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Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488. Předmět. Would rather, had better, prefer. Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová. Prefer/would prefer . prefer + - ing I prefer chips to mashed potatoes . I prefer stay ing at home to travell ing abroad .
Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488 Předmět Would rather, had better, prefer Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová
Prefer/would prefer prefer + -ing I preferchipstomashedpotatoes. I preferstayingathometotravellingabroad. Do youprefercookingathometoeatingout? X wouldprefer + to infinitive (I would) I´dpreferchipsratherthanmashedpotatoes. I´dpreferto stayathomeratherthanto travelabroad. Wouldyoupreferto cook a mealathomeratherthanto go to a restaurant?
Would rather wouldrather + bare infinitive (I wouldrather) I´drathersleepinside, it´squitecold. We´drathertake a taxi. I´drather go there. I´drather not go there. I´dratherhavegonethere. I´drather not havegonethere. X wouldrather + sb. + past tense I´dratheryoutook a taxi. I´dratheryoudidn´t drive the car. I´drather my parentsknewaboutit. I´dratheryouwentthere. I´dratheryoudidn´t go there. I´drahteryou had gonethere. I´dratheryouhadn´tgonethere.
Had better had better + bare infinitive (You had better) You´d better stop smoking. You´d better go there. You´d better not go there. You´d better have gone there. You´d better not have gone there. You´d better close the window, otherwise you might catch a cold. He´d better not drink so much wine, otherwise he might not be able to drive. Hadn´t I better go and tell the boss? Hadn´t she better have bought some fizzy water?
Should x had better All riders should wear helmets. (obecně platné) X ´´I´m going for a short ride.´´ ´´Still, you´d better wear a helmet.´´ (individuální rada) Children shouldn´t eat so many sweets because sugar spoils their teeth. X You´d better not drink that milk, it´s sour.
Translate (and complete): 1 Chtěl bys raději strávit dovolenou v hotelu nebo v kempu? Dal bych přednost ………….. před …………. 2 Měl bys raději jet vlakem, je to levnější. Ale já bych raději …………., protože ………… 3 Raději bychom mu neměli volat tak pozdě, už by mohl spát. Ale já bych raději, aby on to věděl co nejdříve. 4 Dáváš přednost sledování předpovědi počasí v TV nebo poslouchání počasí v rádiu? 5 Neměli bychom raději zavolat sanitku? 6 Raději bych (Dal bych přednost) zůstal doma, než šel ven. 7 Měl by ses raději teple obléct, je tam dost zima. 8 Byl bych raději, abys mi řekl pravdu. 9 Raději bych slyšel pravdu. 10 Neměl bys raději lhát.
KEY Translate (and complete): • Wouldyouratherspendtheholidayat a hotel orat a campsite? I´dprefer to stay ……….. ratherthan ………… . • You´dbetter go by train, it´scheaper. But I´drather (go by plane), because (it´sfaster). • We´dbetter not phonehim so late, he mightbesleeping. But I´drather he knewit as soon as possible. • Do youpreferwatchingweatherforecast on TV to listening to it on theradio? • Hadn´twebetter call an ambulance? • I´dprefer to stay in (athome) ratherthan (to) go out. • You´dbetterwearwarmclothes, it´srathercoldoutthere. • I´dratheryoutoldmethetruth. • I´dratherhearthetruth. • You´dbetter not lie.
Make dialogues, react to the sentences. Example: A: I ´ve a splittingheadache. B: You´dbetter drink a lot ofwater. A: But I´drathertake a pill and liedown./ But I´dratheryoupassedme a pill. • I´ve a terrible cough. • James has forgotten his HW. • Stephenhasn´ttakenoff his shoes. • Nobodywants to participateatthe festival. • Whowill go withme to thepub? • Mike has drunk a lot and he wants to drive ushome. • Teacher: Whenshallwewritethe test?
There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct the sentences. • You had ratherbuy a newbicyclethan a mobile phone. • Wouldyoupreferwritingthe test on Mondayratherthan on Tuesday? • Do youpreferswimming in theseathanswimming in the pool? • Wewouldratheryou not giveus so much homework. • You´dbetterdon´t drink so much coffee. • Somestudentsprefer to use laptops to exercisebooks. • Hadn´twebetterbuy more food yesterday? Theshops are closedtoday. • Do youthinkwe´dbetter to book a table in advance in that restaurant? • I´drather he doesn´tinviteus to the party, I don´tfeellikegoingthere. • He´dbetter not havetouchthevase, nowit´sbroken.
KEY There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct the sentences. • You had betterbuy a newbicyclethan a mobile phone. • Wouldyoupreferto writethe test on Mondayratherthan on Tuesday? • Do youpreferswimming in theseato swimming in the pool? • Wewouldratheryoudidnot giveus so much homework. • You´dbetternot drink so much coffee. • Somestudentspreferusinglaptops to exercisebooks. • Hadn´twebetterhaveboughtmore food yesterday? Theshops are closedtoday. • Do youthinkwe´dbetterbook a table in advance in that restaurant? • I´drather he didn´tinviteus to the party, I don´tfeellikegoingthere. • He´dbetter not havetouchedthevase, nowit´sbroken.
Použité zdroje • DOOLEY, Jenny a EVANS, Virginia.Grammarway4. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2006. ISBN 978-1-84216-368-9. Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora.