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LEARNING LANDSCAPES The Ultimate Outdoor School Makeover

LEARNING LANDSCAPES The Ultimate Outdoor School Makeover. CEFPI Southwest Region Annual Conference Denver, CO May 10, 2012. Carol Henry, PLA, ASLA, CEFPI Principal, Design Concepts Darin DeLay Denver Public Schools Project Manager, Learning Landscapes. Introduction.

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LEARNING LANDSCAPES The Ultimate Outdoor School Makeover

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  1. LEARNING LANDSCAPES The Ultimate Outdoor School Makeover CEFPI Southwest Region Annual Conference Denver, CO May 10, 2012 Carol Henry, PLA, ASLA, CEFPI Principal, Design Concepts Darin DeLay Denver Public Schools Project Manager, Learning Landscapes

  2. Introduction “I have long realized that we cannot have a great city and great neighborhoods without great schools” Mayor Wellington Webb “As a community, we receive so many benefits from ensuring that children receive a strong well-rounded education…Learning Landscapes is a perfect model of what can be accomplished when the private sector, public sector, and the nonprofit community are engaged and invested in a common goal.” Mayor John Hickenlooper

  3. Introduction Learning Landscapes are: • Participatory landscapes that support outdoor learning with academic,  physical education and socialization tools for school-age children. • Multigenerational spaces for both students and the community • An aesthetically pleasing focal point for the community.

  4. History • Since 1998, in partnership with Denver Public Schools, we have transformed 97 neglected public elementary schoolyards into attractive and safe multi-use parks tailored to the needs and desires of their neighbors and communities. • $49 Million invested in construction • Serves over 45,000 students daily • 2009 Entrepreneurial American Community Award (DPS/UCD)

  5. History Research Shows: Significant improvements in student CSAP writing scores due to outdoor environments for science and literacy (journal writing) according to DPS and DU’s Urban Partnership for Improving Science Students are able to pay attention for longer periods of time on the same assignment outdoors and are more focused when they return to the indoor class work (Louv 2008) Highest ranking teaching strategy in a recent study was Enhanced Context Strategies, this included using the schoolyard for lessons (Scott et al 2005)

  6. Program Elements • Shade Shelter • Community Gateway • Outdoor Classroom • Multi-Purpose Field • Track • Habitat Garden • Student Learning/Community Garden • Asphalt Hard Court Games • Educational Elements/Theme • Art Elements • Play Equipment

  7. Program Elements

  8. Community Involvement

  9. Educational Elements/Theming

  10. Educational Elements/Theming

  11. Shade Shelters

  12. Shade Shelters

  13. Community Gateways

  14. Multi-Purpose Field

  15. Art - Artists

  16. Art - Artists

  17. Art - Artists

  18. Art - Artists

  19. Art - Students

  20. Art - Students

  21. Art - Students

  22. Music

  23. Outdoor Classrooms

  24. Outdoor Classrooms

  25. Outdoor Classrooms

  26. Outdoor Classrooms

  27. Natural Teaching Opportunities

  28. Playground Equipment

  29. Gardens - Student

  30. Gardens – The Kitchen Community

  31. Gardens – Denver Urban Gardens

  32. Gardens – Urban Farming

  33. Volunteers

  34. Volunteers

  35. Before and After – Beach Court ES

  36. Before and After – Beach Court ES

  37. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  38. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  39. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  40. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  41. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  42. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  43. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  44. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  45. Before and After – Denison Montessori School

  46. Results

  47. Maintenance • Denver Water credits for utilization of smart irrigation systems (iCentral)

  48. Lessons Learned • Fewer fights/bullying/trips to Principal’s office – conflict resolution • Increased physical activity • Improved outdoor opportunities tied to curriculum – Improved test scores • Elevated learning curve in first months of opening new learning landscape • Calculated risk taking skills – testing new boundaries • Increased community involvement/ownership • Increase/decrease in vandalism after hours • Improved social skills • Problem solving skills • Real estate value increase • Learning through play A future elementary school

  49. Partnering Opportunities • University of Colorado at Denver www.learninglandscapes.org • Denver Public Schools • City and County of Denver • Kaboom Play Equipment • Kitchen Community and other local restaurants • Slow Food Denver • Urban Farms: Agriburbia, Revision International, Sprout City Farms • Denver Urban Gardens for Community Gardens • The Gates Foundation • Americorps • Comcast • Target • Home Depot • Local businesses • Local nurseries A future elementary school

  50. LEARNING LANDSCAPES The Ultimate Outdoor School Makeover Questions?

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