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ADJECTIVES and how to figure out C’est vs. Il est and Elle est

ADJECTIVES and how to figure out C’est vs. Il est and Elle est. C’est le 16 octobre 2e niveau. When talking about possession/or SPECIFIC THINGS. C’est MON guepard . He is my wasp. C’est MA fraise. It is my strawberry. C’est MA cousine . She is my cousin.

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ADJECTIVES and how to figure out C’est vs. Il est and Elle est

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  1. ADJECTIVES and how to figure out C’est vs. Il est and Elle est C’est le 16 octobre 2e niveau

  2. When talking about possession/or SPECIFIC THINGS • C’est MON guepard. He is my wasp. • C’est MA fraise. It is my strawberry. • C’est MA cousine. She is my cousin. • C’est MON papa. He is my daddy.

  3. Pluriel? PLURAL? These are specific right? What to do THEN? Qu’est-cequ’on fait? • Cesontmeslarmes Cesontmes raisins. Euh, non. Pas du tout. Ce ne sont pas TES raisins. Cesont MES raisins.

  4. WHAT ABOUT just a one word adjective there is NOT anything very specific, relational etc. JUST GENERALLY SPEAKING. • She is slow. Elle estlente. • He is fast. Il estrapide. • They are sad. Ilssonttristes. • They are creative. Ilssontcréatifs. • They are good. Ilssontbons.

  5. Adjectives ADD to the noun;so,using “A” or “AN” or “SOME” requires C’est or cesont in front of the noun and the adjectives • So this is definitely using C’est for HE IS or SHE IS plus the UNE/or UN. Very SPECIFIC! • C’estune GRANDE JEUNE FILLE américaine. • C’estun beau brungarçonfrançais. • C’estun bon cheval rapide et intelligent. • C’estunegrande, laidegrenouilleaméricaine.

  6. When speaking in GENERAL you use C’est even when plural at times. • C’est beau: For things in general when they are not right in front of you. Les fleurs? C’est beau. La mer? C’est beau. Etc. • BUT: when they are there? • Les fleurssont belles. But, if just speaking randomly the expression that is for beauty is C’est beau. • That’s life? C’est la vie. It is always C’est la vie. You won’t ever use ELLE est la vie. That is incorrect.

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