lose Practices. I Help Women and Men reach there weight lose goals so they can feel great and have a new energy for life. Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 2 of 21
4 Tips to Burn Belly Fat One challenge many women may face each day is getting rid of belly fat. This can be problematic and a difficult thing to do. It will take commitment and the desire to be slimmer to be capable getting rid of excess weight around the mid-section. The key to being as successful as possible when it comes to reaching this goal is by knowing some tips to help aid your success. Add Lemon to your Water Studies continue to show that adding a dash of lemon to you water will help to reduce belly fat significantly. It’s a good idea to do this each morning as soon as you wake up and begin to reach for your glass of water. Over time, the lemon will work do decrease the size of your waistline, and this is sure to help you feel and look better in the process. The key to having success with lemon water it to drink a lot of water throughout the day.Be sure to aim to get in a least eight glasses that are eight ounces full for optimal results. Eat Natural Take the time to find the right fruits and vegetables to add to your diet. This will help you reduce your belly fat significantly rather than eating processed foods that aren’t good for your health or you waistline. Process foods are loaded with preservatives that can prevent weight loss and should be avoided most of the time. Some of the unwanted ingredients in processed foods include sugar, sodium and fat. All of these can halt your weight loss and prevent you from shedding the pounds you want for the greatest weight loss success. Eliminate White It’s a great idea to avoid eating white rice or bread when you are trying to diet because this won’t help you lose weight. These foods are high in carbs and may contribute to added weight around your mid-section and should be avoided at all costs. Instead, it’s a great idea to opt for brown rice and wheat bread as better options to help slim down and look your best at any age. The benefits of feeling great are sure to accompany your efforts of doing these things. Abdominal Exercise Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 3 of 21
One of the best ways to help you get rid of belly fat is to engage in abdominal exercises regularly. These are ideal to help you tone up your stomach and to trim down at the same time. You should try to commit to doing several of these exercises each day for the best possible results. Sticking to a routine will aid you in having the best possible success and being able to decrease your waistline while working for better health at the same time. Women tend to have more belly fat than men, and this can be difficult to get the best results and but over time it’s possible. Stick to your diet and exercise regimen and you’re sure to experience success in this area! Take Back Control of your Health Today Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 4 of 21
12 Best Weight Loss Tips Why does losing weight seem to be such a struggle? If this is how you feel, you could benefit from these 12 weight loss tips that help you eat less and burn more calories—the two main ingredients for effective weight loss. Losing weight doesn’t have to be a struggle. It doesn’t even have to be a chore—if you know follow some effective weight loss tips. Rev up Your Metabolism with Weights If you’re trying to lose weight you have to give your metabolism a boost. And one of the best ways to do that is by weight training.When you build muscle, your body burns off more fat and calories and continues to do so while you are at rest. Set Small Goals Start out with small reachable goals. If you set the bar too high and cannot reach it, it’ll shatter your motivation. Don’t try to lose more than 2 to 2/12 pounds per week. Keep Track You can use a calendar to mark the days that you did your workouts and ate healthy.Looking back at this and seeing results helps inspire you to continue or even go for some extra workout days. Get a Hobby If you like to snack while watching television, you mindlessly add on the calories. But, if you have a hobby, like knitting or crocheting, it keeps your hands busy, so you don’t reach for the snacks. Check Menus If you’re planning to eat out, even a quick lunch, check out the menu items local restaurants have to offer first, so you can choose healthy, lower calorie meals. Eat Breakfast Studies show that people who eat breakfast eat fewer calories the rest of the day. Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 5 of 21
East Slowly Take the time to enjoy the flavor of your food, it helps you eat less. Watch for the Pause Have you noticed you come to a point during dinner when you put your fork down and take a break from eating? Start taking notice of this “pause” when eating. It is a sign you are full. Always use Dishes If you eat straight from the bag or box, you’ll eat more than if you measure out your serving size and eat it from a bowl or plate. Begin and End with Water Drink a full glass of water before you eat and after. This helps you feel full, so you’ll eat less. (You won’t have room for desert) Focus on the Good When trying to lose weight, people tend to focus on what they can’t have. Instead focus on what you can have. It makes healthy eating a more positive experience. Don’t Let One Slip Up Be your Undoing Maybe you overate at lunch, or you just couldn’t resist those chocolate covered doughnuts your co-worker brought in. Yes, you’ll have days where you’ll go off track, but don’t let it ruin your whole day or your entire plan. If you slip up, get right back on track with the next meal or the next day. Follow these tips to make your weight loss journey a little easier. Get This Natural Lean Belly Secret Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 6 of 21
5 Superfoods to Kick-Start Your Metabolism People have been discussing the power of superfoods for years now. Their benefits vary from food to food, but one things connects them all—their variety of healthy properties. The different types of vitamins, minerals, fiber content, protein and more are what make us consider them "super." Some of them you are already eating—others you may have never even heard of. I want to focus on five of these regenerative, body-boosting foods today that all have one specific thing in common...how they affect your metabolism. Having your metabolism running at full capacity is important not only for weight loss, but for your overall health. These five foods will help you to lose weight and feel great! 1. Chili Peppers Not only do chili peppers give your food an extra kick, they also kick-start your metabolism! Chili peppers have capsaicin in them, which is a strong metabolic booster. Chili peppers also contain good amounts of vitamin C, A and beta-carotene, to help boost your immune system. 2. Green Tea Not only does green tea contain high levels of antioxidants, it also helps to get your metabolism into a higher gear. Green tea contains EGCG, a plant compound that is believed to increase fat-burning. 3. Whole Grains Whole grains should be a big part of your diet to begin with. They help with a whole list of things, ranging from gum disease to asthma. All of that aside, whole grains help to boost your metabolism because they are more difficult for your body to break down. They are high in fiber, which will help with your overall digestion and weight maintenance. 4. Lentils Not only are lentils delicious, they are extremely healthy for you as well. Lentils are a Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 7 of 21
great source of vegetarian protein as well as being a great energy booster. Most importantly, lentils are high in fiber and iron (especially high in iron), which will help to rev up your metabolism and improve your overall digestion. 5. Blueberries First of all, Ilove blueberries. They are delicious and healthy in so many ways. They can help to do everything from managing diabetes to fighting off cancer! Blueberries have high levels of antioxidants, which help to fight off free radicals that may be impeding your weight loss. They also have high levels of fiber, which will help with your weight maintenance and digestion. All of these foods are very easy to incorporate into your diet. I would bet you are actually eating some of them already! Make sure you get a healthy balance of these five superfoods and you will not only get the metabolic health benefits that you are looking for, but also a whole host of other amazing benefits to have your body running at its full potential! Learn the Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 8 of 21
Can You Really Reduce Belly Fat Without Exercise? It sounds like an impossibility to say that you can lose weight without exercise, but it is actually possible! While exercise is one way that you can burn fat and accelerate weight loss, anything that boosts your metabolism will help you reduce your belly fat. Your metabolism is how your body uses the calories in food to make energy for your mind and body. It also regulates your weight. Here are a few ways that you can speed up your metabolism and reduce your belly fat without exercise. Hydrate Fully and Frequently An important aspect of your daily nutrition is drinking enough water to remain fully hydrated. Drinking water speeds up your metabolism about 25%, helping you to burn more calories and shed weight from your middle. Calories in other drinks—such as soda and alcohol—are some of the easiest to cut out of your diet when you are attempting to lose weight. Replacing these drinks with water, even flavored water, can help you get rid of that unwanted belly flab. Leafy Greens Are Your Best Friend Rethink your diet and enrich it with leafy greens, vegetables, and grains to help you reduce extra body fat. When you eat a diet that is rich in fiber, you are more likely to feel full longer and your body will have plenty of energy. So, ditch the starches and the carbs! Eat Negative Calorie Foods Some foods that you eat require your body to spend more energy digesting them than Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 9 of 21
they give you. What exactly does that mean? It means that, as you are eating them, negative calorie foods actually burn your fat. They take away calories. Here are some common (and yummy) negative calorie foods: -Grapefruit -Celery -Kale -Spinach -Watermelon Skip the extra sugar, dips, or dressings that you might be tempted to add to these foods for additional calorie reduction. Get a Great Night of Sleep Studies show that tired people have an increase in the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite. If you are not getting enough rest at night, this can contribute to extra eating, because your body needs energy, and weight gain. Getting the proper amount of sleep, about eight hours a night, could help you lose weight. Bust Your Stress Stress is another factor in weight gain around your belly, because it stimulates the hormone cortisol. Your body responds to this hormone by storing fat around your vital organs. If you find yourself frequently stressed, try slowing down your breathing or making time for a hobby that relaxes you. Surprising weight loss benefits may result, particularly around your abdomen. Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 10 of 21
As you can see, there are many ways that it is possible to reduce unwanted belly fat without exercise. However, exercise is still important for living a healthy and balanced life and can speed up weight loss. Keep a balanced approach to your weight loss, incorporating changes to your diet and making time for exercise, so that you can achieve your goal of reducing that belly fat. Lose 1 Pound in Less Than 3 Days Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 11 of 21
How to Enjoy A Tough Workout That circuit-training class isn’t going to take itself. But make sure you’re taking it rather than it taking you. People who engage with their exercise classes enjoy their exercise routines more than people who try to escape into their heads. And people who enjoy their routines stick with them. Getting into the gym on a regular takes at least some anticipation of pleasure. Woman does not live by long-term results alone! If you stop the negative chatter in your head and look forward to what you do like about your workout classes, you’ll find the list of things that give you pleasure while you sweat will gradually grow. Think about it and you’ll find something. Have you ever noticed how good you feel during those moments when your body is transitioning from warming up to getting into the groove? It was so hard to start, but suddenly you’re half-kickboxing and half- dancing. Then there’s the endorphin release you get when you’ve burned out your biceps and the instructor tells you to put down the weights and stretch. Has the music selection ever included a great remix of a song you love? How about the moment you realize that a balance pose in yoga has suddenly become easy for you? It’s like flying. Unexpected moments of pleasure can be found in every class if you’re open to them. You can even learn to enjoy the feeling of sweating. It means you’re alive and working hard! As a plus, having your head in the game has actually been shown to help you burn more calories. If you’re actually listening to the instructor when she says “kick high,” you’re going to kick higher. If you’re thinking about Game of Thrones? Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 12 of 21
Not so much.(Unless you’re fantasizing you’re in a swordfight. Imagining that you’re fighting someone is a fail-proofway in your workout! Who do you wish you could beat up today?) And when you think about engaging your muscles, you engage a greater percent of the muscle fibers. This means more calories burned and more muscle tissue is built and firmed. This can turn your sculpt class from just another drab attempt to burn off a muffin Of course, there are some times when you need to go to your happy place. Elbow plank, minute three? Feel free to check out. But sometimes you need to lean into the pain. Not just to burn calories, but to get the feeling of accomplishment and self-confidence that comes from giving something your all, no matter what. You thought it was stretch time and the instructor throws in an extra cardio interval? Eat it up. She’s giving you a gift: a second chance at nailing the end of the class. A chance to take what you thought was all you had to give and go beyond it. Take Back Control of your Health Today Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 13 of 21
4 Tips for Weight Loss that Will Last Most people find it relatively easy to lose weight despite the tendency to plateau, but it is difficult to continue to keep the weight off for months or years down the road. Making changes for the long term instead of going on a fad diet to drop weight quickly is important, so when you are trying to keep that weight off, find deeper reasons to do it than “I just want to look sexy.” Here are a few tips for helping you keep off that weight. Be Faithful to Your Exercise Program Exercise give s you benefits in the end by helping you maintain your overall health, so staying faithful to your exercise program is important. Not only will regular (several times weekly) exercise keep that weight off, but also it will help you feel healthy and happy throughout your daily life. Physical activity causes people to be happier, since it releases endorphins that perk your mood. People who exercise for 60 minutes every day are more content with their weight and happier with their life. Deal with Emotions Eating for your emotions can be adding to your weight gain, so pay attention to what you feel like when you are eating, especially if you are snacking. Keeping a food journal can help you recognize these instances. If you often eat because you are bored, stressed, tired, or excited, not because you are hungry, try to find other ways to deal with these emotions so that you do not gain extra weight because of your emotional cravings. Some other ways of processing emotions include: -Talking to a friend. -Writing down what you are feeling in a journal. -Going for a run. -Immersing yourself in a good book. Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 14 of 21
-Taking a nap. Avoid eating “because you feel like it” and eat when your body actually tells you that it is hungry. You will be surprised at the results. Ask for Support Accountability is motivating for people who want to quit addictions or start new habits; the same is true for beginning good diet and exercise habits. Surround yourself with family and friends who can support you in your lifestyle changes and do not be afraid to ask them for support and encouragement when you need it. Make Long Term Changes Why did you want to lose weight in the first place? What is motivating you to keep it off? Studies show that finding a reason outside of wanting to look hot in your skinny jeans or bikini are important for people who want to maintain their weight loss, since they need a more serious motivation. Look for deeper incentives such as “I want to be healthy and have more energy,” or even “I want to be around when I have grandkids” to help motivate you to make healthy eating and exercising a part of your daily life. Maintaining your weight loss is difficult, but if you look at the bigger picture, it is easier to continue the lifestyle changes that you made with your initial diet and exercise routine. Be faithful to this routine, but find new incentives to continue and surround yourself with people who can support you when you need a little pep talk. Get This Natural Lean Belly Secret Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 15 of 21
6 Easy, Fat-Trimming Workouts For Your Living Room Fitting a workout in can be difficult. Often times, people are in a rush to get to work, pick up their kids, make dinner...it can all feel very overwhelming. When you try to throw working out on top of that, it can feel near impossible. Going to the gym is a chore in and of itself. Getting your bag packed, driving to the gym, working out, showering, driving home...how will you find the time? Don't sweat (pun intended)! You can get an amazing workout from home, in the comfort of your very own living room. Here are six fat-burning workouts that you can do from home, without any crazy weights or machines! 1. Shadowboxing Cardio kickboxing can really get the blood pumping. There are so many different actions involved with cardio kickboxing that it hits most, if not all of your major muscle groups. In minutes, you'll be breathing heavy and getting your sweat on! 2. Plyometrics Plyometrics sounds like some sort of math class, but actually it's a very intelligent and challenging way to work out. Plyometrics focuses on explosive movements such as jumping rope, leaping, doing explosive push-ups and more. This will push your body just as hard as anything that you'll be doing at the gym, if not harder. 3. Yoga Yoga is amazing for relaxing, letting your mind roam free and getting your stretch on! Yoga not only works your muscles, but it also makes you more flexible, which will help with all of your other workout routines. Yoga moves beyond a workout practice and into the realm of a spiritual practice. Many people use yoga just as much for meditation as they do for weight loss. 4. Gym Class Workout Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 16 of 21
I know you probably hated doing these exercises in gym class, but now that you are out of high school, you may be able to better see the benefit of them. Do a round of push-ups, sit-ups, sit-ups while twisting back and forth to touch the ground, crunches and raising your knee to your chest from push-up position. This will wear you out and give you a great workout. 5. Calisthenics Calisthenics will push your body and will get you sweating in no time! You may need a little extra room for explosive exercises, so clear out a nice area before you get started. Throw in exercises like birpees , squats, lunges, bench dips, calf raises and chip ups (if you have a chin-up bar). This will get your blood pumping and your fat melting! 6. Pilates Pilates is a lot tougher than it looks! It can push your body to new levels, while giving you a good stretch and better control of your muscles. Best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your living room! There are plenty of videos available on Youtube and you can find the one that's right for your fitness level. No more excuses! Get your workout on from home and burn those calories! Learn the Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 17 of 21
Weight Loss Mistakes Every Makes Weight loss is something that is easier said then done. However, did you know that you could possibly be doing mistakes that women everywhere have been making on a daily basis? Do you know what these mistakes are or how to fix them? Here are some of the weight loss mistakes that every woman makes when it comes to losing weight. Having too much protein - The right amount of protein can go a long way with the right amount of exercise and meals to go with it. However, if you are getting too much protein in your diet, or through supplements then this excess protein is being stored as fat in the body. Cutting down on the veggies - You cannot have a plate of fries and say you’ve had your serving of veggies for the day. Eat carrots, leafy greens and an assortment of other foods that are great for your health so you can feel energized, while getting enough vitamins throughout the day. Having a glass of juice in the morning - This actually raises the blood sugar, and makes you hungry later on in the day. Any sugary drinks in the morning can do this, and cause you to overeat when you’re really not that hungry or perhaps don’t need that second helping of pancakes. Not getting enough sleep - This can mess with your metabolism, and make you hungry or even less hungry. Either way, the stress can get to you, the deprivation of sleep can cause you to not have energy or motivation to work out, and this causes the body to shut down and not burn fat any longer. Exercising and then binge eating - This is not okay to do. Just because you ran off those extra calories doesn't mean you get a free pass to go out and eat a large meal. You want to work the weight off, and keep it off. Try a light snack, such as a carrot stick after a work out, or eating eggs before a work out for that extra protein. Thinking that you don’t have enough time - This is a common story for those out there that are constantly on the run, busy and have so many things to do. Honestly, all you need is a solid ten minutes to get a good work out in, feel better and look better. Thats it, just ten minutes! Doing the same thing over and over - This is not going to provide you with any benefits, except for being on a routine. You need to intensify the work outs, up the frequency and change out the different things you do to work out. Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 18 of 21
Don’t ignore the weights - You might not want to have body builder arms and pecs but you do want to make sure that you tone. The only way to tone is through weight lifting and working on building the muscle that you find in areas around your body. There are many ways to get in shape, and many things that women think they are doing right, but actually are wrong. Don’t be fooled by the hype or what your friend told you. Know the facts, and make sure to make the most of them the next time you go to diet or exercise. Lose 1 Pound in Less Than 3 Days Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 19 of 21
Start Your Day Right with a Green Smoothie Hey there! Looking for a delicious idea for breakfast, or a nutrient rich mid-morning snack? Look no further—I’ve got you covered with my fat busting, weight loss promoting smoothie. Green Smoothie Time: 5 Minutes 3 Cups Of Cold Water 3 Cups Of Leafy Greens 3 Cups Of Fresh Or Frozen Fruit Simply add everything to the blender, mix and drink! Take Back Control of your Health Today Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 20 of 21
Oats and weight loss There's no doubt that you know the key to losing weight depends on the foods you choose to eat. It's important to select foods that have the fewest number of calories but provide your body with the right amount of daily nutrition. This isn't always the easiest thing to do, but it's entirely possible to aid you in your weight loss efforts. Oats is an excellent food to add to your list of foods to eat when you're trying to shed some weight. By knowing other things to consider when eating oats, this may be of assistance to you. Helps you feel fuller The key to eating less is by choosing foods that work to keep you fuller longer. Oats is one of these foods and is sure to be one that will prevent you from being hungry well after you consumed it. The reason this happens is because of fiber. Selecting foods that have a high amount of fiber will work to curb your appetite and provide you with numerous health benefits in the process. For instance, getting more fiber in your diet can help decrease the possibility of being constipated and feeling bloated daily. This is essential to aiding you in feeling your best. By eating one cup of instant oats, you will get an additional 4 grams of fiber. Calorie content Keep in mind that you will need to reduce your calories by 3500 to just lose one pound. That means you will need to watch what you eat and exercise for the best results. One cup of instant oats only adds 166 calories to your calorie budget for the day. Additionally, you will get 3.6 grams of fat, but only .7 grams of this is saturated fat, the kind that you don't want to a lot of daily. Take charge of your health and lose any excess weight that is necessary for you to feel your best and remain active. Be sure to consider adding some oats to your diet today for a leaner tomorrow! Get This Natural Lean Belly Secret Belly Fat Burning Tips Page 21 of 21