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Learn about CGI programming security concerns, Apache configuration, and practical exercises. Understand CGI.pm library usage, passing variables, built-in handlers, SetHandler directives, and file type filtering. Enhance your CGI skills effectively.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI current version 1.1) • a standard for external applications to interface with information servers such as HTTP servers • http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/cgi/overview.html • These external applications typically help to relay info between httpd and other software systems,e.g., DB. This is how CGI gets its gateway name. • They are called CGI programs and can be written in any language that follows the CGI spec. PERL, PERL, Unix shell, C/C+, Fortran, TCL, Visual Basic • It is executed dynamically, provides dynamic content. C. Edward Chow
CGI Security Concerns • CGI program runs with ID of the httpd (webuser in our case, nobody in many other web servers) • It can retrieve and overwrite files in directories which it has access permission! • “Security by Obscurity” Kept at different directory than that for web pages so bad guys can’t read, edit, analyze them for security holes. • Example on why apache by default does not allow to follow soft link (ln -s). Bad guy set up ln -s to a script.Then use web browser, through httpd (new permission as webuser) to retrieve the text of the script. C. Edward Chow
Apache CGI Configuration • Allow read and execute access of the CGI programs, and possible write access to the data directories used by them. • ScriptAlias URLpath directorye.g., ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /mpc/home/<login>/sites/cgi-bin • Incoming url with /cgi-bin/echoorder.pl cause /mpc/home/<login>/sites/cgi-bin/echoorder.pl to run. C. Edward Chow
Apache CGI Exercise 1 • cd /mpc/home/<login>/site.cgi/conf • Run sub.pl <your port#>. It will modify the go script and conf/httpd.conf • Start web server with go • On browser, retrieve http://bilbo:<port#>/form_summer.html • Fill the form and submit the query. • Observe the environment variables returned. C. Edward Chow
Apache CGI Exercise 2 • The myecho is the object code for Freebsd. Recompile myecho with “make”. • cp form_summer.html form_summer2.html • Edit the form_summer2.html by replacing /cgi-bin/mycgi with /cgi-bin/myecho in <FORM> tagrename it as form_summer2.html • On browser, retrieve http://bilbo:<port#>/form_summer2.html • Observe the return web page. C. Edward Chow
CGI.pm: A Perl5 CGI Library • Echoorder.pl and process.pl are written with the recent version 2.36 of CGI.pm by Lincoln Steinhttp://www-genome.wi.mit.edu/ftp/pub/software/WWW/cgi_docs.html • It provides functions for • parsing the querying string • creating web pages/fill-out forms • saving/retrieving the querying string to files • HTTP session variables • cookie, frame, javascript, and NPH support • Debug the perl script by ./<script>.plenter the query string, e.g., order1=3&order2=4 C. Edward Chow
Passing Variables to CGI Program • SetEnv variable valueSetEnv VHOST customers, set env variable value. • PassEnv <host env variable>pass host environment variables to CGI program • Find out the browser and version numberBrowserMatch browserRE env[=val1] env2[=val2]browserRE regular expression match the value in User-Agent header, when matched env var. are set. • e.g., BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/[23] tables=3 java frame C. Edward Chow
Apache Built-in Handlers • Perform certain actions when a file with particular MIME or handler type is called. • server-status: Get server’s current status • server-info: Get server’s configuration • server-parse: Parses server-side includes • AddHandler handler-name extensionmap filename extension to handler-name and wake up an existing handler. • e.g., AddHandler cgi-script cgitreat files with .cgi extension as executable CGI script C. Edward Chow
SetHandler: Site.status • Include “SetHandler <handler-name>“ in block directives, such as <directory> <location> <files>Apply the transformation specified by handler-nameto all files in the block.ExtendedStatus On<Location /status><Limit GET>order deny, allowallow from 128.198deny from all</Limit>SetHandler server-status</Location> • Require mod_access. • Method in <limit> must be upper case, e.g., GET instead of getin Apache 1.2.5 <limit get> is ok but not in Apache 1.3.3. • allow from is wrong resulting in forbidden access. • Append the above in httpd.conf, try http://bilbo:<portno>/status?refresh=5 C. Edward Chow
Perform Filtering on Certain File Type • Site.filter demonstrates the compress of .html using gzip and save it as .zhtml file. • How much storage we save in a web site by using this? • Overheadcompression, modification of web pages! decompression on retrieval • Actually there is an error on index.zhtml • The httpd.conf includeAddHandler peter-gzipped-html ghtmlAction peter-gzipped-html /cgi-bin/unziphtml • Action <type> <cgi-script>pass file with type=<type> through <cgi-script> C. Edward Chow
Site.Filter • unziphtml: #!/bin/sh echo "content-type: text/html" echo gzip -S .zhtml -d -c $PATH_TRANSLATED • gzip option: -c write output to stdout.-d decompress-S .zhtml use suffix .zhtml instead of .gz • Note that the .ghtml files got garbled. • mime.types file format does not allow .html.gz C. Edward Chow
Compressing/Modifying Web Pages • The web pages provided in site.filter from CD-ROM is not correct. Please regenerate them with the following instruction. Note that before you compressed, you need modify the links to the compressed .zhtml files. • mv htdocs to htdoc.orig • mkdir htdocs; cd htdocs • cp ../../site.virtual/htdocs/customers/* . • Replace the <li><A href="catalog_summer.html">Summer catalog </A><li><A href="catalog_autumn.html">Autumn catalog </A>WITH<li><A href="catalog_summer.zhtml">Summer catalog </A><li><A href="catalog_autumn.zhtml">Autumn catalog </A> • Gzip *.html • Rename *.html.gz with *.zhtml C. Edward Chow
Homework#4 Exercise 1: Setup site.cgi Exercise 2: Setup site.status Exercise 3: Setup site.filter. C. Edward Chow