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Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: A Reference Architecture for Private Cloud

PRC208 . Sr. Program Manager. Windows Server Hyper-V, Microsoft. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: A Reference Architecture for Private Cloud . Bryon Surace. Члек Сергей / Serguei Chlek. Руководитель направления HP BladeSystem. Hewlett-Packard. Agenda. The origins of Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track

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Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: A Reference Architecture for Private Cloud

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  1. PRC208 Sr. Program Manager Windows Server Hyper-V, Microsoft

    Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: A Reference Architecture for Private Cloud

    Bryon Surace Члек Сергей / Serguei Chlek Руководитель направления HP BladeSystem Hewlett-Packard
  2. Agenda The origins of Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Benefits of a Private Cloud Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track principles and architecture Fast Track Partners Solutions Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit
  3. Public vs. Private Clouds Public cloud represents the core cloud attributes of self-service, shared, scalable/elastic and usage-based on shared resources. Public Cloud Private Cloud Private cloud represents the core cloud attributes of self-service, shared, scalable/elastic and usage-based on dedicated resources. Enterprise Service IT Department Enterprise Cloud Provider Service Service Service Service Service Service
  4. Approaches to implementing Microsoft’s Private Cloud Service Providers High Reference Architecture Hyper-V Cloud Service Providers Custom Level of Pre-Integration Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Hyper-V Cloud Deployment Guides Low Low Speed of Deployment High
  5. Deployment: Pre-configured Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Private Cloud Reference Architecture – Validated Configurations of Compute, Storage, Networking, Management Software Partner Solution Stack Microsoft Solution Stack Prescribed Configs of Compute, Network, Storage Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V System Center: SCVMM, SCOM required; VMMSSP 2.0, SCCM, SCDPM recommended X Rack and/or blade servers Y Networking Switches Z Storage arrays + + Faster speed to deployment of private cloud Reduced risk – validated configurations by Microsoft and Partners Tailored to your needs – broad ecosystem for hardware and services Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track
  6. Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Speed to Deployment Reduce Risk Flexibility and Choice Deploy faster with preconfigured reference architectures from Microsoft and Partners ! Quickly provision VM’s Detect and adapt to failures Increase density while maintaining performance Multiple server configurations available Flexible sizing to start small and grow Open architecture for easy integration
  7. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: Architectural Principles Pooled Resources Elastic Continuous Availability Predictable Usage-Based Multi-Tenant Secure Self-Service Partner Software Technology Compute Network Storage
  8. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Conceptual Architecture Components Compute Network Storage Management Virtualization Automation Service Management Tenant / User Self-Service The Dynamic Datacenter Reference Model Service Deliver Sub-Domain Defines Provides Service to Software Sub-Domain Manages Defines Provides Service to Platform Sub-Domain ManagementSub-Domain Operations Sub-Domain Manages Provides Service to InfrastructureSub-Domain
  9. Logical Architecture
  10. Logical Architecture: Management
  11. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: Management Design Principles Scalable infrastructure Infrastructure Deployment – bare metal to infrastructure deployed Utilize Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Windows Deployment Services Provisioning and De-Provisioning Self-Service Portal v2.0 (small, medium, large VM’s or by workload) Infrastructure Monitoring Insight from HW layer to software layer in the VM Infrastructure Maintenance Must be able to update any element of the infrastructure without impacting availability Resource Optimization Dynamically move workloads to adjust to bottle-necks Consolidate on few resources when appropriate to increase utilization ratio Backup and Disaster Recovery
  12. Logical Architecture: Compute
  13. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: Compute Design Principles Processors, cores, RAM – High I/O – low latency (blade or rack) High Quality servers to host state-full workloads SAS or SATA for direct attach SAN for all VM workloads If Fiber Channel – 2+ (4 to 8) GFC HBA’s If iSCSI – 10 GbE NIC’s or HBA’s If FCOE – 2+ 10Gb-CNA’s MPIO Each server must use multiple NIC’s teamed and/or virtual NICs Redundancy
  14. Logical Architecture: Networking
  15. Detailed Analysis: Network Design Principles Tiered design Redundant paths High Capacity Must support 802.q1 VLAN Trunks to ensure certain traffic does not suffer Redundancy throughout Management Integration
  16. Logical Architecture: Storage
  17. Detailed Analysis: Storage Design Principles Highly available storage Reliable, highly available SAN MPIO support Cluster support Solution must isolate between storage and Ethernet I/O If converged, must provide QoS to guarantee storage performance iSCSI is required for guest clustering iSCSI and FC Ethernet  Fiber Channel bridge Clustered File Systems Cluster Shared Volumes 2008 R2 Feature – shares disk and I/O redirection Same VLAN for multi-site clustering
  18. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track:Storage Improved resiliency through integration into System Center
  19. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track: Configurations
  20. Fast Track Partner Offering Status
  21. IBM Private Cloud Offering Learn more at PRC111
  22. NetApp Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track with Cisco Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track is a pre-validated, best-in-class Microsoft private cloud design NetApp entry is the first multi-vendor private cloud architecture Joint collaboration among NetApp, Cisco and Microsoft Microsoft infrastructure software (Microsoft Hyper-V, Systems Center including SCVMM, SCOM, SCSM, Opalis) Cisco UCS servers and Nexus switches NetApp storage & software Accelerates private cloud deployments at reduced risk Technical reference architecture, design, build and operate guides Cisco® UCS B-Series Blade Servers and UCS Manager Cisco Nexus®Family Switches NetApp FAS Storage Systems
  23. Logical Architecture View Administration Hardware Orchestration Automation Management Virtualization CMDB: Fabric state UI: Initiate workflows End-to-end workflows Manage processes and operations Centralized automation and configuration Management and Provisioning Virtualization and Resource Pools Sample Scripts DDTK-H Opalis Integration Packs OnCommand, Plug-infor MSFT, PRO Tips, SSP 2.0 Scripts PowerShellToolkit SnapDrive ® for Windows SnapManager ®for Hyper-V Data ONTAP ®, SDKs WS-Man,PowerShell, SMI-S Interfaces Online Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdjCBTTXAx8
  24. Руководитель направления HP BladeSystem Hewlett-Packard

    HP VirtualSystem for Microsoft

    Члек Сергей / SergueiChlek
  25. Возможности виртуализации на уровне аппаратной платформы Сеть Система хранения данных Сервер Консолидация сетевых подключений и виртуализация портов для сокращения кабелей и обеспечения дополнительной гибкости при управлении сетями LAN/SAN Объединение нескольких физических устройств для хранения данных в единую логическую систему с управлением из центральной консоли Метод безопасного сосуществования нескольких независимых операционных систем и приложений на одном физическом сервере
  26. Системыхранения Конвергентная Инфраструктура НР в основе ЦОД нового поколения Серверы Сеть Питание и охлаждение Управляющее ПО
  27. Интегрированные конвергентные системы из стандартных базовых блоков от НР Системы хранения VirtualSystem Серверы Сеть CloudSystem Управляющее ПО AppSystem
  28. Ваш путь к частному облаку От набора серверов и СХД к облачным платформам HP CloudSystem Автоматизация, оркестрация, управление услугами Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud Частное облако, оптимизированное для приложений Microsoft HP VirtualSystemдля Microsoft Основа для построения частного облака с использованием технологий Microsoft HP BladeSystem и HP ProLiant Передовая модульная архитектура и виртуализация сетевых подключений
  29. HP VirtualSystemдля MicrosoftПоставляется как готовое решение для любого масштаба нагрузки Производительность Построено на базе лидирующей инфраструктуры HP BladeSystem и самого перспективного гипервизора Microsoft Hyper-V Архитектура системы хранения данных продумана до мелочей под задачи эффективной виртуализации Сквозной стек средств управления от уровня аппаратной платформы до уровня виртуализации Hyper-V иприложений Готовый фундамент для частного облака Масштабируемость
  30. Лучшая платформа для Microsoft Hyper-V Высокая производительность, масштабируемость и надежность HP P4000 LeftHand SAN Solutions Доступная производительность корпоративного класса и возможности виртуализации HP BladeSystem Простота Постоянная доступность Онлайн масштабирование 3x производительность ввода/вывода 2x объем памяти 3x ВМна сервер До2 ТБпамяти на один сервер 10ГбEthernet, готов дляFCoE Virtual Connect для гибкости БольшеВМна сервер с уровнем консолидации 20:1 Лидирующаяинфраструктура на базе блейд-серверов НР
  31. Варианты комплектации HP VirtualSystem Масштабируемые решения для разных задач HP Virtual System VS3—Виртуализация серверов 6,000 виртуальных машин HP BladeSystem – конвергентная инфраструктура HP 3PAR Utility Storage HP VirtualSystem VS2—Виртуализация серверов и ПК 2,500 виртуальных машин HP BladeSystem – конвергентная инфраструктура HP P4800 SAN for BladeSystem HP VirtualSystem VS1— Виртуализация серверов 750 виртуальных машин Серверы HP ProLiant HP P4500 SAN
  32. Преимущество HP VirtualSystem – это простота Лидирующие компоненты протестированные как единый комплекс
  33. HP Virtual System @ HP Booth SupportsIT challenge contest Chance to win a real Proliantfor your home
  34. Solution AcceleratorMicrosoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit v6.0 Performs Discovery, Assessment, and Readiness analysis Version 6.0 provides consolidation guidance for Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Solutions
  35. Feedback Dear attendees! Your feedback is appreciated! In notepad that can be found in attendee’s infopack, you will find a feedback form Please, rate the session and pass the feedback formto the moderator on exit To take part in a lottery, please do not forget to mark the feedback form with the number of your badge Thank you!
  36. Questions? PRC208 Bryon Surace Sr. Program Manager, Windows Server Hyper-V bryons@microsoft.com You can ask your questions at Microsoft zone in Hall 17 within an hour after end of this session
  37. Balanced compute and storage; Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Validated NEW VS1: Rack based server solution for mid-sized business HP A-Series switches Deep buffers / low latency for best critical connection performance 1GbE and 10GbE flexibility for current and future networks Up to 8 HP ProLiant DL380 G7 servers Rack form factor for mid-market flexibility Leading rack server for virtualization HP P4500 LeftHand SAN Non disruptive scale of capacity and performance , from 14 to 57 TB Superior availability, disaster recovery Affordable enterprise functionality with comprehensive feature set including Multi-site cluster support Integrated Software Window Server 2008 R2 Data Center for high availability and unlimited VMs per server Insight Control 6.3 and Microsoft System Center for management of hardware infrastructure through applications
  38. Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track Validated NEW VS2: Single rack all-in-one solution for enterprise Virtual Connect Flex-10 Modules Wire network once ,make changes on the fly without disruption to service 65% reduction in infrastructure costs 40% lower power consumption Reduce 95% of sprawl at the server edge Up to 28 HP ProLiant BL460c G7 servers Optimal VM density per server World’s no. 1 blade platform* VS2 Base: 6 servers VS2 Extended: 12 servers Integrated Software Window Server 2008 R2 Data Center for high availability and unlimited VMs per server Insight Control 6.3 and Microsoft System Center for management of hardware infrastructure through applications HP P4800 LeftHand SAN SAN converged into HP BladeSystem for optimal density, efficiency, performance VS2 Base: 2 nodes VS2 Extended: 4 nodes Capacity of 42 to 84 TB *IDC Quarterly Server Tracker Q2 2011
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