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DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. RESEARCH FOCUS 2005-2007. Research Focus : Identity and Marginality (specifically in South African literature, related to cultural identity) Strategic importance of our research :

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  2. RESEARCH FOCUS 2005-2007 Research Focus: Identity and Marginality (specifically in South African literature, related to cultural identity) Strategic importance of our research: To contribute to the transformation and development of our communities, and to offer insight into the complex South African socio-political realities

  3. 1a) San & Khoi oral tradition in SA Lit (VVuuren & John)

  4. 1b) San & Khoi orality at the interface with South African literature (Van Vuuren, John).

  5. 2. Xhosa oral tradition, praise poetry, and its syncretic nature (Somniso)

  6. 3. Whiteness as a continued hegemonic force in post-apartheid writing, and how such hegemony operates (West)

  7. 4. Afrikaans, isiXhosa and South African English linguistic & literary texts which express marginalization, or address and reflect social conflicts in society

  8. Research2005: • 6 accredited articles (Jeffery, John x 2, Koch&Kriel, Maqagi & West) • 1 contribution to book (Van Vuuren) • 1 D.Litt. theses & 5 MA dissertations • 2 international conference papers (Kwatsha) & 1 national conference paper (Van Vuuren) • 26 book reviews (academic based) (John & Van Vuuren) • NRF grant (2005-2007): Dr PH John (research associate) • Thuthuka grant (2005-2008): Dr S Goddard • Dept of Arts & Culture award for drama: Prof BB Mkonto


  10. RESEARCH 2006 • 9 accredited articles (John x 3, VVuuren x 2, Kriel, Kwatsha, West, Malan & VVuuren) • 3 contributions to books (Mkonto, Kriel & VVuuren x2) • 3 D.Litt. theses & 6 MA dissertations • 1 international conference paper (VVuuren), 6 national conference papers (Mkonto, Krielx2,VVuuren, Somniso, West) & 9 international lectures (VVuuren) • 20 book reviews (based on academic research) (VVuuren & John) • NRF grant (2005-2007): Dr PH John (research associate) • Thuthuka grant (2005-2008): Dr S Goddard • Award Dept Arts & Culture: Prof BBMkonto

  11. Dr West (D.Litt) & Ms Botha (MA, cum laude) – graduated 2006, with supervisors Dr K Goddard & Prof v Vuuren

  12. RESEARCH 2007 • 11 accredited articles (Botha&VVuuren x4, Kwatsha, Smith, Somniso, Kwatsha, VVuuren, VdSpuy&VVuuren, West&VVuuren) • 3 contributions to books (Mkonto, Kriel, & VVuuren x2) • 4 D.Litt. theses & 5 MA dissertations • 1 international conference paper (S Goddard), 5 national conference papers (Mqagi, Kwatsha x 2, Somniso, S Smith) • 9 book reviews (based on academic research) (VVuuren & John) • NRF grant (2005-2007): Dr PH John (research associate) • Thuthuka grant (2005-2008): Dr S Goddard

  13. Postgraduate students & lecturers, National English Museum, Grahamstown, 2007

  14. Outstanding aspects of research (a) • Increase in outputs: • 2005: 6 accredited articles & 1 contribution to a book • 2006: 9 accredited articles & 3 contributuions to books • 2007: 11 accredited articles & 1 forthcoming book (March 2008) • NRF rating • 2002-2007: Two rated NRF human scientists – Dr John & Prof van Vuuren • 2008- 2013 One rated NRF human scientist – Prof van Vuuren ( Dr John did not apply again) • Thuthuka award • 2005-2007: Ms (now Dr) S Goddard • Faculty of Arts Researcher of 2007: Prof van Vuuren • Increase in Successful Postgraduate Candidates Throughput • Increase in high quality research: (Dr West’s thesis accepted for publication, Ford foundation bursary to Ms M Botha for best MA dissertation in Human Sciences at NMMU)

  15. Outstanding aspects of research (b) • Interdisciplinary in nature, across languages, and across disciplines • Comparative literary framework • Texts read within cultural and socio- political context • Rethinking South African Literature = re-evaluation of the canon, including orality • Literary theory formation

  16. Research collaboration • Departmental research collaboration: • Developing younger researchers & “growing our own timber” through targeted co-publication of M & D results (D.Litt: West & Vd Spuy, MA: Botha, Malan) • Focusing on South African literature as area of expertise, rather than disparate research topics for postgraduates & established researchers. • International research collaboration: • University of Hasselt (Belgium) – Prof Luc Renders • University of Amsterdam – Prof Ena Jansen • University of Leiden – Dr Gitte Postel • Prof Tony Voss – emeritus professor (UKZN)

  17. Institutional & Community involvement • Honorary doctorates linked to the department: • Dr Athol Fugard, dramatist • Dr Antjie Krog, poet (2007) • Staff serving on national prestigious committees • SA Academy for Science and Arts (Literature Commission : Prof VVuuren & Language Commission: Prof Otto) • Eastern Cape Arts & Culture Council (Prof Mkonto) • English National Language Body (Mrs Maqagi)

  18. Antjie Krog, honorary D.Litt. NMMU 2007

  19. Research Associates • Dr PH John (2001-): Afr & Dutch • Prof Luc Renders (2006-): Afr & Dutch • Prof AE Voss (2007- ): English • Prof SE Koch (2007- ): ABLE Project leader • Dr Gitte Postel (2008-): Afr & Dutch • Prof C Jeffery (2003- ): English • Dr BE Lewis (1997- ): Classical Culture (now connected to French)

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