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ADJECTIVES and how to figure out C’est vs. Il est and Elle est. C’est le 16 octobre 2e niveau. When talking about possession/or SPECIFIC THINGS. C’est MON guepard . He is my wasp. C’est MA fraise. It is my strawberry. C’est MA cousine . She is my cousin.
ADJECTIVES and how to figure out C’est vs. Il est and Elle est C’est le 16 octobre 2e niveau
When talking about possession/or SPECIFIC THINGS • C’est MON guepard. He is my wasp. • C’est MA fraise. It is my strawberry. • C’est MA cousine. She is my cousin. • C’est MON papa. He is my daddy.
Pluriel? PLURAL? These are specific right? What to do THEN? Qu’est-cequ’on fait? • Cesontmeslarmes Cesontmes raisins. Euh, non. Pas du tout. Ce ne sont pas TES raisins. Cesont MES raisins.
WHAT ABOUT just a one word adjective there is NOT anything very specific, relational etc. JUST GENERALLY SPEAKING. • She is slow. Elle estlente. • He is fast. Il estrapide. • They are sad. Ilssonttristes. • They are creative. Ilssontcréatifs. • They are good. Ilssontbons.
Adjectives ADD to the noun;so,using “A” or “AN” or “SOME” requires C’est or cesont in front of the noun and the adjectives • So this is definitely using C’est for HE IS or SHE IS plus the UNE/or UN. Very SPECIFIC! • C’estune GRANDE JEUNE FILLE américaine. • C’estun beau brungarçonfrançais. • C’estun bon cheval rapide et intelligent. • C’estunegrande, laidegrenouilleaméricaine.
When speaking in GENERAL you use C’est even when plural at times. • C’est beau: For things in general when they are not right in front of you. Les fleurs? C’est beau. La mer? C’est beau. Etc. • BUT: when they are there? • Les fleurssont belles. But, if just speaking randomly the expression that is for beauty is C’est beau. • That’s life? C’est la vie. It is always C’est la vie. You won’t ever use ELLE est la vie. That is incorrect.