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英语快速记忆-构词法. 语言是随着人类社会的不断发展而发展的。一些旧词的过时意味着需要人们创造出一些新的词,而新的词的产生,大抵服从语法的法则,有其规律可循。语言的这种 " 弃旧创新 " 不断完善和发展的过程体现出一种规律 -- 构词法( word-formation )。. Classify: pathway freedom darkest place unfair lock everyday riverside nurse disagree. 合成词 ( 有两个或更多的词合成一个词 ):. everyday pathway riverside.
英语快速记忆-构词法 • 语言是随着人类社会的不断发展而发展的。一些旧词的过时意味着需要人们创造出一些新的词,而新的词的产生,大抵服从语法的法则,有其规律可循。语言的这种"弃旧创新"不断完善和发展的过程体现出一种规律--构词法(word-formation)。
Classify: pathway freedom darkest place unfair lock everyday riverside nurse disagree 合成词(有两个或更多的词合成一个词): everyday pathway riverside 派生词(在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词): unfair darkest disagree freedom 转化词(将一种词性转化成另一种词性): lock place nurse
构词法 合成(Compounding) { 派生法(Derivation) 【前缀/后缀】 构词法: 转化法(Conversion) 【词性转换】
合成词 Compound pain-killer 止痛药 + =
color- blind 色盲 + =
sleep-walk 梦游 + = sleep-walker
1. 合成名词 (1) n+n air conditioner blood pressure income tax credit card (2) adj + n central bank fast food 空调 血压 所得税 信用卡 中央银行 快餐
太阳系 遥控 洗衣机 驾驶执照 副产品 主编 solar system remote control (3) v-ing +另一词 washing machine driving license (4) 其他方式 by-product editor-in-chief
2.合成形容词 (1) 过去分词或带ed词尾的词构成。 absent-minded grey-haired (2) 动词的ing 或另一词构成 long-suffering far-reaching 心不在焉的 头发灰白的 长期受苦的 深远的(影响)
吃得太多 看孩子 一无所获的 3. 合成动词及合成副词 overeat baby-sit empty-handed
派生词(derivation) • 加前缀: happy ---___happy • 加后缀: develop ---develop_______ • 既加前缀又加后缀: employ ---____employ_______ un ment un ment
派生法(Derivation)---词缀法 1. 前缀: Pre- (前) Pre-reading, preview, prepay Re- (重新) Rewrite, reconsider, reuse disagree , dislike , disappear dis- (不) in/im- (不) incorrect , impossible mis –(错误或失当) misunderstand, mislead super- (超级) supermarket, superman mini-(微小) miniskirt, minibus
post–(之后) postwar, post-reading fore-(前,预先) foretell, forecast semicircle, semi-final semi-(半,部分) antiwar, anti-Japanese war anti- (阻止,抗) under- (在……下, 在……中) underground, under-develop
2. 常见的后缀 1).名词后缀 : -er -or -tion -ment -ity -ist -hood-ion 请将以下单词和上列相应的后缀相连,组成新词: work, educate, develop, visit, satisfy, teach, sail, ability, piano, art, child, act, brother, solute, conclude, move,possible
如 : teacher, worker visitor, sailor education, satisfaction development, movement ability, possibility pianist, artist childhood, brotherhood action, solution, conclusion -er -or -tion -ment -ity -ist -hood -ion
2).形容词后缀: -ous -ful -able, -ible -ant, -ent -ary dangerous, humorous helpful, careful comfortable, responsible important, excellent military, voluntary 3). 副词性的词缀: -ly -wards quickly, softly, yearly backwards, forwards
转化法(Conversion) n. 味道 { taste v.尝起来 It has a good taste. It tastes very good. Liu Xiang Broke the 100m Hurdles World Record . n.记录 { record v. 记录 He lies to record something while reading a book.
词根 adj. 残疾的 independent depend dependable disable n. 独立的 不可能的 反义 n. disability incorrect impossible possible possibility 反义 n. correct correction 反义 graduation wrong 近义 Words Building n. mistaken n. mistake graduate 误解 大学生 词根 词根 misunderstand understand undergraduate
词根 adj. 残疾的 n. 独立的 不可能的 反义 n. 反义 n. correct 反义 近义 Words Building n. n. 误解 词根 词根 大学生
root adj 残疾的 independent depend dependable disable n 独立的 不可能的 O n disability incorrect impossible possible possibility O n 教育 表达 correct correction education expression S wrong 副标题 总是 subtitle subway always S 地铁 graduation mistaken underway sideways n n 地下通道 mistake graduate underground 误解 地下的 root root 大学生 misunderstand understand undergraduate
缩写和简写: 缩写和简写(也被称为截断法或缩短法)主要采取: “截头”,“去尾”或者 “既截头又去尾”的方法生成新词. telephone---phone airplane—plane laboratory-lab mathematics--math advertisement—ad examination--exam
另外还有许多缩写词是由各个单词的首字母组成.另外还有许多缩写词是由各个单词的首字母组成. CD ( compact disk) CCTV( China Central Television) NBA (National Basketball Association) UFO( unidentified flying object) UN( United Nations) ID( identification) USA( United States of America)
构词法精练 Use the appropriate form of the words to fill in the blanks. 1. He was one of the best _______ in yesterday’s football match. (play) 2. Look! How _______ Kate is laughing! (happy) 3. It snowed _______ last night and now the streets are covered with snow. (heavy) 4. Edison was a great ________. During his life he had many __________. (invent) players happily heavily inventor inventions
5. More and more _________ have come to visit China over these years. (foreign) 6. We want ___________ reasons for your failure to help. (satisfy) 7. Please give me some reference work. It will ________ my task. (simple) 8. The boy had the ___________ of being half starved. (appear) 9. The police have __________ a plot against the President. (cover) 10. The doctor said that Mary’s mother needed an _________.(operate) foreigners satisfactory simplify appearance uncovered operation
11. She hoped that her son would become a _________. (music) 12. Few ________ words made us excited. (speak) 13. The days on the moon get hotter than ________ water. (boil) 14. Thank you for your _________. (kind) 15. Many college students work while they are studying because they want to make some money for their college _________ . (expensive) 16. Most international _________ letters are written in English, too. (busy) musician spoken boiling kindness expenses business
17. The boy noticed an ___________ mistake on his paper, but he decided not to say anything about it. (correct) 18. When in Rome, do as the ________ do. (Rome) 19. The teacher was pleased with her _______. (honest) 20. The mother didn’t know why her daughter was crying _______. (noise) uncorrected Romans honesty noisily
附:类比构词(Word-Formation by Analogy) • 类比构词是英语中一种有趣而又实用的构词方式。 • 构词特点是,以某个同类词为模式,在语义上进行联想类比,替换其中某个词素,构造出与之对应或类似的新词来。 • 例如:work-aholic(工作迷)系仿alcoholic(嗜酒者)而造seajack(海上劫持)和skyjack(空中劫持)则是类比hijack (拦路抢劫) hijacker(强盗)而成,故都属类比词。 从原形词与类比词的联系来看,英语类比构词大致可分以下三大类:
一.数字、色彩类比 • 数字类比,例如,美国总统夫人在英语中称First Lady(第一夫人),通过该词美国人又联想类比出 Fist Family(第一家庭)。First Mother(第一母亲)等词。就连总统的爱犬也身价倍增,获得了First Dog(第一狗)的殊荣,可谓一人得道,鸡犬升天。 • 色彩类比,例如,Black Power (黑人权力)最初是美 国黑人在争取自身权力斗争中提出的政治口号,后为美国其他少数种族所借用。为了反歧视争平等。印第安人提出了Red Power,美籍墨西哥人也提出了 BrownPower。另外,老年人为维护自身权益则提出Gray Power.美国英语中还因美元为绿色钞票而类比出green power一词,借指“金钱的力量”。green power虽与上述种 种Power风马牛不相及,但同属色彩类比,甚是有趣,亦含幽默。再看一例,较早出现的blue-collar (蓝领阶层的)和white-collar(白领阶层的)分别指“体力工作者的”和“脑力工作者的”,稍后产生的pink-collar(粉领阶层的)和gray-collar(灰领阶层的),则分别指“典型女性职业工作者的”和“维修保养行业工作 者的”。近年来,又有两个新的英语类比词问世,即gold-collar (金领阶层的)和bright-collar(亮领阶层的), 分别表示“高级专业人士的”和“电脑及通讯专业人士的”。
二.反义、对义类比 • 这方面英语类比词数目不少,俯拾可得。 • 例如,nightmare (梦魇—daymare(昼魇),brain-drain(人 材流失)—brain-gain(人材流入),flashback(倒叙)—flash-forward(超前叙述),high- tech(高技 术的)—low-tech(低技术的),等等。 • 在这方面,有些类比词来得有趣,仿造奇特。例如man Friday源于小说《鲁滨逊飘流记》,指主人公于星期五救出的一个土人,后成其忠仆,故名。该词进入英语词汇后泛指“忠实的仆人”或“得力的助手”。后来 出现的girl Friday一词系仿此而造, 专指“忠实的女仆”或“得力的女助手”。又如,boycott(联合抵制)一词的来历可追溯到19世纪末。当年在爱尔兰的梅奥郡有个地主名叫 Charles CunnighamBoycott,他压榨佃农,灾年拒不减租,结果激起公愤。 全郡居民联合行动,拒绝与他往来,迫使他逃离本地。此事成了报刊上的 头号新闻,Boycott姓氏不胫而走,成为“联合抵制”的代用语,并为法语、 德语、 西班牙语等欧洲语言所借用。最为有趣的是,人们将本为姓氏的boycott中的“boy”视为与girl相对应的boy(男子)一词, 故意加以 错误类比,仿造出girlcott一词,用作“妇女界联合抵制”之意。
三.近似情形类比 • 在英语类比词中,这部分词为数最多。 • 例如,Olympiad(奥运会)— Asiad(亚运会),baby-sit(临时 代人照看孩子)—house-sit(临时代人照看房子),escalator(自动扶手电梯)—travolator (设在机场等处的自动人行道), chain- smoke (一支接一支地抽烟)—chain-drink(一杯接一杯地喝酒或饮料),human rights(人权)—animal rights(动物权), hunger strike (绝食罢工或抗议)—sleep strike(绝眠罢工或抗议),boat people (乘船出逃的难民)—land people(陆路出逃的难民),等等。 • 再如,hamburger(汉堡包)这个词的类比也很有趣,它用作食物名本源于地名,但人们有意进行错误类比,将该词中的“ham”理解为“火腿”,并据此仿造出一系列新词,用以指称类似汉堡包, 夹有各种馅子的食品,如 fishburger, cheeseburger ,nutburger,beefburger,soyburger等。 在现代英语中,类比构词一直很活跃。由于它合乎人们思维习惯,操作简便,故在百姓口语、报刊文章里 均有运用,加之构词范围广,因而新词语不断涌现,层出不穷。