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Garrett "Gary" Davis Google App Engine meetup 2009-10-05. DerivedProperties. Google App Engine experts recommend: optimize queries and reads, not writes. Specifically (among other things) ... Compute and store data in advance, not when reading.

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  1. Garrett "Gary" Davis Google App Engine meetup 2009-10-05 DerivedProperties

  2. Google App Engine experts recommend:optimize queries and reads, not writes. Specifically (among other things) ... Compute and store data in advance, not when reading. Store redundant data in one record; don't use joins The goal

  3. Storing redundant data uses ... more storage space. Too bad. more coding time to maintain that data. That's worse. The consequences

  4. Queries for Google App Engine have limitations. Specifically (among other things) ... Query results can return only one 'table' – no joins Queries are resolved using one, and only one, index, using elements of that 'table' Therefore ... Store everything on every record needed to support every query. A related goal

  5. Case-insensitive search Sound-alike search Number of comments for a blog entry News article or blog "slug" per this article: "Django tips: auto-populated fields" www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/nov/02/ django-tips-auto-populated-fields/ Specific uses

  6. How do we maintain that redundant data with minimal work? The work is ... Define an extra field or fields Derive, and store, the initial value, when creating a new object Update that value, if it ever changes The challenge

  7. Manually calculate the value whenever needed. class NameAddress(db.Model): name_last = db.StringProperty() name_first = db.StringProperty() irrelevant_details = db.TextProperty() name_lowercase = db.StringProperty() def update_name_lowercase(self): self.name_lowercase = self.name_last.lower() A first approach

  8. Override the db.Model.put() method in the datastore. class NameAddress(db.Model): name_last = db.StringProperty() name_first = db.StringProperty() irrelevant_details = db.TextProperty() name_lowercase = db.StringProperty() def put(self): self.name_lowercase = self.name_last.lower() return super(NameAddress, self).put() suggested by the article "Django tips: auto-populated fields" http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/nov/02/django-tips-auto-populated-fields/ A more general approach

  9. Override the db.Model.put() method in the datastore. class NameAddress(db.Model): name_last = db.StringProperty() name_first = db.StringProperty() irrelevant_details = db.TextProperty() name_lowercase = db.StringProperty() def put(self): self.name_lowercase = self.name_last.lower() return super(NameAddress, self).put() Problem: This works if you always use using model_instance.put() But it doesn't work if you instead use db.put() If you do, the datastore doesn't call your put() method A problem with this approach

  10. Build something like a Python @property attribute. to automatically maintain a 'calculated value'. class NameAddress(db.Model): name_last = db.StringProperty() name_first = db.StringProperty() irrelevant_details = db.TextProperty() @property def name_lowercase(self): return self.name_last.lower() We can't use the @property decorator directly, due to magic in the datastore's Model and Property classes. Another approach

  11. Build something like a Python @property attribute. to automatically maintain a 'calculated value'. So we define a new datastore Property type (subclass of db.Property), and override the _get__ method, which calculates the value. class CalculatedProperty(db.Property): def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class): # calculate and return the value we want Another approach

  12. class CalculatedProperty(db.Property): def __init__(self, calc_fn, **kwds): super(CalculatedProperty, self).__init__(**kwds) self.calc_fn = calc_fn def __get__(self, model_instance, model_class): if model_instance is None: return self return self.calc_fn(model_instance) we override the __get__ method, so the system calculates the value whenever needed ... including when the datastore stores the record: see get_value_for_datastore(), which calls property.__get__() CalculatedProperty, defined

  13. class NameAddress(db.Model): name_last = db.StringProperty() name_first = db.StringProperty() irrelevant_details = db.TextProperty() name_lowercase = CalculatedProperty( lambda rec: rec.name_last.lower() ) CalculatedProperty, applied

  14. class NameAddress(db.Model): name_last = db.StringProperty() name_first = db.StringProperty() irrelevant_details = db.TextProperty() @CalculatedProperty def name_lowercase(self): return name_last.lower() CalculatedProperty, the decorator

  15. Number of comments for a blog entry class BlogItem(db.Model): slug = CalculatedProperty(slugify_fn) title = db.StringProperty(required=True) body = db.TextProperty(required=True) author = db.UserProperty() created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) updated = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) comment_count = CalculatedProperty(comment_count_fn)) def slugify_fn(self): # trivial / incomplete return re.sub('\s+', '-', self.title.lower()) def comment_count_fn(self): what_do_we_do_here? Try this one yourself ...

  16. A similar concept: DateProperty(auto_now=True) DateProperty(auto_now_add=True) For further information on extending properties, read this article: "Extending Model Properties" by Rafe Kaplan of Google code.google.com/appengine/articles/extending_models.html Too much information

  17. Nick Johnson's blog entry blog.notdot.net/2009/9/Custom-Datastore-Properties-1-DerivedProperty My article code.google.com/p/gawsh/wiki/CalculatedProperty Sources and references

  18. Google App Engine in Action Garrett Davis, Nick Johnson, et. al. from Manning Publishing Coming to a bookstore near you, sometime next year A plug

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