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Addressing Hunger, Poverty, and Vulnerability in India's Economic Growth Context

Explore the dynamics of poverty and vulnerability amidst rapid economic growth in India. Learn about efforts, disparities, and policies shaping inclusive development, education, and safety nets.

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Addressing Hunger, Poverty, and Vulnerability in India's Economic Growth Context

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  1. INDIA:Hunger, Poverty and Vulnerability during Fast Pace of Economic Growth Abusaleh Shariff National Council of Applied Economic Research New Delhi - 110 002 E-mail: ashariff@ncaer.org Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People Beijing, China. October 17-19, 2007

  2. National PerspectiveTowards Faster and More Inclusive Growth – 11th Plan Vision ! • Development programmes and projects must link themselves with the macro-national objectives • 9 % GDP GR /32 % Savings Rate / 35% Investment • Bharat Nirman – Infrastructure/Information/water • Nat. Rural Employment Guarantee • JN-Urban Renewal Mission • Inclusive Development –ICDS/Nat. Rural Health Mission /Sanitation • A set of Monitorable Targets

  3. Source of Vulnerability • Sharp and consistent Region/State Disparities • Noticeable Rural–Urban differentials and lack of Linkages • Household and Gender based Inequalities • Pro-Poor, Equitious & Inclusive Policies !

  4. Income & Consumption Classes

  5. Number of Households by Income Class Bands, 2004-05 Source: Computed from HDPI 2 Survey, 2004-05

  6. Population by MonthlyExpenditure Band in Million,(2004-5 Constant Prices)

  7. MPCE Class distributions bySRCs - 2004-05

  8. Poverty & Vulnerability

  9. Head Count Ratio (HCR)and Growth of GDP Numbers on top of the bar indicate number of poor in million Source: Different NSSO Rounds and 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey 365 days reference period

  10. Incidence of Poverty (HCRs) by State - 2004-05 ALL INDIA Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey.

  11. Incidence of Poverty (HCRs) by State among the Agriculture Labour in India - 2004-05 Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  12. Incidence of Poverty (HCRs) - 2004-05 among Casual Labour in India Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  13. Mean Per Capita Expenditure according to Urban Size Class - 1999-00 Based on 365 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  14. Incidence of Poverty (HCRs) by Source of Household Income - 2004-05 Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  15. Vulnerability and Hunger

  16. ….Vulnerability and Hunger

  17. Hunger

  18. Malnutrition

  19. Employment

  20. Distribution of Workforce Aged 15-64 according to Nature of Individual’s work

  21. Average Number of Days Worked for 15-64 Years old, All India

  22. Safety Nets !

  23. Proportion of Population Covered through the Issuance of Ration Cards by Poverty Status - 2004-05 Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  24. The Poor not Covered by the Issuance of Ration Card by State - 2004-05 Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  25. Educating Masses reduces Poverty and vulnerability

  26. Incidence of Poverty (HCRs) - 2004-05Levels of Education and Place of Residence Based on 30 days reference period Source: NSSO 61st Round Consumer Expenditure Survey

  27. Vigorous investments in agriculture and rural area development essential

  28. Thank You

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